Professor Willow/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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:''"There's a Pokémon nearby! Here are some Poké Balls. These will help you catch one!"''
:''"There's a Pokémon nearby! Here are some Poké Balls. These will help you catch one!"''

;After catching starter
;After catching first Pokémon
:''"Congratulations! You've caught your first Pokémon! You are such a talented Pokémon Trainer! What should I call you?"''
:''"Congratulations! You've caught your first Pokémon! You are such a talented Pokémon Trainer! What should I call you?"''
:''"Oh, what a cool nickname! Nice to meet you! You will need more Poké Balls and other useful items during your exploration. You can find items at PokéStops. They're found at interesting places like sculptures and monuments. From now on, you'll be off exploring all over the world. I hope you get out there and catch Pokémon—and register them in your Pokédex! It's time to GO!"''
:''"Oh, what a cool nickname! Nice to meet you! You will need more Poké Balls and other useful items during your exploration. You can find items at PokéStops. They're found at interesting places like sculptures and monuments. From now on, you'll be off exploring all over the world. I hope you get out there and catch Pokémon—and register them in your Pokédex! It's time to GO!"''
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:''"Great job catching that Furfrou, Trainer! Did you know there are also [[List of Pokémon with form differences|other Pokémon that're known to change their appearance]]? That includes one we've spent a lot of time researching lately: Hoopa. Hoopa is known to have two forms. So far, you and I have seen it as Hoopa Confined, but I hear its power increases astronomically when it becomes Hoopa Unbound. I wonder if we'll ever get to witness it ourselves. I suppose all we can do for now is continue our research. In fact, Blanche has been receiving reports of some spooky occurrences out in the field. We're not quite sure what the cause is, but like all things lately, we can't rule out Hoopa's involvement. Hoopa's no stranger to mischief, and you never know how it'll use its rings next, so I think further investigation is in order. I'll be sure to share more details with you when I have them, <player>. Now, let's GO!"''
:''"Great job catching that Furfrou, Trainer! Did you know there are also other Pokémon that're known to [[Form|change their appearance]]? That includes one we've spent a lot of time researching lately: Hoopa. Hoopa is known to have two forms. So far, you and I have seen it as Hoopa Confined, but I hear its power increases astronomically when it becomes Hoopa Unbound. I wonder if we'll ever get to witness it ourselves. I suppose all we can do for now is continue our research. In fact, Blanche has been receiving reports of some spooky occurrences out in the field. We're not quite sure what the cause is, but like all things lately, we can't rule out Hoopa's involvement. Hoopa's no stranger to mischief, and you never know how it'll use its rings next, so I think further investigation is in order. I'll be sure to share more details with you when I have them, <player>. Now, let's GO!"''

Line 302: Line 302:
:''"The sound of it is said to make its listeners uneasy. I wonder if it’s trying to lead the Pokémon out into the open..."''
:''"The sound of it is said to make its listeners uneasy. I wonder if it’s trying to lead the Pokémon out into the open..."''
:''"Wait, what was that?"''
:''"Wait, what was that?"''
:''"Look there! A dark shadow just dashed across the sky! Keep your eyes up, %PLAYERNAME%, and chase after it! Let’s GO!"''
:''"Look there! A dark shadow just dashed across the sky! Keep your eyes up, <player>, and chase after it! Let’s GO!"''

Line 408: Line 408:
:''"The team leaders and I are so proud of all the work you’re doing to grow as a Trainer. This only adds to the list of your accomplishments."''
:''"The team leaders and I are so proud of all the work you’re doing to grow as a Trainer. This only adds to the list of your accomplishments."''
:''"And with enough time and training, perhaps we’ll be able to see Keldeo’s other form one day. I’ll keep a blank page in my research notebook ready—no, several pages!"''
:''"And with enough time and training, perhaps we’ll be able to see Keldeo’s other form one day. I’ll keep a blank page in my research notebook ready—no, several pages!"''
:''"Haha. I suppose that marks the end of this adventure, but you’ll be hearing from me soon, %PLAYERNAME%. Until then, let’s GO!"''
:''"Haha. I suppose that marks the end of this adventure, but you’ll be hearing from me soon, <player>. Until then, let’s GO!"''
=====Grass and Gratitude=====
:''"Hey there, <player>!"''
:''"I’m so glad you’re here. Get this—there’ve been sightings of Shaymin in the area!"''
:''"Well, it might be more accurate to say “potential sightings,” as I’ve yet to verify the information."''
:''"Shaymin lives in common flower patches but is rarely noticed. It’s often mistaken for a flowering plant when curled up—what unique behavior for a Mythical Pokémon!"''
:''"I can’t help but wonder if we’d know more about Shaymin if only we were a little more observant."''
:''"Let’s put that theory to the test and see what we can learn taking a good look around the area, shall we?"''
:''"How did it go, <player>? Any chance you ran into Shaymin while you were out?"''
:''"No? Well, that’s OK! I see you got some good snapshots of other Pokémon in the meantime."''
:''"Hmm... That gets me thinking. As you might know, the flowers all over Shaymin burst into bloom if it’s lovingly hugged and senses gratitude."''
:''"I hypothesize that if we take the time to share some thankfulness, we’ll attract Shaymin’s attention."''
:''"Not that we need any excuse to celebrate Pokémon, I say! In fact, how about we appreciate them in photo form with some more snapshots, <player>?"''
:''"Your snapshots look great, <player>! You’ve got a real knack for catching Pokémon—both in Poké Balls and on camera!"''
:''"And y’know what else you’ve got a knack for? Pokémon battles!"''
:''"I’m sure you already know that one of the ways you can keep your team in tip-top shape is by powering up your Pokémon. Why don’t you do that and come see me when you’re done?"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>!"''
:''"I was just thinking about Shaymin again. One of the many things that makes Shaymin so special is that it has two known forms."''
:''"I refer, of course, to its Land Forme and Sky Forme. Land Forme Shaymin is Grass-type, but when it turns into Sky Forme Shaymin, it becomes Grass- and Flying-type."''
:''"Some say that it transforms when it takes in the scent of a rare flower."''
:''"Perhaps you’re wondering what would happen if a human took a whiff. A researcher from long ago tried just that, but alas, his body remained unchanged."''
:''"Ah well. Not all hypotheses hold water. That’s just part of the scientific process!"''
:''"And speaking of learning, why don’t you spend some time with other Grass-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon? Maybe they’ll inspire you to make some hypotheses of your own!"''
:''"Excellent work, <player>. Now you’ve got even more Pokémon to bring along on your journey!"''
:''"In the spirit of Shaymin being the Gratitude Pokémon, let’s show some gratitude to our old and newfound friends alike."''
:''"How about taking some snapshots with your Pokémon or feeding them some tasty Berries? I know my beloved Meltan always enjoys a snack—maybe your Pokémon are the same!"''
:''"Your Pokémon are positively glowing, <player>! I’m sure they appreciated that extra quality time with you."''
:''"The more time I spend with Pokémon, the more I appreciate all their unique qualities."''
:''"For example, Torchic is oh-so-cuddly. It has fire burning inside it, so hugging it is lovely and warm. Then there’s Mudkip, who contains amazing power—it can crush rocks bigger than itself."''
:''"I could also wax poetic about Treecko, whose feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings."''
:''"And that’s just a scant three Pokémon! I’d love to hear your observations too, <player>. What unique Pokémon and traits can you observe?"''
:''"<Player>! Yay—it’s Shaymin!''
:''"It looks happy—I daresay even grateful—to be in the care of an exemplary Trainer like you!"''
:''"And as long as we’re on the subject, I want you to know I’m incredibly thankful you helped me with my research."''
:''"I know it’s not always easy, but I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your contributions to my studies."''
:''"Studies that never end, I might add. Haha. So rest up, and I’ll be in contact again soon."''
:''"Let’s GO...with gratitude!''
=====GO Fest 2023: Fascinating Facets=====
:''"Hello, <player>, and welcome to Pokémon GO Fest 2023!''
:''"You’ll never guess what I’ve found—another treasure map! This one looks like it leads to..."''
:''"...a pile of Pikachu-shaped Poffins?"''
:''"Whoops. Wrong map. Here—this one! It says it leads to “a treasure so beautiful, it surpasses all others.”"''
:''"What do you think it could be, <player>? A Pokémon? A sparkling gem? A giant lake full of ice-cold Pinap Juice?"''
:''"There’s only one way to find out: by following this map!"''
:''"The first step leads us to the PokéStops over there. Let’s GO!"''
:''"Phew! Nothing like a brisk walk to get the blood flowing, eh, <player>?"''
:''"I saw you even caught a few Pokémon on the way here. I hope you let me have a look at them later!"''
:''"Now, the map isn’t too clear on where to go next. Instead, there are drawings depicting some of the Pokémon found in the area."''
:''"If we follow one of them, maybe that’ll point us in the right direction!"''
:''"And look—there’s a whole bunch of Pokémon just ahead. Let’s see if we can make a few new friends, shall we?"''
:''"That’s quite the group of Pokémon you’ve caught, <player>! So lively."''
:''"They’re really putting the “fest” in Pokémon GO Fest!<br>...And the “Pokémon,” now that I think about it. Haha."''
:''"Seeing where they’ve led us, I’ve got a feeling we’re getting close to that treasure! Now, for the next leg..."''
:''"Hm. I might’ve spoken too soon. This next stop looks pretty far away."''
:''"But isn’t that wonderful? We’ll be able to hatch some Eggs on the way there!"''
:''"Your Buddy Pokémon might enjoy the chance to “stretch its legs,” so to speak. I know Meltan will. Er, even though it doesn’t technically have legs."''
:''"*huff* *huff* That was some distance we covered, huh, <player>?"''
:''"Need a little break? To be honest, I do—which is why I’m relieved our next step doesn’t appear to require movement at all!"''
:''"Look here. The map has a drawing of an Eevee surrounded by its Evolutions."''
:''"I don't see any Eevee around, but one of its most unique traits is its ability to evolve into more than one Pokémon!"''
:''"Maybe it means we should evolve some Pokémon of our own. It can’t hurt to try, right?"''
:''"Wh-whoa, <player>!''
:''"Look at all those pretty pink jewels! It’s enough to make my eyes gleam. That can only be the Mythical Pokémon Diancie!"''
:''"I’ve heard other researchers say it’s the loveliest sight in the world—and now seeing Diancie for myself, I concur with their evaluation!"''
:''"Some have even said that Diancie can instantly create many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands."''
:''"Picture it: Diancie sparkling in a shower of glittering diamonds! What a spectacle that would be."''
:''"All our work’s paid off. This Pokémon really is the most beautiful treasure of all!"''
:''"But guess what? We haven’t even reached the end of the trail! There’s one step left.<br>“If you would polish your gem to its most brilliant sheen, take a whetstone to whimsy and build boulders to bulwarks.”"''
:''"Sounds a bit like it’s describing Diancie’s types, doesn’t it? I know—let’s power up some Rock- and Fairy-type Pokémon!"''
:''"Is that another jewel, <player>? looks to be Mega Energy for Diancie!"''
:''"Amazing! I can’t wait to see how Diancie changes when it Mega Evolves. I can only imagine it’ll grow even more beautiful!"''
:''"Now, I’ve already spent a dazzling day with you, so I won’t ask you to continue our research right this second."''
:''"Instead, feel free to spend some time getting to know your new Pokémon friend—and if it does Mega Evolve, be sure to let me know what you learn!"''
:''"Sound good? Good! You’re as much of a gem as Diancie, <player>."''
:''"Until next time...let’s GO!"''

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:''"In fact, I’m wishing for us to have lots more adventures together just like this one, <player>!"''
:''"In fact, I’m wishing for us to have lots more adventures together just like this one, <player>!"''

====Jump-Start Research====
=====GO Fest 2023: London Park Adventure, GO Fest 2023: New York City Park Adventure and GO Fest 2023: Osaka Park Adventure=====
* 1/5
:''"Ah, <player>! Good to see you! There's a lot to do this summer! New things to expérience—new Pokémon to find! Let's start with a few simple tasks to help you get your bearings."''  
:''"Great to see you, <player>! I’m thrilled you can join me for Pokémon GO Fest!"''
:''"Make a new friend."''
:''"We have quite the exciting day ahead of us! I’ve found something special..."''
:''"Catch 3 Pokémon with Weather Boost."''
:''"a mysterious map of the park! It’s marked with a path of cryptic clues that look like they lead to something hidden—and sparkly!"''
:''"Hatch an Egg."''
:''"Let’s follow it and see what Pokémon and treasures we find along the way."''
:''"Here’s the first clue: “Call companions out from under every rock and stone with citrine’s aroma.”"''
:''"Hmm...citrine gems are orange. The same shade of orange as Incense, in fact!"''
:''"How about we use an Incense as we explore the park? The Pokémon we find might just lead us somewhere special!"''
* 2/5
:''"So this is where those Pokémon were leading us!"''
:''"But the only treasure I see is the joy on the shining  faces of all these Trainers. Including yours, <player>!"''
:''"Maybe the next clue will give us more to go on."''
:''"This one reads: “Crystallize memories more glittering than gold, more valuable than diamonds."''
:''"And look—nearby locations are circled!"''
:''"I scouted the park before you arrived, and I remember those spots had some stunning geology. The Pokémon inhabiting them looked happy as can be!"''
:''"Even without this map, I was going to recommend that you see them for yourself! And as for crystallization, what better way to preserve a memory than with a snapshot?"''
:''"Why don’t we follow the map and take pictures with our Pokémon?"''

