
Revision as of 11:18, 24 May 2010 by TakeruDavis (talk | contribs)
370Luvdisc.png This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

SomeoneElseShipping is the name given to the pairing of Misty and Georgio. It is well-known that Georgio has been secretly admiring Misty from a distance. The name of this Shipping comes from Misty's announcement to Georgio that there's someone else she likes. Hence, this Ship is considered canonically one-sided.

File:Misty and Georgio.jpg
Georgio and Misty
Misty blushing for what Georgio said

In the episode A Date with Delcatty!, Georgio sends a letter saying that he wishes to meet Misty. He approaches Misty at the appointed place with a blushing face and quickly asks her to go on a date with him. Misty is utterly shocked by this. Even though Casey comments that Georgio seems nice, Misty refuses to go out with him. Georgio then proceeds on telling Misty that she's the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and Misty blushes at the compliment. Psyduck comes out of its ball and teases Misty, making the young Water-type Trainer furious. After returning Psyduck to its ball, Misty announces that she's leaving. Georgio continues to persuade Misty by showing her tickets to a baseball game where they get to dine and watch at the same time. He specially bought those tickets, which has the best seats, just for her.

After some comments from Casey about the seats, Georgio challenges Misty to a battle. If Misty loses, she would have to go on a date with him. Misty accepts the challenge, regardless of the conditions, since it's her duty as Gym Leader. Before the battle could start, Butch and Cassidy steals Georgio's Delcatty. Misty, with a big help from Casey and her Meganium, helps Georgio retrieve his Pokémon from Team Rocket. Their battle continues after Butch and Cassidy blasted off. Misty, using her Corsola, wins the battle, but she promises Georgio to battle with him someday.

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