Drake Clawfang

Joined 30 January 2008
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I haven't played Diamond and Pearl, but if I ever do, this will be the team. Currently though, it's all hypothetical and based only on what I've read here. Gotta admire Gengar, still going strong and on the team after two revisions, although he's not team leader anymore. I'm not sure about Porygon-Z entirely, but I couldn't pick between Magmar and Electabuzz, so it's in. Not like it's matters really.
I haven't played Diamond and Pearl, but if I ever do, this will be the team. Currently though, it's all hypothetical and based only on what I've read here. Gotta admire Gengar, still going strong and on the team after two revisions, although he's not team leader anymore. I'm not sure about Porygon-Z entirely, but I couldn't pick between Magmar and Electabuzz, so it's in. Not like it's matters really. Currently my perception of darkness includes Psychic, Ghost and Dark types. Go figure.