* 3/5
:''"Wow, is that a Dratini you've found? That's quite a rare Pokémon! I can tell this Dratini has the potential to become a close friend of yours! Why don't you two take some time to get to know each other?"''
:''"Those snapshots you took are some real gems, <player>! I’m planning to put this one I took of Meltan on my fridge."''
:''"But alas—no treasure yet! Onto the next clue. I’ve got a good feeling about this one."''
:''"“When searching for a glimmering jewel, keep your eyes sharp and your aim true.”"''
:''"Now, I know you’d never let a Pokémon escape your notice..."''
:''"But keeping steady aim when catching Pokémon can be a challenge, even for the most experienced Trainers."''
:''"Maybe this hint is testing our Poké Ball pitching prowess. Something tells me we’re close to discovering that “glimmering jewel”!"''
* 4/5
:''"Wow! Is that the Pokémon I think it is, <player>—the Mythical Pokémon Diancie?!"''
:''"Amazing! Brilliant! Just look at those pink crystals shimmer!"''
:''"Some say that Diancie’s glimmering form is the loveliest sight in the whole world, and I’m inclined to agree!"''
:''"And the sparkles just keep coming! Diancie can instantly create diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands."''
:''"Exceptional work, <player>. But we’re not through yet!"''
:''"Here’s our next, and last, hint:"''
:''"“A trail of shimmering stardust leads to beauty beyond measure.”"''
:''"Sounds to me like we’d better hurry and start collecting Stardust!"''
* 5/5
:''"Oh? What did you uncover, <player>?"''
:''"I’ve never seen this particular Mega Energy before, but I’ll bet it can be used to Mega Evolve Diancie!"''
:''"Diancie is breathtaking as it is, so I can’t wait to see what happens when it Mega Evolves. I can only imagine it’ll grow even more beautiful."''
:''"If you do Mega Evolve Diancie, I’d better be first to know!"''
:''"But we’ve had a long adventure already, and I don’t want to tucker you out before you get to explore the area yourself."''
:''"Thank you for spending the day with me, <player>. I treasure  all the time we spend together."''
:''"I hope the rest of your day is as lovely as Mega Diancie! Let’s GO!"''
=====GO Fest 2023: London City Sights, GO Fest 2023: New York City Sights and GO Fest 2023: Osaka City Sights=====
<!--Part 2/5 is hosted by Candela, Part 3/5 is hosted by Spark and Part 4/5 is hosted by Blanche-->
* 1/5
:''"It’s great to see you, <player>!"''
:''"I’ve received reports of strange meteorites falling around the city. And where there’s unusual activity, unusual Pokémon usually aren’t far behind!"''
:''"In this case, that Pokémon is Mega Rayquaza. You’ve probably seen glimpses of it already today!"''
:''"You know, I’ve recently heard theories from other researchers that that upon seeing particular meteorites, Rayquaza will remember how to use Dragon Ascent."''
:''"But there’s something even more impressive about Dragon Ascent: it allows Rayquaza to Mega Evolve!"''
:''"Isn’t that fascinating? It makes you wonder what makes some meteorites so unique—which is precisely why I’ve asked the team leaders to help me collect samples from around here!"''
:''"Now that you’re here too, why don’t you join their search? You might even learn something about Mega Rayquaza along the way!"''
:''"Preparation is key to any adventure, so I recommend you and your Buddy Pokémon grab a snack before setting out. You’ve got quite a day ahead of you, <player>!"''
* 5/5
:''"<Player>! Welcome back!"''
:''"I see you’ve collected a couple meteorites. Stellar work! Haha."''
:''"Did you happen to encounter Mega Rayquaza while you were exploring?"''
:''"Wonderful! As you might know, Mega Evolution isn’t just about channeling strength—it’s also about your bond with Pokémon."''
:''"You’ve worked hard learning more about Rayquaza and collecting those peculiar meteorites."''
:''"I’m sure Rayquaza is as impressed with your perseverance as I am! In fact, if you had the opportunity, I’m sure you’d have no trouble Mega Evolving Rayquaza yourself."''
:''"Now, that’s enough from me. Thanks for all your help with my research! Enjoy the rest of the day!"''
====Jump-Start Research====
:''"Ah, <player>! Good to see you! There's a lot to do this summer! New things to expérience—new Pokémon to find! Let's start with a few simple tasks to help you get your bearings."''
:''"Make a new friend."''
:''"Catch 3 Pokémon with Weather Boost."''
:''"Hatch an Egg."''
:''"Wow, is that a Dratini you've found? That's quite a rare Pokémon! I can tell this Dratini has the potential to become a close friend of yours! Why don't you two take some time to get to know each other?"''
:''"Earn a Candy walking with your buddy."''
:''"Earn a Candy walking with your buddy."''
:''"Take a snapshot of Dratini."''
:''"Take a snapshot of Dratini."''
Line 1,680: Line 1,848:
:''"And that’s just the way it should be—all in the name of keeping Pokémon everywhere safe."''
:''"And that’s just the way it should be—all in the name of keeping Pokémon everywhere safe."''
:''"Thanks for your help,  <player>. Until the next time we need to foil their plans!"''
:''"Thanks for your help,  <player>. Until the next time we need to foil their plans!"''
=====A Shadowy Disturbance=====
* 1/5
:''"I’m sure I left them around here somewhere..."''
:''"Oh, hey, <player>!"''
:''"You haven’t seen my earplugs, have you? Those Team GO Rocket Grunts over there have been blasting music at higher volume than a Loudred all day!"''
:''"What’s more, I’ve barely been able to walk two steps without the crinkling of littered candy wrappers underfoot."''
:''"And do you see all the bright red Rs they’ve spray-painted around here?"''
:''"I’m all for a good party, but theirs has been a real nuisance."''
:''"Could you have a chat with those Grunts while I clean things up, <player>?"''
* 2/5
:''"How did it go, <player>? Did you have a calm, reasonable discussion with those Team GO Rocket Grunts?"''
:''"No? They just started battling you? *sigh* I guess that’s to be expected."''
:''"Well, thanks for getting them to quiet down all the same! I can finally hear myself think again."''
:''"And what I’m thinking is, there’s no way those rambunctious Grunts would settle down so easily. I’m positive they’ll come back before long."''
:''"Could you “chat” with them again if you see them, please?"''
* 3/5
:''"Well done, <player>!"''
:''"You defeated them so quickly, it almost makes ME want to start a party!"''
:''"But it’ll have to wait, because right as those Grunts scampered away, I overheard them muttering about coming back bigger, louder, and wilder than ever."''
:''"We can’t have them disturbing the local Pokémon—to say nothing of the assault on my eardrums!"''
:''"Let’s put in a complaint with their superiors, shall we? Defeat the Team GO Rocket Leaders!"''
* 4/5
:''"Great work, <player>!"''
:''"You’ve won us some peace and quiet, but I think we should make certain Team GO Rocket isn’t planning any more mischief."''
:''"And that means taking down their boss, Giovanni!"''
:''"I know you can do it!"''
* 5/5
:''"Expertly done, <player>!"''
:''"Good news on my end—Meltan and I are just about finished picking up all the litter Team GO Rocket left behind."''
:''"Thanks for your help today. We should throw our own party to celebrate your success!"''
:''" a reasonable volume. And we’ll pick up after ourselves, of course."''
:''"I’ll see you again soon, <player>!"''

====EX Raid Boss introduction====
====EX Raid Boss introduction====
Line 2,740: Line 2,945:
:''"Thanks for spending another day with me, <player>. Until next time, let’s GO!"''
:''"Thanks for spending another day with me, <player>. Until next time, let’s GO!"''

====Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 and Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020====
=====Swinub Community Day Classic=====
* 1/5
:''"Hi there, <player>. I can't help but be impressed by your progress. You've done fantastic work in researching Pokémon originally discovered in the [[Kanto]], [[Johto]], [[Hoenn]], and [[Sinnoh]] [[region]]s. Now that we've researched Pokémon that were found in those regions... let's take a closer look at Pokémon originally discovered in the [[Unova]] region! I think it's fascinating that even though we know a lot about Pokémon from all over the world, there's always more to learn! Speaking of discoveries, I've been doing some additional research and heard about an interesting phenomenon that has to do with {{p|Meowth}} in the [[Galar]] region. I was speaking with a [[Sonia|researcher]] who's the granddaughter of a [[Professor Magnolia|colleague]] from Galar, and she shared some intriguing information. It seems that Galarian Meowth lived with seafaring people, which toughened their bodies so much that parts of them turned to iron. May be I could get a few workout tips—I've been looking to some ways to toughen up myself! Anyway...let's do some more research on Pokémon originally discovered in Unova, but be sure to keep your eyes open for other exciting discoveries."''  
:''"Hey there, <player>!"''
:''"Have you noticed all the Swinub out today? I wonder if there’s something they find enticing buried around here."''
:''"After all, Swinub rub their snouts on the ground to find and dig up food. Their favorite food is mushrooms that grow under dead grass."''
:''"In fact, in ancient times, the people of Hisui relied on this skill."''
:''"Best we don’t interrupt any Swinub mid-snuffle, but we can still spend some time observing them."''

* 2/5
:''"Wonderful work, Trainer. You might be familiar with the tradition in which a Pokémon Trainer selects their very first partner from a group of three Pokémon. These first-partner Pokémon are normally {{t|Fire}}, {{t|Water}} or {{t|Grass}} types. In Unova, many Trainers choose the {{type|Water}} {{p|Oshawott}} as their first-partner Pokémon. This Sea Otter Pokémon is known to use the scalchop on its stomach during battle. Isn't that just adorable? Please continue your research, and let me know your findings."''  
:''"You’re right, some mushroom soup does sound good, Meltan—"''
:''"Ah, <player>! Welcome back! Though I should’ve heard you coming with those sniffing Swinub behind you."''
:''"Swinub’s Evolution, Piloswine, also has a sensitive nose. And their thick coat of long hair helps them endure freezing cold."''
:''"Sounds cozy, doesn’t it? Maybe I should take a hint and grow my beard out during the winter months..."''
:''"Ahem. You’re right—I’m sure their hair is different from mine. The cold is nothing a good parka can’t fix, anyway!"''
:''"Let’s have a look at Piloswine in person."''

* 3/5
:''"I can't stop thinking about how cute Oshawott is— Oh! You're back! Excellent work catching that Patrat! Now that we've researched the Water-type first-partner Pokémon of many Unovan Trainers, let's shift focus to the Fire-type one—Tepig! I'm a particular fan of Tepig because it uses the fireballs that come from its nose to roast Berries. It's such a clever use of an ability. I just love roasted Pinap Berries! We should continue our work and see what else we can discover."''  
:''"Is that a walking coat or a Piloswine, <player>?"''
:''"Aw, not even a chuckle? I didn’t expect my joke to get such a chilly reception! Haha."''
:''"I’ll make it up to you with a cool fact—Piloswine’s Evolution, Mamoswine, has tusks made of ice! As the weather grows colder, its ice tusks grow longer, thicker, and more impressive."''
:''"What do you think Mamoswine’s tusks will look like on a day like this?"''

* 4/5
:''"Being the savvy Trainer you are, I'm sure you know which type of Pokémon we're going to research next. That's right—Grass type! In Unova, many Trainers choose Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon, as their first partner. Snivy is intelligent and calm, and being exposed to lots of sunlight makes it move more swiftly. Perhaps there's a lot we could learn from such a sagacious Pokémon! Anyway, let's get started on these research tasks. Be sure to listen carefully, as you never know what you might encounter!"''  
:''"Great work, <player>! Mamoswine’s tusks really are impressive!"''
:''"It’s hard to imagine anything could get the better of a Pokémon this sturdy. In fact, this Pokémon has been around a long, looong time."''
:''"I recently read that a frozen Mamoswine was dug up from soil dating back 10,000 years ago. And it woke up, to my amazement!"''
:''"In a way, seeing a Mamoswine today is like looking back in time."''
:''"What other Pokémon that we see today were also around then? How have they changed?"''
:''"All fascinating questions that require further research to answer. But what we’ve observed of Swinub, Piloswine, and Mamoswine today is a great start."''
:''"Think on it as you go about the rest of your day, and come back soon to tell me your theories! But until then, thanks for spending the day with me."''
:''"Let’s GO!"''
=====Fur and Flames=====
:''"Oh, hey there, <player>! Sorry you caught me mid-yawn. I was up late reading the newest Pokémon Researcher’s Weekly."''
:''"There was a fascinating article about Fennekin, and coincidentally, they’re all over the place today!"''
:''"Did you know Fennekin are filled with energy after eating twigs? If that worked for me, I would’ve made myself a plate of scrumptious sticks to get through my reading last night."''
:''"But why read about Fennekin when we can make our own observations!"''
:''"What kind of twigs do Fennekin prefer? Do you think each Fennekin has a unique preference?"''
:''"Think on those questions while you observe the Fennekin in the area, <player>!"''

* 5/5
:''"You're a natural, <player>. I'm so glad we could research some of the amazing Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region. I can't thank you enough for your hard work. I hope you put this Charged TM and Fast TM to good use! By the way, I literally stumbled across a mysterious Pokémon I've never encountered before. I think you're the perfect Trainer to take this Pokémon and help it reach its potential. Best of luck, and I'll be in touch soon!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>."''
:''"Have you gathered any promising information? I see you’ve at least gathered some promising Fennekin!"''
:''"They sure are cute and fluffy, but I’d be careful about getting too close. Their roomy ears vent blistering hot air."''
:''"Hmm... These fine Fennekin don’t look like they have any twigs on them."''
:''"Maybe we’ll get a better view of some sprigs with Fennekin’s Evolution, Braixen. Instead of snacking on twigs, they stick them in their tails."''
:''"If you’re curious why, bring one by and I’ll tell you all about it!"''

====A Mega Discovery====
* 1/4
:''"What a beautiful Braixen, <player>!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! I think I've got an exciting adventure for you. I've been working on something...BIG. Recently, we observed a large number of {{p|Weedle}} appearing in the wild. I wanted to investigate that phenomenon further. After a day of research, I saw something sparkling in the tall grass near where the Weedle were gathering. It turned out to be a smooth, stonelike object with a symbol etched into it. It glowed with an energy I've never encountered before! I'd seen that symbol before in documents about [[Mega Evolution]] that I received from my colleague in [[Kalos]], [[Professor Sycamore]]. That led me to believe that the object was somehow related. After digging further into the documents, I theorized that Pokémon can Mega Evolve using the energy from the object I found, which I named [[Mega Energy]]. It also occurred to me that the object I found might be related to Weedle. Now that I've caught you up on my BIG discovery, let's get started on some research. We'll need a Weedle--I think that Pokémon has mega potential!"''
:''"I’ll tell you about that twig, as promised."''
:''"When the twig is plucked from its tail, friction sets it alight. It uses the flame to send signals to its allies."''
:''"What do you suppose Braixen communicate about? Maybe where to find the most energizing stick snacks?"''
:''"These Pokémon’s cleverness with tools doesn’t stop there. Braixen’s Evolution, Delphox, can use branches to see into the future."''
:''"I’m no Delphox, but I sure see a Delphox in your future!"''

* 2/4
:''"Great work, <player>! Let's document our findings for other Trainers. Now, Weedle can't Mega Evolve, but its final Evolution, {{p|Beedrill}}, can. My theory is that there is Mega Energy for different Pokémon and that each Pokémon needs a certain amount of Mega Energy to Mega Evolve. It also seems that Mega-Evolved Pokémon return to normal once their Mega Energy is depleted. It may be difficult to gather the Mega Energy needed to Mega Evolve a Pokémon for the first time. However, it seems that once a Pokémon has Mega Evolved, it requires less Mega Energy to do so again. Maybe it's because Mega Evolution strengthens a Trainer's bond with their Pokémon. Let's continue this investigation. How about you evolve your Weedle to its final Evolution and see whether you can find enough Mega Energy to Mega Evolve your new Beedrill."''
:''"Looks like my prediction came true, <player>! That Delphox of yours is downright delightful!"''
:''"Delphox gaze into the flame at the tip of their branches to achieve a focused state, allowing them to see into the future."''
:''"And when they use their psychic power, they can generate a fiery vortex, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame."''
:''"It’s a wonder their branches don’t catch fire! Could Delphox be using their psychic powers to protect their branches?"''
:''"If you continue observing your Delphox, perhaps you’ll find the answer."''
:''"But until then, thanks for spending another day researching with me. See you later, <player>!"''

