List of Brazilian Portuguese Pokémon themes: Difference between revisions

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Enjoying the island in the sun
Enjoying the island in the sun
===[[Pokémon Theme#Opening animation: Dub Movie 20 OP|Tema de Pokémon (Temos que Pegar)]]===
This opening was sung by Eliezer Pyller and written by Jill Viegas
{{Schemetable|Sun & Moon}}
! Brazilian Portuguese
! English
| <ab>Esse é meu jeito de viver
Ninguém nunca foi igual
A minha vida é fazer
O bem vencer o mal
Pelo mundo viajarei
Tentando encontrar
Um Pokémon e com o meu poder
Tudo transformar
Pokémon! (Temos que pegá-los), Isso eu sei
Pegá-los eu tentarei
Juntos teremos que
O mundo defender
Pokémon! (Temos que pegá-los), Isso eu sei
Pegá-los eu tentarei
Vai ser grande a emoção
(Temos que pegar!)
Temos que pegar!
Desafios vou encontrar
E os enfrentarei
Lutando pelo meu lugar
Todo dia estarei
Vem comigo, vamos formar
Sempre a melhor equipe
E sempre juntos vamos vencer
O sonho é poder
Pokémon! (Temos que pegá-los), Isso eu sei
Pegá-los eu tentarei
Juntos teremos que
O mundo defender
Pokémon! (Temos que pegá-los), Isso eu sei
Pegá-los eu tentarei
Vai ser grande a emoção
(Temos que pegar!)
Temos que pegar!
Temos que pegar!</ab>
| <ab>This is my way of living
Nobody has ever had the same
My life is making
Good overcome evil
I will travel around the world
Trying to encounter
A Pokémon and with my power
Transform everything
Pokémon (We have to catch them), I know this
I'll try to catch them
Together we'll have to
Defend the world
Pokémon (We have to catch them), I know this
I'll try to catch them
The emotion will be great
(We have to catch!)
We have to catch!
I'll encounter challenges
And I'll face them
Fighting for my place
I'll be every day
Come with me, let's form
Always the best team,
And always together, we'll win
The dream is power
Pokémon (We have to catch them), I know this
I'll try to catch them
Together we'll have to
Defend the world
Pokémon (We have to catch them), I know this
I'll try to catch them
The emotion will be great
(We have to catch!)
We have to catch!
We have to catch!</ab>
