How come we are not menacing that this is also a Unicorn? Random Chaos 02:12, 2 October 2010 (UTC)

Keldeo can't be based on a toy?

Banette was a plushie/stuffed doll.

Baltoy was based on a top.

So how is it so surprising a Pokemon can be based on a toy line? Pokemon can be based on ANYTHING, there are NO limitations whatsoever. So why not this? - 050294 09:22, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

While those WERE based on toys, they weren't based on specific toy franchises like this. It is based on a unicorn, which My Little Pony is also based on. Sure, Wargle was based by American culture, but on typical American culture. I'm not ruling out that Japanese Pokémon cannot have any American influence, but My Little Pony isn't something which is widely known enough for a foreigner to likely know. I did quickly research it, and while My Little Pony has reached Europe and China, there is no mention of Japan. Just because something looks like something else does not mean that it was based on it. --SnorlaxMonster 10:19, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
I guess I can see where you're coming from somewhat. However, just because it isn't widely known by foreigners does not mean it can't be made into a Pokemon. Origins are also used to point out resemblances as well. For example, The plant on Venusaur's back vaguely resembles the giant flower Rafflesia."</>, so saying that Keldeo resembles a My Little Pony doll really doesn't seem out of place. - 050294 10:40, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

A vote?

Should we maybe vote for this tidbit to be added back to the origins? - 050294 10:00, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

Well, the toy line was based on unicorn and we already listed unicorn as one of the possible inspiration, so I don't think we should list both in the origins, one is enough. -- Dion20 10:07, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
A vote is a bit over-the-top. Just discuss. --SnorlaxMonster 10:19, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
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