* 3/4
=====Keeping Sharp=====
:''"Again, you never cease to amaze me, <player>. I think you and Beedrill are going to be great partners. I've learned that some other Pokémon can Mega Evolve, too. While I've been able to confirm only a fez, I'm sure we'll discover more in time. At this point, you should be able to Mega Evolve your Beedrill, if you're read. Now, I'm sure you are going to ask, "Professor Willow, how do I get Mega Energy for other Pokémon?" Well, don't worry, Trainer. Mega {{p|Venusaur}}, Mega {{p|Charizard}}, and Mega {{p|Blastoise}} are appearing in [[Mega Raid]]s all around the world. It appears you can get Mega Energy by challenging those Mega-Evolved Pokémon. Why don't you Mega Evolve your Beedrill and battle with it in Mega Raids? There seem to be benefits to battling in raids alongside Mega-Evolved Pokémon for both you and your fellow Trainers. I'm curious to see what effect Mega-Evolved Pokémon have on other Pokémon when they battle together. Why don't you give it a try!"''
:''"Hello, <player>! I’ve got something for you to sink your teeth into."''
:''"Have you noticed the peculiar marks on the trees and boulders in the area? And the crushed berries on the ground?"''
:''"While I’m a little disappointed in today’s Pinap Berry harvest, I’ve got a feeling that a Pokémon is responsible—and that means we have something to research!"''
:''"And I’ll bet you even have an idea what Pokémon we’ll be investigating!"''
:''"Why don’t you search the area and let me know what you find?"''

* 4/4
:''"I dare to say, this was a successful research project! It looks like you were able to acquire some Mega Energy by battling those Mega-Evolved Pokémon. I've documented that you and your Mega-Evolved Pokémon can do many other things together, too. I hope to see you and your Mega-Evolved Pokémon battling at Gyms, challenging other Trainers, combating Team GO Rocket, and, of course, taking some snapshots to send back to yours truly. Mega-Evolved Pokémon are extremely powerful, so I think it's best that we don't bring our new friends into the [[GO Battle League]] just yet, at least until more research is done. I wanted to give you a token of my appreciation for all your hard work on this project—a [[Mega Bracelet]]. In other regions, Trainers use Mega Bracelets to help their Pokémon Mega Evolve. Based on my research into Mega Energy, it seems you won't need a Mega Bracelet to Mega Evolve your Pokémon. However, I thought a Mega Bracelet would be a trendy way to show off your Mega Evolution skills. You can check it out when you want to change up your look. I hope you accept this gift with my sincerest thanks for a job well done. Until next time, let's GO!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>."''
:''"Aha! So Axew are responsible for those unique marks and crushed berries."''
:''"These Pokémon play with each other by knocking their large tusks together. Crushing berries is how they test each other’s strength."''
:''"Axew tusks are sharp enough that people long ago used them as cooking knives!"''
:''"These Pokémon find culinary uses for their tusks in the wild, too."''
:''"Fraxure, Axew’s Evolution, uses its thick tusks to neatly cut prey into two portions—one to eat now and one to save for later."''
:''"Fascinating, isn’t it? I wish I had that kind of restraint!"''
:''"Why don’t you try evolving one of your Axew? Maybe I can get some tips for my meal prepping!"''

====City Spotlight 2020====
* 1/1
:''"Look at this fine Fraxure, <player>!"''
:''"It's time to explore with your buddy, <player>! I'm excited to do the same with my trusty Buddy Pokémon too. It's easy to take the familiar for granted. Where we live our lives and spend most our time can quickly become mundane, but with a spirit of adventure and a friend by your side--anything can be an adventure! And even the familiar can hide exciting new things to discover! Let's GO and explore your city together, Trainer."''
:''"Now that you’ve got one of your own, here are a few more Fraxure facts."''
:''"Their territory battles can be intensely violent, and their tusks can shatter rocks."''
:''"But the tusks don’t grow back once they break, so Fraxure won’t use them unless truly necessary."''
:''"Even so, getting up close to one has me on edge—not unlike the sharp edges of their tusks!"''
:''"No? Ah well. So much for my sharp wit."''
:''"Anyway, it’s a good thing that Haxorus, Fraxure’s Evolution, has a kind disposition."''
:''"Why don’t you evolve Fraxure so we can see for ourselves?"''

====Level Up Challenges====
=====Level 43 Challenge=====
:''"Your Haxorus’s tusks are positively gleaming!"''
* 1/4
:''"Or should I say beaming? Those sturdy tusks can cut steel beams and stay sharp! Haxorus are covered in great armor, too."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Can I just say how impressed I am with your progress as a Trainer? You've really put in the time and effort to become one of the very best. Well done! Say, do you remember when we first met? You were just a beginner back then, and I sent you off to catch your very first Pokémon. And look at you now! I'm glad we can share that memory together. Now, I'm sure an elite Trainer like yourself has mastered the art of catching Pokémon, but it's important to keep your skills sharp. How about you head out and catch some Pokémon? I've assigned some tasks that should challenge even a Trainer of your caliber. Good luck—and have fun!"''
:''"They’re docile, but they’ll become incredibly angry if their tusks are touched. Understandable—both Pokémon and people have different sensitivities."''
:''"Some of us are huggers, like me and Spark! But Blanche, ah, isn’t."''
:''"Nothing’s wrong with either, of course! It’s all part of what makes each person, and Pokémon, unique."''
:''"Thanks for spending the day with me, <player>. I’ll see you again soon!"''

* 2/4
=====Squirtle Community Day Classic=====
:''"Good work as always, <player>. I'm sure those tasks were a breeze for someone with your skills, but they were just a warm-up! These next tasks should prove a bit more challenging. I'm sure you've built special bonds with several Pokémon over the course of your adventures. I'd like to see how powerful those bonds are. Why don't you head out, challenge a few Team GO Rocket Grunts, and battle in some raids? After all, the best Trainers never stop training! Good luck!"''
:''"Great to see you, <player>! I was walking through a forest earlier and saw something amazing—fountains of water, coming out of a river!"''
:''"At first, I wondered who would install a fountain in the middle of nature."''
:''"But I saw the flash of a shell, and I realized our mystery architect must be a Squirtle!"''
:''"Squirtle hide in their shells to protect themselves, then strike with spouts of water at every opportunity. That must’ve been what I saw!"''
:''"Squirtle is also known as a Pokémon that aspiring Trainers from the Kanto region can choose to be their first-partner Pokémon."''
:''"Why don’t you have a look at the Tiny Turtle Pokémon yourself?"''

* 3/4
:''"How did it go, <player>? I'm sure you had a great time working with your closest Pokémon companions. It's always fascinating to see how Trainers and Pokémon work together, and I can tell that you take a lot of pride in training your team. Well done! Say, why don't you evolve some of the Pokémon you've caught so they can reach their full potential? You might even discover some new options for battles. Enough about that, though—back to our research! This next batch will test your Pokémon-catching skills again, but with a twist. Or perhaps I should say a curve? Haha! That's right—you'll need to test your skills with Curvball Throws! Make sure to stretch your throwing arm!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! While you were observing Squirtle, I happened upon a Wartortle with algae growing out of its shell!"''
:''"Wartortle is Squirtle’s Evolution. Ones with algae on their shells are very old, so imagine what that venerable Wartortle must have seen in its years!"''
:''"Why don’t you evolve one of your Squirtle? It’ll be able to keep you company for a good long while."''

* 4/4
:''"Nice work, Trainer! I can tell you put a lot of effort into that research. I have Blanche assisting me with the analysis and care of all those Pokémon you sent over. It's an impressive display of your progress, Trainer, and it's caught Blanche's eye as well. Anyway, I should probably get back to work. But before I go, I want to say how nice it was to reminisce about our first memories as professor and Trainer. I'm truly proud of you and how much you've grown! I know you're far from finished on that front, too, so I'll be watching closely as you progress and checking in whenever I have more challenges for you. Until then, <player>…let's GO!"''
:''"Great work, <player>! I wasn’t exaggerating when I said Wartortle could keep you company for a long time—they’re said to live for 10,000 years!"''
:''"Their furry tails are a symbol of longevity and become deeper in color as Wartortle age."''
:''"Isn’t that fascinating? It’s the opposite of humans!"''
:''"And Wartortle don’t just have incredible endurance—they can also grow even stronger. When they evolve into Blastoise, they grow rocket cannons on their shells!"''
:''"If you evolve a Wartortle, you can see it for yourself! "''

=====Level 45 Challenge=====
* 1/4
:''"Look at the rocket cannons on that Blastoise, <player>! As you can see, Blastoise has spouts extending from the top of its shell."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! I wanted to check in on your progress. It looks like you've grown even more as a Trainer since we last spoke! As for me, I've been spending a lot of time with my Buddy Pokémon lately, and it's helped me think of some new research opportunities. Do you remember your first Buddy Pokémon? I remember mine—it was the mysterious Hex Nut Pokémon Meltan! I still remember the day it earned its very own Best Buddy ribbon. That's a proud moment in any Trainer's journey, don't you think? Meltan and I have been around the block a few times, but I still look forward to the next PokéStop we'll visit. Why don't you and your buddy go out and visit some of your favorite places together?"''
:''"Once Blastoise takes aim at an enemy, it can blast out water with more force than a fire hose."''
:''"That might be a fun way to cool down during a scorching summer, eh?"''
:''"Blastoise would have to hold back in a pool party, though—some researchers say the jets of water from Blastoise’s rocket cannons can punch through thick steel."''
:''"But with a Trainer like you, I’m sure everything will be under control, whether you and your Blastoise are out for some summer fun or engaged in a fierce battle!"''
:''"And speaking of summer fun, I’ve got to get the inflatable pool set up for Meltan. Thanks for spending the day with me, <player>. I hope you have a blast!"''

* 2/4
*1/4 (early version)
:''"Hope you enjoyed a few walks together with your buddy, Trainer. Did you come across any interesting PokéStops? I was inspired to head outdoors myself. I joined Spark and his buddy for a long walk after he won a battle. I even took a celebratory snapshot to mark the occasion! Going on walks together can be a great way to strengthen your bond with your Pokémon. It's also a wonderful form of exercise! Seeing the bond Spark shares with his Pokémon gave me some ideas for more research. Oh, and Spark also wanted me to let you know that he's cheering you on! How about you and your buddy go out for a walk, challenge another Trainer and their Pokémon to battle, and take a few snapshots to capture some fun moments together? Working hard is important, but so is savoring the memories made along the way! Have fun!"''
:''"Hello, <player>! It’s great to see you! Can you guess what else I saw earlier while walking through the forest? Fountains of water, coming out of a river!"''
:''"At first, I wondered who would install a fountain in the middle of nature."''
:''"But then, I saw beautiful auburn between the spouts of water, and realized our mystery architect must be a Squirtle!"''
:''"Squirtle hide in their shells to protect themselves, then strike back with spouts of water at every opportunity. That must've been what I saw!"''
:''"Squirtle’s also well known as a Pokémon that aspiring Trainers from the Kanto region can choose to be their first partner Pokémon."''
:''"Why don’t you have a look at the Tiny Turtle Pokémon yourself, <player>? "''

* 3/4
*2/4 (early version)
:''"Did you make any fun memories with your Pokémon, <player>? I'm always amazed by the variety in the snapshots taken by Trainers from all over the world. I'm especially fond of ones that capture surprise encounters with Pokémon like Smeargle! That's one of the best parts of taking snapshots—you never know what you're going to see! Hmm… That reminds me of when Team GO Rocket decided to start showing up in Trainers' snapshots uninvited. And THAT reminds me of some more research I need your help with! To start, why don't you and your buddy get warmed up with some raids? When you're ready, I think we'll need some help clearing out the Team GO Rocket Leaders in the area. They're always up to something, so it's good to keep an eye out in case they try to take over any nearby PokéStops. Good luck!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! While you were getting up and close with Squirtle, I happened upon a Wartortle with algae growing out of its shell!"''
:''"Wartortle is Squirtle's evolution. Ones with algae on their shells are very old, so imagine what that Wartortle’s seen in its years!"''
:''"Why don’t you evolve one of your Squirtle, <player>? It’ll be able to keep you company for a good long while."''

* 4/4
*3/4 (early version)
:''"Fantastic work, <player>. The Team GO Rocket Leaders are a challenge for most Trainers, but I knew they wouldn't stand a chance against you and your Buddy Pokémon! The power of friendship is strong indeed—and just one of many benefits to building relationships with your Pokémon. The trust between a Trainer and their Pokémon is unlike anything I've ever seen. Make sure to cherish it! I'm glad I was able to check in on your progress, Trainer. I'll be back with more fun challenges as you continue your journey. Until next time!"''
:''"Great work, <player>! I wasn’t exaggerating when I said Wartortle could keep you company for a long time. Maybe even longer than me!"''
:''"Wartortle are said to live 10,000 years. Their furry tails are popular as a symbol of longevity."''
:''"Their tails become increasingly deeper in color as they age. Isn’t that fascinating? It’s the exact opposite of us humans!"''
:''"And Wartortle doesn’t just have incredible endurance—they can also grow to become even stronger. When they evolve into Blastoise, they grow rocket cannons on their shells!"''
:''"If you evolve a Wartortle, you can see it for yourself, <player>!"''

=====Level 48 Challenge=====
*4/4 (early version)
* 1/4
:''"Look at the rocket cannons on that Blastoise, <player>! As you can see, Blastoise has spouts extending from its shell at the top."''
:''"Hey there, <player>. I can see you've been working as hard as ever! We've been doing a lot of reminiscing lately, haven't we? I think it's important to look back on your accomplishments from time to time—especially when you've accomplished so much! A major moment for many Trainers is their first victory in battle. It's an unforgettable thrill that comes with a swell of pride for the Pokémon that sealed the victory. How about you, <player>? I'm sure you've got some epic battle stories to share with your fellow Trainers. I'd like to focus on your battling skills for this next challenge. So to prepare, why don't you get your team sorted and get in some throwing practice?"''
:''"Once Blastoise takes aim at an enemy, it can blast out water with even more force than a fire hose."''
:''"Now that might be a fun way to cool down during a scorching summer, eh?"''
:''"Blastoise would just have to be mindful of its own power—some researchers even say the jets of water Blastoise spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel!"''
:''"But with a Trainer like you, I’m sure everything will be under control, whether you and your Blastoise are out for some summer fun, or engaged in a fierce battle!"''
:''"And speaking of summer fun, I’ve got to run and get the inflatable pool out for Meltan. Thanks for spending the day with me, <player>. I’ll see you again soon! "''

* 2/4
=====Slippery Swirls=====
:''"You clearly have some powerful Pokémon, Trainer. You've done an amazing job training them! I wanted to see how your battling skills have progressed, so I consulted with Candela to get her thoughts. I'm happy to report that she's just as proud of you as I am! For this next challenge, she suggested taking on some of her most difficult opponents—Team GO Rocket and its leaders. The Team GO Rocket Leaders can be intimidating, so Candela asked me to pass along some extra guidance. She said that when it comes to battling, you should take on your opponents with a cool head, strong Pokémon, and a heart full of passion. With that in mind, I think it's time for you head out and put your skills to the test!"''
:''"<Player>! You’ll never guess what I saw on my walk earlier. It was a pond full of Poliwag!"''
:''"Poliwag tend to stay in water because they’re unsteady on their newly grown legs."''
:''"They seem to aspire to land-based locomotion, though, so they do their best to waddle along when they get out of the water."''
:''"Isn’t that moving? Those little Pokémon, trying their best against the odds to improve themselves... *sniff*"''
:''"We could all learn something from Poliwag about stepping out of our comfort zones. How about you take the chance to observe some now?"''

