Triumphant (TCG)

← Undaunted
TCG expansions


File:Triumphant logo.png
Cards in set English: 102
Japanese: 80
Set number English: 46
Japanese: 45
Release date English: November 3rd, 2010
Japanese: July 8th, 2010
Theme Decks

Verdant Frost ()
Royal Guard ()

Reviving Legends
Clash at the Summit

HS - Triumphant (Japanese: 頂上大激突 Clash at the Summit) is the name given to the fourth and final expansion of cards of the HeartGold & SoulSilver era of the Trading Card Game.


  • Palkia & Dialga LEGEND and Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND are the only LEGEND cards in the English release of the expansion. Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND and Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND were also in the Japanese expansion, but they were released one set before, Undaunted for their English release. Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND originates from Lost Link.
  • The four Pokémon Prime from the Japanese release: Machamp, Celebi, Electrode, and Yanmega; are put together with the four from Lost Link: Magnezone, Gengar, Mew, and Absol; to make eight for the English release.
  • The sleeves for this set feature Celebi.
  • The booster pack designs feature Dialga, Palkia, Magmortar, and Electivire.
  • Poké has revealed the official number of cards is only 102 cards; this count does not include the Alph Lithograph. The fourteen remaining cards originated from the Lost Link mini-set and either involved the Lost Zone or, in the case of Mr. Mime, Tangela, Seviper and Riolu, had a related evolutionary stage or counterpart who had attacks involving the Lost Zone.

Pre-release information

Japanese release

  • April 13th 2010: A product ad reveals Palkia & Dialga LEGEND, Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND, and the four Pokémon Prime: Machamp, Celebi, Electrode, and Yanmega. It also lists that there will be a Supporter card that only works when the player have more Prize cards left than the opponent, an Energy returning a Knocked Out Pokémon to the player's hand, and an attack that increases the amount of the opponent’s Prize cards.
  • June 8th 2010: The English press release for Undaunted confirms the third LEGEND for Clash at the Summit to be Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND.
  • June 18th 2010: The official card database updates with images of Palkia & Dialga LEGEND, Celebi Prime, Machamp Prime, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Ponyta, Rapidash, Aipom, and Karate King.
  • June 18th 2010: The Daisuke club website adds another advertisement confirming Aggron and Nidoking.
  • June 26th 2010: Yahoo Kids posts an English image of Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND, confirming its card text.
  • July 6th 2010: TOHO Auctions post the remainder of the card images.
  • July 8th 2010: The set is released.

English release

Theme decks

English decks

  • Verdant Frost
  • Royal Guard


No. Card Name Type Rarity
1/102 Aggron    
2/102 Altaria    
3/102 Celebi    
4/102 Drapion    
5/102 Mamoswine    
6/102 Nidoking    
7/102 Porygon-Z    
8/102 Rapidash    
9/102 Solrock    
10/102 Spiritomb    
11/102 Venomoth    
12/102 Victreebel    
13/102 Ambipom    
14/102 Banette    
15/102 Bronzong    
16/102 Carnivine    
17/102 Ditto    
18/102 Dragonite    
19/102 Dugtrio    
20/102 Electivire    
21/102 Elekid    
22/102 Golduck    
23/102 Grumpig    
24/102 Kricketune    
25/102 Lunatone    
26/102 Machamp    
27/102 Magmortar    
28/102 Nidoqueen    
29/102 Pidgeot    
30/102 Sharpedo    
31/102 Wailord    
32/102 Dragonair    
33/102 Electabuzz    
34/102 Electrode    
35/102 Haunter    
36/102 Kangaskhan    
37/102 Lairon    
38/102 Lickilicky    
39/102 Luvdisc    
40/102 Machoke    
41/102 Magby    
42/102 Magmar    
43/102 Magneton    
44/102 Marowak    
45/102 Nidorina    
46/102 Nidorino    
47/102 Pidgeotto    
48/102 Piloswine    
49/102 Porygon2    
50/102 Tentacruel    
51/102 Unown    
52/102 Wailmer    
53/102 Weepinbell    
54/102 Yanmega    
55/102 Aipom    
56/102 Aron    
57/102 Bellsprout    
58/102 Bronzor    
59/102 Carvanha    
60/102 Cubone    
61/102 Diglett    
62/102 Dratini    
63/102 Gastly    
64/102 Illumise    
65/102 Kricketot    
66/102 Lickitung    
67/102 Machop    
68/102 Magnemite    
69/102 Nidoran♀    
70/102 Nidoran♂    
71/102 Pidgey    
72/102 Ponyta    
73/102 Porygon    
74/102 Psyduck    
75/102 Shuppet    
76/102 Skorupi    
77/102 Spoink    
78/102 Swablu    
79/102 Swinub    
80/102 Tentacool    
81/102 Venonat    
82/102 Volbeat    
83/102 Voltorb    
84/102 Yanma    
85/102 Black Belt Su  
86/102 Indigo Plateau St  
87/102 Junk Arm T  
88/102 Seeker Su  
89/102 Twins Su  
90/102 Rescue Energy E  
91/102 Absol    
92/102 Celebi    
93/102 Electrode    
94/102 Gengar    
95/102 Machamp    
96/102 Magnezone    
97/102 Mew    
98/102 Yanmega    
99/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND     
100/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND     
101/102 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND     
102/102 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND     
FOUR Alph Lithograph T  

Clash at the Summit

No. Card Name Type Rarity
001/080 Bellsprout    
002/080 Weepinbell    
003/080 Victreebel    
004/080 Yanma    
005/080 Yanmega    
006/080 Yanmega    
007/080 Celebi    
008/080 Kricketot    
009/080 Kricketune    
010/080 Ponyta    
011/080 Rapidash    
012/080 Magby    
013/080 Magmar    
014/080 Magmortar    
015/080 Psyduck    
016/080 Golduck    
017/080 Tentacool    
018/080 Tentacruel    
019/080 Swinub    
020/080 Piloswine    
021/080 Mamoswine    
022/080 Wailmer    
023/080 Wailord    
024/080 Luvdisc    
025/080 Voltorb    
026/080 Electrode    
027/080 Electrode    
028/080 Elekid    
029/080 Electabuzz    
030/080 Electivire    
031/080 Nidoran♀    
032/080 Nidorina    
033/080 Nidoqueen    
034/080 Nidoran♂    
035/080 Nidorino    
036/080 Unown    
037/080 Celebi    
038/080 Spoink    
039/080 Grumpig    
040/080 Skorupi    
041/080 Nidoking    
042/080 Machop    
043/080 Machoke    
044/080 Machamp    
045/080 Machamp    
046/080 Cubone    
047/080 Marowak    
048/080 Lunatone    
049/080 Solrock    
050/080 Carvanha    
051/080 Sharpedo    
052/080 Drapion    
053/080 Aron    
054/080 Lairon    
055/080 Aggron    
056/080 Bronzor    
057/080 Bronzong    
058/080 Pidgey    
059/080 Pidgeotto    
060/080 Pidgeot    
061/080 Lickitung    
062/080 Lickilicky    
063/080 Kangaskhan    
064/080 Ditto    
065/080 Porygon    
066/080 Porygon2    
067/080 Porygon-Z    
068/080 Aipom    
069/080 Ambipom    
070/080 Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND     
071/080 Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND     
072/080 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND     
073/080 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND     
074/080 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND     
075/080 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND     
076/080 Junk Arm G  
077/080 Black Belt Su  
078/080 Twins Su  
079/080 Indigo Plateau St  
080/080 Rescue Energy E  
081/080 Alph Lithograph G  

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