* 3/4
:''"Wonderful work, <player>! Your battling skills are even more impressive than the last time we talked. Those skills are vital not only when you take on Team GO Rocket but also when you battle in raids. Do you remember your first raid, Trainer? To me, there's something special about a group of Trainers coming together to challenge a raid with their partner Pokémon. There's no questioning the importance of the bonds Trainers share with their Pokémon, but I think the bonds Trainers share with their peers are equally important. No matter your skill level, what team you're on, or the Pokémon you bring to battle, raids are about each Trainer working together to achieve a common goal. And that's what the Trainer community is all about! I hope that inspired you to head out and challenge some raids with your fellow Trainers—because that's part of your next task! It should be a fun challenge, so be sure to give it your best shot!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>. How did your observations go? Did you see any Poliwag waddling around?"''
:''"Some researchers recommend that Trainers bring their Poliwag on walks every day to strengthen its legs."''
:''"Of course, such regimented training isn’t necessary for Poliwhirl, Poliwag’s Evolution. Its two legs are well developed, and it can be seen marching all over in search of bug Pokémon to eat."''
:''"Why don’t you try evolving a Poliwag, <player>? But be careful you don’t look at Poliwhirl’s swirl for too long. I’ll tell you about THAT when you get back!"''

* 4/4
:''"Excellent work, Trainer. Did you enjoy spending time with your fellow Trainers as you completed your tasks? Hopefully you even found a Pokémon that'll make a great addition to your team! I hope you continue making memories with Trainers from all over as you work together and explore this amazing world filled with Pokémon. Very few Trainers have made it as far as you have. Be sure to take a moment to celebrate your progress. And remember—the journey is just as important as the destination! Until next time, <player>!"''
:''"Nice Poliwhirl, <player>!"''
:''"Do you see the distinctive swirl on its belly? Staring at it causes drowsiness."''
:''"In fact, parents have been known to use it in place of lullabies to help their children go to sleep."''
:''"It’s a great Pokémon to have around when you’re struggling with insomnia, but less so when you’re *yaaawn* in the middle of..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"...Ack! Sorry, <player>—looking at your Poliwhirl almost put me to sleep! Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Another special trait of Poliwhirl’s is that it can evolve into two different Pokémon!"''
:''"First, we have the brawny Poliwrath. Its body is solid muscle."''
:''"When swimming through cold seas, Poliwrath uses its impressive arms to smash through drifting ice and plow forward."''
:''"And second, we have the commanding Politoed! It’s the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear."''
:''"Its cries sound like screams, but they actually served as inspiration for a beautiful ballad. I’d sure love to hear it!"''
:''"So, are you curious to see Poliwhirl’s Evolutions for yourself?"''

=====Level 50 Challenge=====
* 1/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>! What Pokémon did you decide to evolve your Poliwhirl into?"''
:''"I knew I'd see you here before long, <player>. But before we begin this challenge, let's take a couple deep breaths together, shall we? In... And out... One more time. In... And out... There, that's better. A few deep breaths go a long way when you need to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand—and you'll need plenty of focus for what I'll be throwing your way next. Get it? "Throwing"? Ahem! Anyway... The sign of a truly great Trainer is their dedication to training, and true dedication takes time to prove. Your next few tasks will take some time to complete, but don't worry. Start with a deep breath, and be sure to enjoy yourself! Training can be hard work, but don't forget it's supposed to be fun, too."''
:''"Poliwrath? Politoed? One of each, perhaps?"''
:''"Whatever the case, remember to approach your research like a Poliwag learning how to walk—one step at a time!"''
:''"Thanks for all your help today, <player>. I’m feeling inspired after seeing your Poliwag’s journey, and I hope you are, too!"''
:''"Until next time—let’s GO!"''

* 2/4
====Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 and Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020====
:''"Impressive work, Trainer! I don't know many who would have the dedication and patience to complete those tasks. Say, I was just thinking... Do you remember when you decided which team you wanted to join? Trainers often form a strong connection to their team and become dedicated members. Others, however, eventually look to change teams in hopes of gaining a different perspective and a fresh challenge. Everyone's path is different, and I'll always encourage you to find your own. There's much to be learned from Team Instinct, Team Mystic, and Team Valor. Each team has its own unique characteristics and focus. I urge you to learn from your fellow Trainers and respect their paths. It's sure to help you become a better Trainer! After all, only when we understand others can we truly understand ourselves. Now, back to your research. I have a feeling this next batch will truly test your resolve, so take your time—we'll regroup when you're finished!"''
* 1/5
:''"Hi there, <player>. I can't help but be impressed by your progress. You've done fantastic work in researching Pokémon originally discovered in the [[Kanto]], [[Johto]], [[Hoenn]], and [[Sinnoh]] [[region]]s. Now that we've researched Pokémon that were found in those regions... let's take a closer look at Pokémon originally discovered in the [[Unova]] region! I think it's fascinating that even though we know a lot about Pokémon from all over the world, there's always more to learn! Speaking of discoveries, I've been doing some additional research and heard about an interesting phenomenon that has to do with {{p|Meowth}} in the [[Galar]] region. I was speaking with a [[Sonia|researcher]] who's the granddaughter of a [[Professor Magnolia|colleague]] from Galar, and she shared some intriguing information. It seems that Galarian Meowth lived with seafaring people, which toughened their bodies so much that parts of them turned to iron. May be I could get a few workout tips—I've been looking to some ways to toughen up myself! Anyway...let's do some more research on Pokémon originally discovered in Unova, but be sure to keep your eyes open for other exciting discoveries."''  

* 3/4
* 2/5
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. You certainly showed your dedication by completing those tasks. Which did you find most difficult? And which was most fun? We're approaching the end of this challenge, and I'm not ashamed to say it's making me a bit emotional! The team leaders and I feel an immense sense of pride when we see how much you've grown. I hope you feel that pride in yourself, <player>. To wrap up this challenge, each team leader wanted you to experience some of their most beloved activities. Spark wants you to enjoy a walk with your buddy to enhance your bond, and Blanche hopes to remind you of the importance of research and analysis by asking you to evolve some of your Pokémon to their full potential. As for Candela... Well, she wants to celebrate with you after you win some raids. I think these are great tasks for a well-rounded Trainer like yourself. I'll be here to congratulate you when you're done!"''
:''"Wonderful work, Trainer. You might be familiar with the tradition in which a Pokémon Trainer selects their very first partner from a group of three Pokémon. These first-partner Pokémon are normally {{t|Fire}}, {{t|Water}} or {{t|Grass}} types. In Unova, many Trainers choose the {{type|Water}} {{p|Oshawott}} as their first-partner Pokémon. This Sea Otter Pokémon is known to use the scalchop on its stomach during battle. Isn't that just adorable? Please continue your research, and let me know your findings."''  

* 4/4
* 3/5
:''"Amazing. Simply amazing, <player>! Let me be the first to congratulate you for completing this challenge. You've become a truly top-class Trainer, and it's been an honor to work alongside you. It's been astonishing to witness the growth you've experienced since you began your journey as a Pokémon Trainer. You're an incredible talent, and I hope you'll put your skills to use. You see, I want you to help other Trainers become the best they can be. Your experience comes with a lot of responsibility, and I hope you'll continue to show kindness, patience, and friendship to those who could benefit from your guidance. The world of Pokémon is a beautiful place, and I want you to lead by example and show everyone how amazing our community can be while protecting it from the likes of Team GO Rocket and anyone else who would threaten it. Remember how it felt the first time you caught a Pokémon, the first time you took a walk with your buddy, the first time you challenged a raid—and channel that energy into everything you do. With your strong heart and peerless determination, there's nothing you can't do! I can only hope you're as proud of yourself as the team leaders and I are of you. Don't worry—I'll always be here when you need me, and you can be sure I'll be calling on you from time to time to help me with research. There's always something more to discover, after all! Thanks for everything, <player>. I know I can always count on you! And I'm sure you know what I'm about to say, so before I get too choked up—let's GO!"''
:''"I can't stop thinking about how cute Oshawott is— Oh! You're back! Excellent work catching that Patrat! Now that we've researched the Water-type first-partner Pokémon of many Unovan Trainers, let's shift focus to the Fire-type one—Tepig! I'm a particular fan of Tepig because it uses the fireballs that come from its nose to roast Berries. It's such a clever use of an ability. I just love roasted Pinap Berries! We should continue our work and see what else we can discover."''  

====Tap... Tap... Tappity-Tap...====
* 4/5
:''"Being the savvy Trainer you are, I'm sure you know which type of Pokémon we're going to research next. That's right—Grass type! In Unova, many Trainers choose Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon, as their first partner. Snivy is intelligent and calm, and being exposed to lots of sunlight makes it move more swiftly. Perhaps there's a lot we could learn from such a sagacious Pokémon! Anyway, let's get started on these research tasks. Be sure to listen carefully, as you never know what you might encounter!"''

* 5/5
:''"<Player>! It's so great to see you! The strangest things have been happening lately. You see, I begin each day with a [[Pinap Berry]] and coffee for breakfast, then head outside my lab to take in the crisp morning air before starting my research. A couple days ago, however, I stepped outside and slipped on a sheet of ice right outside the entrance of my lab! Coffee—spilled. Pinap Berry—squished. Day—ruined. At first, I thought the ice formed because it was an especially chilly day, but it was in fact nowhere near cold enough to create a sheet of ice that thick! For my sake—and my breakfast's—can you help me research {{type|Ice}} Pokémon to see whether we can discover anything? *sniffle* My poor breakfast..."''
:''"You're a natural, <player>. I'm so glad we could research some of the amazing Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region. I can't thank you enough for your hard work. I hope you put this Charged TM and Fast TM to good use! By the way, I literally stumbled across a mysterious Pokémon I've never encountered before. I think you're the perfect Trainer to take this Pokémon and help it reach its potential. Best of luck, and I'll be in touch soon!"''

====A Mega Discovery====
:''"Great work, <player>! We've learned quite a bit about {{type|Ice}} Pokémon, and it looks as if you've caught a few interesting ones! I feel like we're getting closer to finding out the cause of my breakfast's untimely demise. Oh! There's something I forgot to mention. That very evening—after an incredibly sad, breakfast-less day—I was trying to cheer myself up by dressing in my comfiest pajamas and drinking a cup of herbal tea before tucking into bed. As I lay there, ready to count {{p|Mareep}} and fall asleep, I was suddenly awoken by some unnerving tapping outside my lab! It sounded like...tap-dancing? I was simply too comfortable in bed—and too frightened—to get up and check. All I could do was lie there and hope the tapping would end soon. I now believe source of that tapping was the same Pokémon that created the sheet of ice in front of my mobile lab. Can you investigate some Pokémon related to making peculiar sounds? Let's see whether we can get closer to solving this case before it goes cold."''
* 1/4
:''"Hey there, <player>! I think I've got an exciting adventure for you. I've been working on something...BIG. Recently, we observed a large number of {{p|Weedle}} appearing in the wild. I wanted to investigate that phenomenon further. After a day of research, I saw something sparkling in the tall grass near where the Weedle were gathering. It turned out to be a smooth, stonelike object with a symbol etched into it. It glowed with an energy I've never encountered before! I'd seen that symbol before in documents about [[Mega Evolution]] that I received from my colleague in [[Kalos]], [[Professor Sycamore]]. That led me to believe that the object was somehow related. After digging further into the documents, I theorized that Pokémon can Mega Evolve using the energy from the object I found, which I named [[Mega Energy]]. It also occurred to me that the object I found might be related to Weedle. Now that I've caught you up on my BIG discovery, let's get started on some research. We'll need a Weedle--I think that Pokémon has mega potential!"''

* 2/4
:''"... ... ... OH! <player>, you scared me. I was a bit distracted thinking about the tap-dancing I heard last night, as well as the shadow I saw pass by my window. Oh, I didn't mention that last part? Yes, it was quite an unnerving experience! Anyway, let me take a look at all the research you've done. Oh! OH! Oh my goodness! All right, I think I know the source of these strange occurrences now. I believe the culprit is the [[Regional_form#Galarian_Form|Galarian form]] of the Barrier Pokémon—{{p|Mr. Mime}}! Galarian Mr. Mime is known as the Dancing Pokémon. It likes to create a sheet of ice and tap-dance on it. What a strange Pokémon! While Galarian Mr. Mime is the prime suspect, it's still just a hunch. Can you go out and do a bit more research to confirm? Maybe you might even come across a Galarian Mr. Mime!"''
:''"Great work, <player>! Let's document our findings for other Trainers. Now, Weedle can't Mega Evolve, but its final Evolution, {{p|Beedrill}}, can. My theory is that there is Mega Energy for different Pokémon and that each Pokémon needs a certain amount of Mega Energy to Mega Evolve. It also seems that Mega-Evolved Pokémon return to normal once their Mega Energy is depleted. It may be difficult to gather the Mega Energy needed to Mega Evolve a Pokémon for the first time. However, it seems that once a Pokémon has Mega Evolved, it requires less Mega Energy to do so again. Maybe it's because Mega Evolution strengthens a Trainer's bond with their Pokémon. Let's continue this investigation. How about you evolve your Weedle to its final Evolution and see whether you can find enough Mega Energy to Mega Evolve your new Beedrill."''

* 3/4
:''"Phew! Great job catching that Galarian Mr. Mime, <player>! I guess it's not as frightening as I first thought. Perhaps it'll become even more approachable when it evolves? I've read that Galarian Mr. Mime evolves into {{p|Mr. Rime}}, the Comedian Pokémon. Mr. Rime is apparently highly skilled at tap-dancing and waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements. I wonder whether it could teach me some new moves. Haha! Anyway, how about you try evolving your Galarian Mr. Mime?"''
:''"Again, you never cease to amaze me, <player>. I think you and Beedrill are going to be great partners. I've learned that some other Pokémon can Mega Evolve, too. While I've been able to confirm only a fez, I'm sure we'll discover more in time. At this point, you should be able to Mega Evolve your Beedrill, if you're read. Now, I'm sure you are going to ask, "Professor Willow, how do I get Mega Energy for other Pokémon?" Well, don't worry, Trainer. Mega {{p|Venusaur}}, Mega {{p|Charizard}}, and Mega {{p|Blastoise}} are appearing in [[Mega Raid]]s all around the world. It appears you can get Mega Energy by challenging those Mega-Evolved Pokémon. Why don't you Mega Evolve your Beedrill and battle with it in Mega Raids? There seem to be benefits to battling in raids alongside Mega-Evolved Pokémon for both you and your fellow Trainers. I'm curious to see what effect Mega-Evolved Pokémon have on other Pokémon when they battle together. Why don't you give it a try!"''

* 4/4
:''"What a fascinating Pokémon Mr. Rime is! Thank you for evolving your Galarian Mr. Mime, <player>. I've heard stories of Mr. Rime's amusing movements, and you know what? Color me amused. What a COOL discovery this was! This has definitely been an unforgettable adventure, but I'm not sure I can say I'd do it again, given the chilling way it started. My poor breakfast... Until next time, <player>. Let's GO!"''
:''"I dare to say, this was a successful research project! It looks like you were able to acquire some Mega Energy by battling those Mega-Evolved Pokémon. I've documented that you and your Mega-Evolved Pokémon can do many other things together, too. I hope to see you and your Mega-Evolved Pokémon battling at Gyms, challenging other Trainers, combating Team GO Rocket, and, of course, taking some snapshots to send back to yours truly. Mega-Evolved Pokémon are extremely powerful, so I think it's best that we don't bring our new friends into the [[GO Battle League]] just yet, at least until more research is done. I wanted to give you a token of my appreciation for all your hard work on this project—a [[Mega Bracelet]]. In other regions, Trainers use Mega Bracelets to help their Pokémon Mega Evolve. Based on my research into Mega Energy, it seems you won't need a Mega Bracelet to Mega Evolve your Pokémon. However, I thought a Mega Bracelet would be a trendy way to show off your Mega Evolution skills. You can check it out when you want to change up your look. I hope you accept this gift with my sincerest thanks for a job well done. Until next time, let's GO!"''

====Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto====
====City Spotlight 2020====
* 1/1
:''"It's time to explore with your buddy, <player>! I'm excited to do the same with my trusty Buddy Pokémon too. It's easy to take the familiar for granted. Where we live our lives and spend most our time can quickly become mundane, but with a spirit of adventure and a friend by your side--anything can be an adventure! And even the familiar can hide exciting new things to discover! Let's GO and explore your city together, Trainer."''

====Level Up Challenges====
:''"Hey there, <player>! Check this out—I've been practicing. Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon GO! My name is Willow. People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! Some people keep Pokémon as companions. Others have them do battle. Myself? I study Pokémon as a profession. Did that remind you of [[Professor Oak|anyone]]? For many years, Trainers from [[Kanto]] have heard similar remarks before embarking on their journeys through the region. I have the honor of making them today because you're about to head out on your own Kanto-inspired journey. But we can't have you leaving unprepared! I've put together some supplies I think you'll find useful."''
=====Level 43 Challenge=====
* 1/4
:''"Hey there, <player>! Can I just say how impressed I am with your progress as a Trainer? You've really put in the time and effort to become one of the very best. Well done! Say, do you remember when we first met? You were just a beginner back then, and I sent you off to catch your very first Pokémon. And look at you now! I'm glad we can share that memory together. Now, I'm sure an elite Trainer like yourself has mastered the art of catching Pokémon, but it's important to keep your skills sharp. How about you head out and catch some Pokémon? I've assigned some tasks that should challenge even a Trainer of your caliber. Good luck—and have fun!"''

* 2/4
:''"Berries, Potions, and Poké Balls. Looks like you're all set! As you begin today's adventure, try to imagine you're stepping straight into the tall grass of Kanto. I have a feeling you'll meet a Pokémon that will make a wonderful partner on your journey. Be sure to take some snapshots of the Pokémon you encounter along the way! On adventures, I find it's helpful to document not only your findings but also your memories. And I'm sure you'll make plenty of both! Now, in the words of a wise professor: Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's GO!"''
:''"Good work as always, <player>. I'm sure those tasks were a breeze for someone with your skills, but they were just a warm-up! These next tasks should prove a bit more challenging. I'm sure you've built special bonds with several Pokémon over the course of your adventures. I'd like to see how powerful those bonds are. Why don't you head out, challenge a few Team GO Rocket Grunts, and battle in some raids? After all, the best Trainers never stop training! Good luck!"''

* 3/4
:''"How's your journey going, <player>? Oh! Found a partner Pokémon to join you, eh? Wonderful work. In the Kanto region, Trainers are often presented with three options when it comes to their first partner Pokémon. The first is Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon, #001 in the Pokédex. This Grass-type Pokémon has a plant seed on its back right from the day it's born. Another option is Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. It's a Fire-type Pokémon, and it has a flame on its tail that shows the strength of its life force. Last—but certainly not least—is Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. After birth, this Water-type Pokémon's back swells and hardens into a shell. Each of these Pokémon have their strengths and weaknesses, so be sure to study up! For now, though, it's time to get back to your adventure. I'd like you to spend some time with your buddy. The relationship between a Trainer and their Pokémon is of utmost importance! How about going on a walk together? I always enjoy exploring with my buddy!"''
:''"How did it go, <player>? I'm sure you had a great time working with your closest Pokémon companions. It's always fascinating to see how Trainers and Pokémon work together, and I can tell that you take a lot of pride in training your team. Well done! Say, why don't you evolve some of the Pokémon you've caught so they can reach their full potential? You might even discover some new options for battles. Enough about that, though—back to our research! This next batch will test your Pokémon-catching skills again, but with a twist. Or perhaps I should say a curve? Haha! That's right—you'll need to test your skills with Curvball Throws! Make sure to stretch your throwing arm!"''

* 4/4
:''"Wonderful work, Trainer! Glad to see you're growing closer to your buddy. Keep it up, and you'll become even closer in no time. When it comes to being a Trainer, people often talk about catching techniques or battle strategies, but I find that friendship is just as essential. Not only are the relationships you build with your Pokémon incredibly important, but so are the friendships you build with other Trainers. Your personal journeys and goals may vary, but at the end of the day, you're all Trainers! You should do your best to connect with the other Trainers you meet on your travels. In that spirit, how about sending your friends some Gifts to brighten their day? I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!"''
:''"Nice work, Trainer! I can tell you put a lot of effort into that research. I have Blanche assisting me with the analysis and care of all those Pokémon you sent over. It's an impressive display of your progress, Trainer, and it's caught Blanche's eye as well. Anyway, I should probably get back to work. But before I go, I want to say how nice it was to reminisce about our first memories as professor and Trainer. I'm truly proud of you and how much you've grown! I know you're far from finished on that front, too, so I'll be watching closely as you progress and checking in whenever I have more challenges for you. Until then, <player>…let's GO!"''

=====Level 45 Challenge=====
:''"Welcome back, Trainer! Hope you enjoyed connecting with other Trainers. I see you were even able to trade a few Pokémon! Trading is a fabulous way to acquire Pokémon you might not have otherwise encountered. And not only do you get a new entry in your Pokédex, but you also get a new friend! You've already made great progress on your journey. I think it's time to show off the skills you've learned along the way! How about showcasing your throwing expertise by catching some Pokémon? Don't forget to make use of your Berries, too. I'm especially fond of Pinap Berries. They help you earn extra Candy for the Pokémon you're catching—and they're tasty to boot!"''
* 1/4
:''"Hey there, <player>! I wanted to check in on your progress. It looks like you've grown even more as a Trainer since we last spoke! As for me, I've been spending a lot of time with my Buddy Pokémon lately, and it's helped me think of some new research opportunities. Do you remember your first Buddy Pokémon? I remember mine—it was the mysterious Hex Nut Pokémon Meltan! I still remember the day it earned its very own Best Buddy ribbon. That's a proud moment in any Trainer's journey, don't you think? Meltan and I have been around the block a few times, but I still look forward to the next PokéStop we'll visit. Why don't you and your buddy go out and visit some of your favorite places together?"''

* 2/4
:''"I'm sure I had a stash of Pinap Berries here somewhere... Oh! Welcome back, <player>! Guess my snack will have to wait. I've been checking up on your progress, and I have to say, I'm very impressed! It seems there's no challenge you can't overcome. As I'm sure you know, a well-rounded Trainer needs to have a great team of Pokémon to battle against other Trainers or even challenge Pokémon in raids. I think this is a great time to power up some of your Pokémon and bolster your team. While you focus on that, I'll be looking into an interesting rumor I caught wind of. There have been reports of encounters with a Pokémon that's able to transform into another Pokémon entirely. Fascinating stuff! I'll be sure to share whatever I find when you return."''
:''"Hope you enjoyed a few walks together with your buddy, Trainer. Did you come across any interesting PokéStops? I was inspired to head outdoors myself. I joined Spark and his buddy for a long walk after he won a battle. I even took a celebratory snapshot to mark the occasion! Going on walks together can be a great way to strengthen your bond with your Pokémon. It's also a wonderful form of exercise! Seeing the bond Spark shares with his Pokémon gave me some ideas for more research. Oh, and Spark also wanted me to let you know that he's cheering you on! How about you and your buddy go out for a walk, challenge another Trainer and their Pokémon to battle, and take a few snapshots to capture some fun moments together? Working hard is important, but so is savoring the memories made along the way! Have fun!"''

* 3/4
:''" Glad you're back, Trainer. After looking into those reports, it certainly sounds like the work of {{p|Ditto}}, the Transformation Pokémon. Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other shapes. What an incredible Pokémon! However, there seems to be something more to this situation. Could you help me with some research so we can find out what exactly is going on? I'll continue my work here to see if I can uncover some more information that might help us."''
:''"Did you make any fun memories with your Pokémon, <player>? I'm always amazed by the variety in the snapshots taken by Trainers from all over the world. I'm especially fond of ones that capture surprise encounters with Pokémon like Smeargle! That's one of the best parts of taking snapshots—you never know what you're going to see! Hmm… That reminds me of when Team GO Rocket decided to start showing up in Trainers' snapshots uninvited. And THAT reminds me of some more research I need your help with! To start, why don't you and your buddy get warmed up with some raids? When you're ready, I think we'll need some help clearing out the Team GO Rocket Leaders in the area. They're always up to something, so it's good to keep an eye out in case they try to take over any nearby PokéStops. Good luck!"''

* 4/4
:''"<Player>! Is it true?! You encountered a {{Shiny}} Ditto?! I'm stunned! You've had quite the journey, haven't you? It's been a joy to follow your progress, as always. Believe it or not, though, there's still another mystery that needs solving.  You see, after looking over the research you've conducted, I think we might be on the trail of the New Species Pokémon, Mew.  We've documented Mew in the past, but something's different this time—though I can't yet say what that is. Whatever the case, I think it's safe to say this is going to be a memorable adventure! In the meantime, keep an eye out for another research assignment. I have a feeling this is going to be an especially challenging endeavor, but I'm sure you're up to it! For now, though, I think congratulations are in order. You did a tremendous job on today's Kanto-themed journey! I hope you were able to make some special memories with your Pokémon and fellow Trainers. Thanks again for all your help and hard work! Now, let's GO!"''
:''"Fantastic work, <player>. The Team GO Rocket Leaders are a challenge for most Trainers, but I knew they wouldn't stand a chance against you and your Buddy Pokémon! The power of friendship is strong indeed—and just one of many benefits to building relationships with your Pokémon. The trust between a Trainer and their Pokémon is unlike anything I've ever seen. Make sure to cherish it! I'm glad I was able to check in on your progress, Trainer. I'll be back with more fun challenges as you continue your journey. Until next time!"''

====All-in-One #151====
=====Level 48 Challenge=====
* 1/4
:''"Ah, <player>! Glad to have you aboard this expedition. Say, have you ever heard this particular tune? Da da da doo, da dee da dum... That's what I hear in my head when I think of a certain sailor and his Wingull that I met while traveling through the Hoenn region in my younger years. I believe the tune was originally a sea shanty. Sailors would sing songs like this together on their seafaring adventures to keep morale high and help find a rhythm during certain tasks. I'm no sailor, but I do find myself feeling luckier after humming it! Haha! Anyway, we're here to look into the strange situation we uncovered during your Kanto-themed journey. I'm talking, of course, about reports of encounters with Mew, the New Species Pokémon. There have been several sightings of a Shiny one recently, which is tremendously exciting! That means our goal on this expedition is to find not only one of the most elusive Pokémon to ever exist, but a Shiny one at that! You've experienced a lot on your journeys thus far, <player>. But perhaps the most wonderful thing about Pokémon is that there's always something new to discover. I hope you're excited for what's to come, because I have a feeling it's going to be a real test of your skills as a Trainer! Let's GO!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>. I can see you've been working as hard as ever! We've been doing a lot of reminiscing lately, haven't we? I think it's important to look back on your accomplishments from time to time—especially when you've accomplished so much! A major moment for many Trainers is their first victory in battle. It's an unforgettable thrill that comes with a swell of pride for the Pokémon that sealed the victory. How about you, <player>? I'm sure you've got some epic battle stories to share with your fellow Trainers. I'd like to focus on your battling skills for this next challenge. So to prepare, why don't you get your team sorted and get in some throwing practice?"''

* 2/4
:''"Wow, <player>—great work! Your knowledge of the Kanto region is beginning to rival even my own! Our next task is to learn more about Pokémon DNA. I know that sounds pretty heavy on the science, but don't worry—I'll take care of that part. All I need you to do is get out there and catch lots of different types of Pokémon! Mew's DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so to better understand Mew, we should try to understand as much as we can about the genetics of other Pokémon."''
:''"You clearly have some powerful Pokémon, Trainer. You've done an amazing job training them! I wanted to see how your battling skills have progressed, so I consulted with Candela to get her thoughts. I'm happy to report that she's just as proud of you as I am! For this next challenge, she suggested taking on some of her most difficult opponents—Team GO Rocket and its leaders. The Team GO Rocket Leaders can be intimidating, so Candela asked me to pass along some extra guidance. She said that when it comes to battling, you should take on your opponents with a cool head, strong Pokémon, and a heart full of passion. With that in mind, I think it's time for you head out and put your skills to the test!"''

* 3/4
:''"Incredible work, <player>! Seeing you learn so much about different Pokémon reminded me of how vast the world of Pokémon truly is. Knowledge is funny in that the more we gain, the more realize how much we still lack. Some might find that frustrating, but for me it's inspiring! You know, there's a part in that sea shanty I mentioned before that seems applicable here. I don't remember the exact words, but the gist is that we should travel across the land, searching far and wide to learn about all the amazing Pokémon there are in the world. Words to live by, I say! Let's get out there and track down that Shiny Mew, Trainer!"''
:''"Wonderful work, <player>! Your battling skills are even more impressive than the last time we talked. Those skills are vital not only when you take on Team GO Rocket but also when you battle in raids. Do you remember your first raid, Trainer? To me, there's something special about a group of Trainers coming together to challenge a raid with their partner Pokémon. There's no questioning the importance of the bonds Trainers share with their Pokémon, but I think the bonds Trainers share with their peers are equally important. No matter your skill level, what team you're on, or the Pokémon you bring to battle, raids are about each Trainer working together to achieve a common goal. And that's what the Trainer community is all about! I hope that inspired you to head out and challenge some raids with your fellow Trainers—because that's part of your next task! It should be a fun challenge, so be sure to give it your best shot!"''

* 4/4
:''"<Player>, you... You did it! You actually found and caught a Shiny Mew! Has it even sunk in yet? This is a monumental achievement, Trainer. Take a moment to congratulate yourself! Hm? It's my achievement as well? Haha! No, no, I just hummed you a shanty and guided you like any Pokémon Professor worth their sea salt would. But thanks are certainly in order for the Pokémon you've befriended on your journey. They played a big part in your research, after all! The ones you've caught, the ones you've battled with, and the ones that traveled with you as your buddy—each Pokémon played a critical part in helping you achieve this goal. As Trainers, we owe an eternal debt to our Pokémon. After all, we can't very well be Trainers without them! A Trainer's journey is meant to be filled with amazing memories, ambitious dreams, and unexpected adventures. I think this particular journey checked all those boxes pretty handily! I'm sure it won't be the last to do so, either. Now, until next time...let's GO!"''
:''"Excellent work, Trainer. Did you enjoy spending time with your fellow Trainers as you completed your tasks? Hopefully you even found a Pokémon that'll make a great addition to your team! I hope you continue making memories with Trainers from all over as you work together and explore this amazing world filled with Pokémon. Very few Trainers have made it as far as you have. Be sure to take a moment to celebrate your progress. And remember—the journey is just as important as the destination! Until next time, <player>!"''
=====Level 50 Challenge=====
* 1/4
:''"I knew I'd see you here before long, <player>. But before we begin this challenge, let's take a couple deep breaths together, shall we? In... And out... One more time. In... And out... There, that's better. A few deep breaths go a long way when you need to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand—and you'll need plenty of focus for what I'll be throwing your way next. Get it? "Throwing"? Ahem! Anyway... The sign of a truly great Trainer is their dedication to training, and true dedication takes time to prove. Your next few tasks will take some time to complete, but don't worry. Start with a deep breath, and be sure to enjoy yourself! Training can be hard work, but don't forget it's supposed to be fun, too."''

====Season of Legends====
* 2/4
* 1/5
:''"Impressive work, Trainer! I don't know many who would have the dedication and patience to complete those tasks. Say, I was just thinking... Do you remember when you decided which team you wanted to join? Trainers often form a strong connection to their team and become dedicated members. Others, however, eventually look to change teams in hopes of gaining a different perspective and a fresh challenge. Everyone's path is different, and I'll always encourage you to find your own. There's much to be learned from Team Instinct, Team Mystic, and Team Valor. Each team has its own unique characteristics and focus. I urge you to learn from your fellow Trainers and respect their paths. It's sure to help you become a better Trainer! After all, only when we understand others can we truly understand ourselves. Now, back to your research. I have a feeling this next batch will truly test your resolve, so take your time—we'll regroup when you're finished!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! It's good to see you. As you know, I've recently been conducting research on several different [[region]]s in the world of Pokémon. Along the way, I came across some books that collected stories and legends from various regions. One of these tomes told of three Legendary Pokémon from the [[Unova]] region—a [[Forces of Nature|trio]] that seem to be capable of changing [[forme]]s. Needless to say, that piqued my interest, and I became so enveloped in my research that I even began seeing those three Legendary Pokémon in my dreams! Which brings me to why I called you here. Can you help me with some research, Trainer? I was thinking we could start by catching some {{type|Rock}} Pokémon—you know, just to give ourselves a sturdy foundation to build from. ...Get it? Sturdy? Because they're...{{type|Rock}}? A-anyway, I'd appreciate the help. Let's GO!"''

* 2/5
* 3/4
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. Now that we've established a foundation for our research, we need to narrow our focus. There are three stories I want to investigate, so I think the best approach is to focus on one story at a time and see what we can learn. My hope is to discover as much as we can about these Pokémon, so that when we see clues or signs of their appearance, we're as prepared as possible! This first story tells of a Legendary Pokémon called {{p|Landorus}}. The story says that lands visited by Landorus yield such bountiful crops that it's been hailed as “The Guardian of the Fields.” Landorus seems to have two formes: [[Incarnate Forme]], and the very rarely seen [[Therian Forme]]. I haven't been able to find any imagery depicting the latter, but every source I've read agrees on its existence! For now, why don't we research {{type|Ground}} Pokémon? Maybe in doing so we can better equip ourselves to identify Landorus's Therian Forme when the time comes."''
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. You certainly showed your dedication by completing those tasks. Which did you find most difficult? And which was most fun? We're approaching the end of this challenge, and I'm not ashamed to say it's making me a bit emotional! The team leaders and I feel an immense sense of pride when we see how much you've grown. I hope you feel that pride in yourself, <player>. To wrap up this challenge, each team leader wanted you to experience some of their most beloved activities. Spark wants you to enjoy a walk with your buddy to enhance your bond, and Blanche hopes to remind you of the importance of research and analysis by asking you to evolve some of your Pokémon to their full potential. As for Candela... Well, she wants to celebrate with you after you win some raids. I think these are great tasks for a well-rounded Trainer like yourself. I'll be here to congratulate you when you're done!"''

* 3/5
* 4/4
:''"Thank you, <player>. I think we've gained a better understanding of Landorus after studying {{type|Ground}} Pokémon. And is that a {{p|Drilbur}} you've got there? I dig it! ...Haha! Sorry, sorry. Anyway, since we've explored all our leads on Landorus for the moment, what do you say we move on to another Pokémon from my dream? Let's focus on {{p|Tornadus}} next. The texts say Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms, and that its power is great enough to blow houses away. Like Landorus, Tornadus also has both Incarnate and Therian formes. Hmm… Maybe researching {{type|Flying}} Pokémon in the area is our best bet for now? Let's give it a shot, Trainer!"''
:''"Amazing. Simply amazing, <player>! Let me be the first to congratulate you for completing this challenge. You've become a truly top-class Trainer, and it's been an honor to work alongside you. It's been astonishing to witness the growth you've experienced since you began your journey as a Pokémon Trainer. You're an incredible talent, and I hope you'll put your skills to use. You see, I want you to help other Trainers become the best they can be. Your experience comes with a lot of responsibility, and I hope you'll continue to show kindness, patience, and friendship to those who could benefit from your guidance. The world of Pokémon is a beautiful place, and I want you to lead by example and show everyone how amazing our community can be while protecting it from the likes of Team GO Rocket and anyone else who would threaten it. Remember how it felt the first time you caught a Pokémon, the first time you took a walk with your buddy, the first time you challenged a raid—and channel that energy into everything you do. With your strong heart and peerless determination, there's nothing you can't do! I can only hope you're as proud of yourself as the team leaders and I are of you. Don't worry—I'll always be here when you need me, and you can be sure I'll be calling on you from time to time to help me with research. There's always something more to discover, after all! Thanks for everything, <player>. I know I can always count on you! And I'm sure you know what I'm about to say, so before I get too choked up—let's GO!"''

* 4/5
====Tap... Tap... Tappity-Tap...====
:''"Excellent work, Trainer! Thanks for documenting that information about Tornadus. It seems you even found yourself a darling {{p|Ducklett}} along the way! Is it all it's quacked up to be? Haha! I think we've learned everything we can about Tornadus for now. Its Therian Forme is still a mystery, but hopefully not for long! Before we start investigating the final Legendary Pokémon from my dream, I need to share something...strange. You see, I'd been running myself a bit ragged with research, so I stopped for an afternoon nap. In the resulting dream, I saw those three Unovan Legendary Pokémon again, clear as crystal. But then, the whole dream just started...fading. It was almost like something was eating the dream itself. I'm still not sure what to make of it all, but let's stay on the lookout for anything suspicious. I have a hunch this may be the work of a Pokémon nearby. For now, though, let's continue our research and turn our attention to the last of the three Unovan Legendary Pokémon detailed in those stories—{{p|Thundurus}}. Thundurus is known as the Bolt Strike Pokémon, and its story also references both Incarnate and Therian formes. The spikes on its tail are said to discharge immense bolts of lightning. For the sake of consistency, let's go ahead and research {{type|Electric}} Pokémon in the area as we compile our notes on Thundurus. "''

* 5/5
:''"Ah, there you are, <player>. I have something big to share! But first, I want to thank you for all your hard work collecting information on Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus. I feel confident that when the time comes, you'll be prepared to encounter any of these amazing Legendary Pokémon—regardless of which forme they appear in. Now—do you remember that strange experience I had where my dream began fading inexplicably? I think I may have finally uncovered the cause. While consulting the Pokédex for possible culprits, I came across an entry for a Pokémon called {{p|Munna}}. It's known as the Dream Eater Pokémon—so you can see why it caught my eye! Munna is said to eat the dreams of both people and Pokémon, expelling mist as a result. The mist is pink if the dream is pleasant, and black if it's a nightmare. I was pretty pleased to be dreaming of those Unovan Legendary Pokémon again, so I suspect Munna's mist was nice and rosy that day! Munna seems like a fascinating Pokémon, and I can't wait to research it more. I hope you'll give me a hand when the time comes, Trainer! Now, let's GO!"''
:''"<Player>! It's so great to see you! The strangest things have been happening lately. You see, I begin each day with a [[Pinap Berry]] and coffee for breakfast, then head outside my lab to take in the crisp morning air before starting my research. A couple days ago, however, I stepped outside and slipped on a sheet of ice right outside the entrance of my lab! Coffee—spilled. Pinap Berry—squished. Day—ruined. At first, I thought the ice formed because it was an especially chilly day, but it was in fact nowhere near cold enough to create a sheet of ice that thick! For my sake—and my breakfast's—can you help me research {{type|Ice}} Pokémon to see whether we can discover anything? *sniffle* My poor breakfast..."''

* 1/4
:''"Great work, <player>! We've learned quite a bit about {{type|Ice}} Pokémon, and it looks as if you've caught a few interesting ones! I feel like we're getting closer to finding out the cause of my breakfast's untimely demise. Oh! There's something I forgot to mention. That very evening—after an incredibly sad, breakfast-less day—I was trying to cheer myself up by dressing in my comfiest pajamas and drinking a cup of herbal tea before tucking into bed. As I lay there, ready to count {{p|Mareep}} and fall asleep, I was suddenly awoken by some unnerving tapping outside my lab! It sounded like...tap-dancing? I was simply too comfortable in bed—and too frightened—to get up and check. All I could do was lie there and hope the tapping would end soon. I now believe source of that tapping was the same Pokémon that created the sheet of ice in front of my mobile lab. Can you investigate some Pokémon related to making peculiar sounds? Let's see whether we can get closer to solving this case before it goes cold."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Just who I wanted to see. I just received a unique research request regarding a particular Pokémon, and I think you're the perfect Trainer to help me with it. Let's warm up with a few tasks first, and then we can dive into the meat of it!"''

* 2/4
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. I have a few more details to share about the research request I received. A favorite of new and experienced Trainers alike, {{p|Bidoof}}, the Plump Mouse Pokémon, has been appearing more often of late. Intriguing, no? Now, before we continue, I have a very important choice for you to make. Will you focus your research on Bidoof or the Plump Mouse Pokémon? Is this a trick question? Who could say! My only advice is to follow your heart. Besides, it's hard to go wrong when Bidoof is your only option!"''
:''"... ... ... OH! <player>, you scared me. I was a bit distracted thinking about the tap-dancing I heard last night, as well as the shadow I saw pass by my window. Oh, I didn't mention that last part? Yes, it was quite an unnerving experience! Anyway, let me take a look at all the research you've done. Oh! OH! Oh my goodness! All right, I think I know the source of these strange occurrences now. I believe the culprit is the [[Regional_form#Galarian_Form|Galarian form]] of the Barrier Pokémon—{{p|Mr. Mime}}! Galarian Mr. Mime is known as the Dancing Pokémon. It likes to create a sheet of ice and tap-dance on it. What a strange Pokémon! While Galarian Mr. Mime is the prime suspect, it's still just a hunch. Can you go out and do a bit more research to confirm? Maybe you might even come across a Galarian Mr. Mime!"''

{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=2 | Choose a Path
:''"Phew! Great job catching that Galarian Mr. Mime, <player>! I guess it's not as frightening as I first thought. Perhaps it'll become even more approachable when it evolves? I've read that Galarian Mr. Mime evolves into {{p|Mr. Rime}}, the Comedian Pokémon. Mr. Rime is apparently highly skilled at tap-dancing and waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements. I wonder whether it could teach me some new moves. Haha! Anyway, how about you try evolving your Galarian Mr. Mime?"''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=50% | ''"Choose Bidoof!"''
| ''"Bidoof...?"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll begin to encounter more Bidoof than normal. You'll also receive research tasks that involve catching Bidoof. So many Bidoof!
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll encounter the Plump Mouse Pokémon, Bidoof, more often in the wild. There'll probably be other Bidoof around, too. Yeah!
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Great choice, Trainer! For some reason, I just knew you'd pick Bidoof. Don't ask me how! Bidoof is known for its two large front teeth. Much like {{p|Rattata}}'s teeth, Bidoof's teeth are continually growing. Speaking of teeth, I have a few tasks that you can sink yours into now!"''
:''"Wonderful choice, Trainer! I had a feeling you'd pick the Plump Mouse Pokémon. Don't ask me why! Otherwise known as Bidoof, this {{type|Normal}} Pokémon is far from ordinary! While only about a foot tall, Bidoof is powerful. It can chew through boulders with its incisors—a feat that makes my jaw hurt to even think about."''

* 3/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>. Hopefully you got a few good snapshots of Bidoof while conducting your research! I always enjoy seeing the snapshots Trainers take of Pokémon, and I can never get enough of Bidoof! Now—according to the research request we received, we must choose to focus our efforts on a Pokémon that has nerves of steel or a Pokémon that nests alongside water. I know what you're thinking: choosing between Bidoof and Bidoof isn't easy. But, then again, the most important research rarely is!"''
:''"What a fascinating Pokémon Mr. Rime is! Thank you for evolving your Galarian Mr. Mime, <player>. I've heard stories of Mr. Rime's amusing movements, and you know what? Color me amused. What a COOL discovery this was! This has definitely been an unforgettable adventure, but I'm not sure I can say I'd do it again, given the chilling way it started. My poor breakfast... Until next time, <player>. Let's GO!"''

{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
====Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto====
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=2 | Choose a Path
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=50% | ''"Nerves of steel"''
| ''"Nests near water"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll encounter countless Bidoof and all the fun that comes with them.
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll basically become a Bidoof magnet.
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"You're going with Bidoof, huh? I like your style, <player>.  Bidoof isn't just cute to look at—it's more agile and active than it appears! Nothing can perturb it, making it an excellent member of your team. I think we could all learn from that steadiness. Channel your inner Bidoof so you can steel your nerves, too!"''
:''"You choose Bidoof, eh? I never doubted it for a second. Bidoof often live in groups by the water where they make their nests. I recall that Bibarel, Bidoof's Evolution, makes its nest by damming streams with bark and mud. A river dammed by {{p|Bibarel}} will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby. Fascinating, don't you think?"''

* 4/4
:''"Thank you, <player>, for assisting me with this special assignment. I think we all learned that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Pokémon—especially Bidoof! As a thank-you for your hard work, the team leaders and I prepared a gift for you to help show the world your love and knowledge of the indelible Bidoof. I hope you wear it with the pride it deserves. Why don't you put it on and enjoy a nice walk with your Bidoof? You never know what you might discover! Now, let's GO!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Check this out—I've been practicing. Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon GO! My name is Willow. People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! Some people keep Pokémon as companions. Others have them do battle. Myself? I study Pokémon as a profession. Did that remind you of [[Professor Oak|anyone]]? For many years, Trainers from [[Kanto]] have heard similar remarks before embarking on their journeys through the region. I have the honor of making them today because you're about to head out on your own Kanto-inspired journey. But we can't have you leaving unprepared! I've put together some supplies I think you'll find useful."''

====Professor's Research====
* 1/6
:''"Berries, Potions, and Poké Balls. Looks like you're all set! As you begin today's adventure, try to imagine you're stepping straight into the tall grass of Kanto. I have a feeling you'll meet a Pokémon that will make a wonderful partner on your journey. Be sure to take some snapshots of the Pokémon you encounter along the way! On adventures, I find it's helpful to document not only your findings but also your memories. And I'm sure you'll make plenty of both! Now, in the words of a wise professor: Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's GO!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Glad to see you. I was just thinking that it'd be interesting to research more about my Buddy Pokémon and the team leaders' buddies. The four of us have powerful bonds with our buddies. Blanche has formed a wonderful relationship with {{p|Lapras}}, Candela has had {{p|Rapidash}} since it was a {{p|Ponyta}}, and Spark has developed an electrifying bond with {{p|Elekid}}. My buddy is the [[Mythical]] Pokémon {{p|Meltan}}. Since Meltan and I met, I've been documenting everything I learn about it. And trust me—there's a lot to learn! I've actually heard some reports of Meltan sightings recently. Maybe you'll run into one on your adventures? Definitely something to keep an eye out for as we begin our research. But first, let's stock up on some supplies!"''
:''"How's your journey going, <player>? Oh! Found a partner Pokémon to join you, eh? Wonderful work. In the Kanto region, Trainers are often presented with three options when it comes to their first partner Pokémon. The first is Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon, #001 in the Pokédex. This Grass-type Pokémon has a plant seed on its back right from the day it's born. Another option is Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. It's a Fire-type Pokémon, and it has a flame on its tail that shows the strength of its life force. Last—but certainly not least—is Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. After birth, this Water-type Pokémon's back swells and hardens into a shell. Each of these Pokémon have their strengths and weaknesses, so be sure to study up! For now, though, it's time to get back to your adventure. I'd like you to spend some time with your buddy. The relationship between a Trainer and their Pokémon is of utmost importance! How about going on a walk together? I always enjoy exploring with my buddy!"''
:''"Wonderful work, Trainer! Glad to see you're growing closer to your buddy. Keep it up, and you'll become even closer in no time. When it comes to being a Trainer, people often talk about catching techniques or battle strategies, but I find that friendship is just as essential. Not only are the relationships you build with your Pokémon incredibly important, but so are the friendships you build with other Trainers. Your personal journeys and goals may vary, but at the end of the day, you're all Trainers! You should do your best to connect with the other Trainers you meet on your travels. In that spirit, how about sending your friends some Gifts to brighten their day? I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!"''

* 2/6
:''"Welcome back, Trainer! Seems like you're all set to head out on this research adventure. Why don't we start by looking at the cool pair that is Blanche and Lapras? Known as the Transport Pokémon, Lapras is both {{t|Water}}- and {{type|Ice}}. A smart and kindhearted Pokémon, it glides across the surface of the sea while its beautiful song echoes around it. Lapras are known to have gentle hearts and can even understand human speech. I completely understand why Blanche chose Lapras as a buddy. That said, Blanche clearly feels a special connection to Lapras. Blanche got Lapras by trading with a fellow Team Mystic Trainer. I wonder if that has something to do with it. At any rate, let's focus our research on {{t|Water}}- and {{type|Ice}} Pokémon to learn more about the Pokémon that Blanche holds dear."''
:''"Welcome back, Trainer! Hope you enjoyed connecting with other Trainers. I see you were even able to trade a few Pokémon! Trading is a fabulous way to acquire Pokémon you might not have otherwise encountered. And not only do you get a new entry in your Pokédex, but you also get a new friend! You've already made great progress on your journey. I think it's time to show off the skills you've learned along the way! How about showcasing your throwing expertise by catching some Pokémon? Don't forget to make use of your Berries, too. I'm especially fond of Pinap Berries. They help you earn extra Candy for the Pokémon you're catching—and they're tasty to boot!"''

* 3/6
:''"Excellent work, <player>. It looks like you have your very own Lapras, just like Blanche! Be sure to tell your Lapras I said hi! I never miss a chance to greet new Pokémon. Now, let's move on to our next dynamic duo: Spark and Elekid. The leader of Team Instinct has always had a soft spot for Pokémon that hatch from Eggs, so it's only natural that he'd have a buddy like Elekid. But don't let this Pokémon's small stature fool you! Spark's Elekid is incredibly powerful, making it a fitting buddy for the energetic team leader. Why hasn't Spark evolved his Elekid? Well, Evolution should be approached with care. I'm sure Spark will know when Elekid is ready to evolve. Spark may seem pretty carefree, but few are more committed to the care and training of Pokémon than him. What do you say we research some {{type|Electric}} Pokémon that Spark tends to work with?"''
:''"I'm sure I had a stash of Pinap Berries here somewhere... Oh! Welcome back, <player>! Guess my snack will have to wait.  I've been checking up on your progress, and I have to say, I'm very impressed! It seems there's no challenge you can't overcome. As I'm sure you know, a well-rounded Trainer needs to have a great team of Pokémon to battle against other Trainers or even challenge Pokémon in raids. I think this is a great time to power up some of your Pokémon and bolster your team. While you focus on that, I'll be looking into an interesting rumor I caught wind of. There have been reports of encounters with a Pokémon that's able to transform into another Pokémon entirely. Fascinating stuff! I'll be sure to share whatever I find when you return."''

* 4/6
:''"How did your research go, Trainer? I think it's time to turn our attention to some {{type|Fire}} Pokémon—specifically the Fire Horse Pokémon Rapidash. This Pokémon has a competitive streak, making it a great match for Candela, the leader of Team Valor. Candela has had her Rapidash since it was a Ponyta, so you can be sure the two of them have been on more than a few adventures. Rapidash loves to run and gallop, so Candela always makes sure her Buddy Pokémon has plenty of time and space to do just that. That kind of care is critical for building strong, lasting relationships with your Pokémon. Candela's passion and dedication make her a great role model for her fellow Team Valor members—and everyone, really. Maybe researching {{type|Fire}} Pokémon will help you learn more about Candela's fiery spirit?"''
:''" Glad you're back, Trainer. After looking into those reports, it certainly sounds like the work of {{p|Ditto}}, the Transformation Pokémon. Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other shapes. What an incredible Pokémon! However, there seems to be something more to this situation. Could you help me with some research so we can find out what exactly is going on? I'll continue my work here to see if I can uncover some more information that might help us."''

* 5/6
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Thanks for conducting that research on {{type|Fire}} Pokémon. Now that we've learned more about the Pokémon that Blanche, Spark, and Candela call their buddies, it's time to do some research on my Buddy Pokémon: Meltan. I remember when I first met my Meltan. I was out doing some research when I stumbled upon a group of them. I'd never seen a Pokémon like it before, and I wanted to share my findings with my mentor, [[Professor Oak]]. The group of Meltan eventually departed, but one Meltan stuck around, and we've been together ever since! At first, I assumed Meltan only stayed to snack on all the metal knickknacks in my mobile lab. But as time passed, our bond grew stronger, and now we're practically inseparable. Our favorite thing is to go on long walks and look for metallic snacks for Meltan. Which reminds me—we still need to look into those reports of Meltan appearing nearby! Let's do some investigating and see if we can find any Meltan, Trainer!"''
:''"<Player>! Is it true?! You encountered a {{Shiny}} Ditto?! I'm stunned! You've had quite the journey, haven't you? It's been a joy to follow your progress, as always. Believe it or not, though, there's still another mystery that needs solving.  You see, after looking over the research you've conducted, I think we might be on the trail of the New Species Pokémon, Mew. We've documented Mew in the past, but something's different this time—though I can't yet say what that is. Whatever the case, I think it's safe to say this is going to be a memorable adventure! In the meantime, keep an eye out for another research assignment. I have a feeling this is going to be an especially challenging endeavor, but I'm sure you're up to it! For now, though, I think congratulations are in order. You did a tremendous job on today's Kanto-themed journey! I hope you were able to make some special memories with your Pokémon and fellow Trainers. Thanks again for all your help and hard work! Now, let's GO!"''

* 6/6
====All-in-One #151====
:''"Well done, Trainer! Thanks to your hard work, you have your very own Meltan! I'm sure that if you take the time to build up your relationship, Meltan will evolve into Melmetal in no time! Melmetal stands over eight feet tall. By using centrifugal force, Melmetal can use its heavy hex-nut arms to deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Now is the time to focus on the friendship between you and your Buddy Pokémon—whether it be Meltan or any other Pokémon that you feel a special bond with. After studying the bonds the team leaders and I have with our Buddy Pokémon, I hope you feel inspired to find a buddy you can grow with as well. I've no doubt you and your Buddy Pokémon will achieve some incredible things—and Meltan and I will be cheering you on! Thank again for your assistance. Until next time, let's GO!"''
:''"Ah, <player>! Glad to have you aboard this expedition. Say, have you ever heard this particular tune? Da da da doo, da dee da dum... That's what I hear in my head when I think of a certain sailor and his Wingull that I met while traveling through the Hoenn region in my younger years. I believe the tune was originally a sea shanty. Sailors would sing songs like this together on their seafaring adventures to keep morale high and help find a rhythm during certain tasks. I'm no sailor, but I do find myself feeling luckier after humming it! Haha! Anyway, we're here to look into the strange situation we uncovered during your Kanto-themed journey. I'm talking, of course, about reports of encounters with Mew, the New Species Pokémon. There have been several sightings of a Shiny one recently, which is tremendously exciting! That means our goal on this expedition is to find not only one of the most elusive Pokémon to ever exist, but a Shiny one at that! You've experienced a lot on your journeys thus far, <player>. But perhaps the most wonderful thing about Pokémon is that there's always something new to discover. I hope you're excited for what's to come, because I have a feeling it's going to be a real test of your skills as a Trainer! Let's GO!"''

====Voltorb from the Hisui Region?!====
* 1/2
:''"Wow, <player>—great work! Your knowledge of the Kanto region is beginning to rival even my own! Our next task is to learn more about Pokémon DNA. I know that sounds pretty heavy on the science, but don't worry—I'll take care of that part. All I need you to do is get out there and catch lots of different types of Pokémon! Mew's DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so to better understand Mew, we should try to understand as much as we can about the genetics of other Pokémon."''
:''"<Player>, you’re not going to believe this!"''
:''"Have you seen those Poké Ball–like Pokémon rolling about?"''
:''"They look an awful lot like {{p|Voltorb}}—a Pokémon native to the Kanto region, among others—but I’ve never seen any Voltorb quite like these."''
:''"Incredible work, <player>! Seeing you learn so much about different Pokémon reminded me of how vast the world of Pokémon truly is. Knowledge is funny in that the more we gain, the more realize how much we still lack. Some might find that frustrating, but for me it's inspiring! You know, there's a part in that sea shanty I mentioned before that seems applicable here. I don't remember the exact words, but the gist is that we should travel across the land, searching far and wide to learn about all the amazing Pokémon there are in the world. Words to live by, I say! Let's get out there and track down that Shiny Mew, Trainer!"''
:''"I reached out to everyone I could think of and pored over all the research documents I could get my hands on, but get this: nothing in modern scholarship mentions this Pokémon!"''
:''"However, I did eventually find something. Did you know that the Sinnoh region used to be known as the [[Hisui]] region?"''
:''"Well, I found historical documentation of an old-fashioned Poké Ball developed long ago in the Hisui region, and I realized it greatly resembles this mysterious Pokémon. Or could it be the other way around?"''
:''"Which came first: the Poké Ball or the Pokémon? Who knows!"''
:''"Taking all this into consideration, I believe this anomalous Pokémon is, in fact, a Voltorb that once lived in the Hisui region."''
:''"Is it still a regional variant if it only existed in the past? Gosh, what a puzzle."''
:''"For now, I suppose we may as well call this Pokémon Hisuian Voltorb."''
:''"This all begs the question: why are Hisuian Voltorb appearing now after being absent for so long? Did they somehow travel to the present from the Sinnoh region of the past?"''
:''"I have a theory that when Team GO Rocket broke open the mysterious door, it somehow caused these Hisuian Voltorb to appear in our time."''
:''"Now why am I suddenly reminded of Celebi, the Time Travel Pokémon..."''
:''"Anyway, that’s all I’ve got! Kind of unbelievable, isn’t it?"''
:''"I’m going to do some more digging on my end, and I’d love your help researching these bygone Pokémon out in the field!"''
:''"Let’s investigate Hisuian Voltorb together."''

* 2/2
:''"I’m still reeling, <player>."''
:''"<Player>, you... You did it! You actually found and caught a Shiny Mew! Has it even sunk in yet? This is a monumental achievement, Trainer. Take a moment to congratulate yourself! Hm? It's my achievement as well? Haha! No, no, I just hummed you a shanty and guided you like any Pokémon Professor worth their sea salt would. But thanks are certainly in order for the Pokémon you've befriended on your journey. They played a big part in your research, after all! The ones you've caught, the ones you've battled with, and the ones that traveled with you as your buddy—each Pokémon played a critical part in helping you achieve this goal. As Trainers, we owe an eternal debt to our Pokémon. After all, we can't very well be Trainers without them! A Trainer's journey is meant to be filled with amazing memories, ambitious dreams, and unexpected adventures. I think this particular journey checked all those boxes pretty handily! I'm sure it won't be the last to do so, either. Now, until next time...let's GO!"''
:''"Can you believe Pokémon from a different time are now appearing around us?"''
:''"I wonder what this Pokémon has seen in the Hisui region—and what it thinks of the future it’s suddenly seeing now!"''
:''"Ah, the Hisui region... I wonder what other kinds of Pokémon lived there."''
:''"What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and experience the Hisui region for myself! It’d be a dream come true!"''
:''"Maybe if I ever meet Celebi, I could ask it for a quick trip back in time, just to sate my curiosity!"''
:''"...But I’m sure that’s not possible. It’s nice to dream, though!"''
:''"Anyway, I’ve decided to research whether Hisuian Voltorb can evolve."''
:''"I haven’t the foggiest if it can, but that won’t stop me. I want to learn everything about this strange and wonderful Pokémon."''
:''"After all, it’s not every day that a literal blast from the past falls into your lap! Get it? Because Voltorb can Self-Destruct? Haha..."''
:''"Anyway. Our research sure has been exciting lately, hasn’t it, <player>?"''
:''"Something tells me we’re in for even more exciting discoveries!"''
:''"Let’s keep at it and see what else our adventure together brings."''

====Pokémon GO Tour: Johto====
====Season of Legends====
* 1/9
* 1/5
:''"Hello, <player>! Are you ready? Your very own Pokémon story is about to unfold. This adventure may be brand new to some, while for others, it might be very familiar."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! It's good to see you. As you know, I've recently been conducting research on several different [[region]]s in the world of Pokémon. Along the way, I came across some books that collected stories and legends from various regions. One of these tomes told of three Legendary Pokémon from the [[Unova]] region—a [[Forces of Nature|trio]] that seem to be capable of changing [[forme]]s. Needless to say, that piqued my interest, and I became so enveloped in my research that I even began seeing those three Legendary Pokémon in my dreams! Which brings me to why I called you here. Can you help me with some research, Trainer? I was thinking we could start by catching some {{type|Rock}} Pokémon—you know, just to give ourselves a sturdy foundation to build from. ...Get it? Sturdy? Because they're...{{type|Rock}}? A-anyway, I'd appreciate the help. Let's GO!"''
:''"That’s right—today we’re learning all about the Johto region and meeting some Pokémon originally discovered there, too!"''
:''"The Johto region is a land steeped in history and tradition, where the bygone beauty of Ecruteak City lies just steps away from the modern metropolis of Goldenrod City."''
* 2/5
:''"It’s also the region where Dark- and Steel-type Pokémon were first discovered! Not to mention Mr. Pokémon and the mysterious Mystery Egg."''
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. Now that we've established a foundation for our research, we need to narrow our focus. There are three stories I want to investigate, so I think the best approach is to focus on one story at a time and see what we can learn. My hope is to discover as much as we can about these Pokémon, so that when we see clues or signs of their appearance, we're as prepared as possible! This first story tells of a Legendary Pokémon called {{p|Landorus}}. The story says that lands visited by Landorus yield such bountiful crops that it's been hailed as “The Guardian of the Fields.” Landorus seems to have two formes: [[Incarnate Forme]], and the very rarely seen [[Therian Forme]]. I haven't been able to find any imagery depicting the latter, but every source I've read agrees on its existence! For now, why don't we research {{type|Ground}} Pokémon? Maybe in doing so we can better equip ourselves to identify Landorus's Therian Forme when the time comes."''
:''"Speaking of Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region, I’ve heard tell that Celebi, the Time Travel Pokémon, has been seen nearby."''
:''"Celebi has the ability to move through time."''
* 3/5
:''"Once again, I just can’t shake the feeling that Celebi had something to do with Hisuian Voltorb appearing in our time."''
:''"Thank you, <player>. I think we've gained a better understanding of Landorus after studying {{type|Ground}} Pokémon. And is that a {{p|Drilbur}} you've got there? I dig it! ...Haha! Sorry, sorry. Anyway, since we've explored all our leads on Landorus for the moment, what do you say we move on to another Pokémon from my dream? Let's focus on {{p|Tornadus}} next. The texts say Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms, and that its power is great enough to blow houses away. Like Landorus, Tornadus also has both Incarnate and Therian formes. Hmm… Maybe researching {{type|Flying}} Pokémon in the area is our best bet for now? Let's give it a shot, Trainer!"''
:''"In any case, rumor has it this Celebi knows a special move. I hope we’ll get a chance to see if that’s true!"''
:''"While you enjoy today’s festivities, keep vigilant for any signs of Team GO Rocket. I know I haven’t forgotten about them."''
* 4/5
:''"Hopefully we can get some insight into what they’ve been up to since they smashed open the mysterious door..."''
:''"Excellent work, Trainer! Thanks for documenting that information about Tornadus. It seems you even found yourself a darling {{p|Ducklett}} along the way! Is it all it's quacked up to be? Haha! I think we've learned everything we can about Tornadus for now. Its Therian Forme is still a mystery, but hopefully not for long! Before we start investigating the final Legendary Pokémon from my dream, I need to share something...strange. You see, I'd been running myself a bit ragged with research, so I stopped for an afternoon nap. In the resulting dream, I saw those three Unovan Legendary Pokémon again, clear as crystal. But then, the whole dream just started...fading. It was almost like something was eating the dream itself. I'm still not sure what to make of it all, but let's stay on the lookout for anything suspicious. I have a hunch this may be the work of a Pokémon nearby. For now, though, let's continue our research and turn our attention to the last of the three Unovan Legendary Pokémon detailed in those stories—{{p|Thundurus}}. Thundurus is known as the Bolt Strike Pokémon, and its story also references both Incarnate and Therian formes. The spikes on its tail are said to discharge immense bolts of lightning. For the sake of consistency, let's go ahead and research {{type|Electric}} Pokémon in the area as we compile our notes on Thundurus. "''
:''"But nothing’s happened yet, so you just focus on having fun with your friends and your Pokémon!"''
* 5/5
:''"Ah, there you are, <player>. I have something big to share! But first, I want to thank you for all your hard work collecting information on Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus. I feel confident that when the time comes, you'll be prepared to encounter any of these amazing Legendary Pokémon—regardless of which forme they appear in. Now—do you remember that strange experience I had where my dream began fading inexplicably? I think I may have finally uncovered the cause. While consulting the Pokédex for possible culprits, I came across an entry for a Pokémon called {{p|Munna}}. It's known as the Dream Eater Pokémon—so you can see why it caught my eye! Munna is said to eat the dreams of both people and Pokémon, expelling mist as a result. The mist is pink if the dream is pleasant, and black if it's a nightmare. I was pretty pleased to be dreaming of those Unovan Legendary Pokémon again, so I suspect Munna's mist was nice and rosy that day! Munna seems like a fascinating Pokémon, and I can't wait to research it more. I hope you'll give me a hand when the time comes, Trainer! Now, let's GO!"''
* 1/4
:''"Hey there, <player>! Just who I wanted to see. I just received a unique research request regarding a particular Pokémon, and I think you're the perfect Trainer to help me with it. Let's warm up with a few tasks first, and then we can dive into the meat of it!"''

* 2/9
* 2/4
:''"You know what your adventure needs, <player>? A new buddy! I spoke with a colleague and was able to orchestrate a little surprise for you."''
:''"Welcome back, Trainer. I have a few more details to share about the research request I received.  A favorite of new and experienced Trainers alike, {{p|Bidoof}}, the Plump Mouse Pokémon, has been appearing more often of late. Intriguing, no? Now, before we continue, I have a very important choice for you to make. Will you focus your research on Bidoof or the Plump Mouse Pokémon? Is this a trick question? Who could say! My only advice is to follow your heart. Besides, it's hard to go wrong when Bidoof is your only option!"''
:''"These Pokémon are the first partner Pokémon offered to Trainers in the Johto region. Go on. Pick one!"''

* 3/9
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=3 | Choose a Path
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=2 | Choose a Path
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=33% | ''"Choose Totodile"''
| width=50% | ''"Choose Bidoof!"''
| ''"Choose Cyndaquil"''
| ''"Bidoof...?"''
| ''"Choose Chikorita"''
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
:Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon, is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves! You’ll be able to catch Totodile and earn Totodile Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots with Totodile.
:Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection! You’ll be able to catch Cyndaquil and earn Cyndaquil Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots of Cyndaquil.
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll begin to encounter more Bidoof than normal. You'll also receive research tasks that involve catching Bidoof. So many Bidoof!
:Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon, uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe! You’ll be able to catch Chikorita and earn Chikorita Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots of Chikorita.
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll encounter the Plump Mouse Pokémon, Bidoof, more often in the wild. There'll probably be other Bidoof around, too. Yeah!
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
:''"Great choice, Trainer! For some reason, I just knew you'd pick Bidoof. Don't ask me how! Bidoof is known for its two large front teeth. Much like {{p|Rattata}}'s teeth, Bidoof's teeth are continually growing. Speaking of teeth, I have a few tasks that you can sink yours into now!"''
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
:''"Wonderful choice, Trainer! I had a feeling you'd pick the Plump Mouse Pokémon. Don't ask me why! Otherwise known as Bidoof, this {{type|Normal}} Pokémon is far from ordinary! While only about a foot tall, Bidoof is powerful. It can chew through boulders with its incisors—a feat that makes my jaw hurt to even think about."''
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon, is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. Though what’s the harm in one quick pet..."''
:''"Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection. Doesn’t its shyness make you want to cuddle it even more?"''
:''"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon, is docile and loves to soak up the sun’s rays. A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. Doesn’t it have just the most adorable face?"''
:''"I’m sure this little one is eager to spend some time with you, and what better way than letting it join you on your Johto journey!"''

* 4/9
* 3/4
:''"Wow, your {{tt|Chikorita|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Cyndaquil|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Totodile|if Totodile was chosen}} evolved into {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} already! And just in time, <player>—I have some troubling news."''
:''"Welcome back, <player>. Hopefully you got a few good snapshots of Bidoof while conducting your research! I always enjoy seeing the snapshots Trainers take of Pokémon, and I can never get enough of Bidoof! Now—according to the research request we received, we must choose to focus our efforts on a Pokémon that has nerves of steel or a Pokémon that nests alongside water. I know what you're thinking: choosing between Bidoof and Bidoof isn't easy. But, then again, the most important research rarely is!"''
:''"Team GO Rocket is mobilizing—and they’re headed straight toward us!"''
:''"I have a feeling they’re stirring up more than just a mild bit of mischief... That must be why they’re launching an invasion—more distractions! Not to mention they always love to crash our parties."''
:''"Have they heard about the Celebi sightings? Or maybe they have something even more sinister up their sleeve..."''
:''"I’m going to need your help defeating some Team GO Rocket Grunts—distract the distraction, and buy me some time to investigate. Can I count on your help?"''

* 5/9
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
:''"Magnificent work, <player>! While I was investigating, some Team GO Rocket Grunts ran by, whining about losing to a superpowerful Trainer."''
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=2 | Choose a Path
:''"I assume you’re the Trainer in question? Incredible. I knew I could trust you."''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
:''"So, my sleuthing turned up an interesting rumor. A Gyarados has been spotted nearby, but it isn’t at all like your typical Gyarados."''
| width=50% | ''"Nerves of steel"''
:''"This one seems like it’s mired in a fit of rage—not unlike a certain Red Gyarados that once rampaged the Johto region’s Lake of Rage."''
| ''"Nests near water"''
:''"Back then, Team Rocket used a mysterious radio broadcast to force Magikarp to evolve."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Hm. Now doesn’t that sound familiar... Just like Shadow Pokémon... And there have been a lot more of them appearing lately. Could Team GO Rocket be using the same technology again?"''
:''"And how does this connect with what they stole from behind the mysterious door? What if it was some sort of power that they’ve now amplified and corrupted...?"''
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll encounter countless Bidoof and all the fun that comes with them.
:''"And with Celebi about and its time travel powers— Egad! Who knows what Team GO Rocket could do! There’s no time to waste. Let’s save Gyarados and then set our sights on finding Celebi before it’s too late!"''
:By choosing this Bidoof, you'll basically become a Bidoof magnet.
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"You're going with Bidoof, huh? I like your style, <player>. Bidoof isn't just cute to look at—it's more agile and active than it appears! Nothing can perturb it, making it an excellent member of your team. I think we could all learn from that steadiness. Channel your inner Bidoof so you can steel your nerves, too!"''
:''"You choose Bidoof, eh? I never doubted it for a second. Bidoof often live in groups by the water where they make their nests. I recall that Bibarel, Bidoof's Evolution, makes its nest by damming streams with bark and mud. A river dammed by {{p|Bibarel}} will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby. Fascinating, don't you think?"''
* 4/4
:''"Thank you, <player>, for assisting me with this special assignment. I think we all learned that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Pokémon—especially Bidoof! As a thank-you for your hard work, the team leaders and I prepared a gift for you to help show the world your love and knowledge of the indelible Bidoof. I hope you wear it with the pride it deserves. Why don't you put it on and enjoy a nice walk with your Bidoof? You never know what you might discover! Now, let's GO!"''

* 6/9
====Professor's Research====
:''"Great work, <player>! That Gyarados is much calmer now that you’ve rescued it from Team GO Rocket."''
* 1/6
:''"It looks like Team GO Rocket’s retreating as well, so how about we continue with our festivities? They’ve stolen enough of our time."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Glad to see you. I was just thinking that it'd be interesting to research more about my Buddy Pokémon and the team leaders' buddies. The four of us have powerful bonds with our buddies. Blanche has formed a wonderful relationship with {{p|Lapras}}, Candela has had {{p|Rapidash}} since it was a {{p|Ponyta}}, and Spark has developed an electrifying bond with {{p|Elekid}}.  My buddy is the [[Mythical]] Pokémon {{p|Meltan}}. Since Meltan and I met, I've been documenting everything I learn about it. And trust me—there's a lot to learn! I've actually heard some reports of Meltan sightings recently. Maybe you'll run into one on your adventures? Definitely something to keep an eye out for as we begin our research. But first, let's stock up on some supplies!"''
:''"I think your {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} would like to play with you!"''
:''"Even in the direst of situations, when you’re pulled from all sides, it’s essential to take time to decompress and enjoy a peaceful moment with your friends."''
:''"Times like that give us the strength to persevere."''
:''"Speaking of strength, your {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} looks ready to evolve!"''

* 7/9
* 2/6
:''"{{tt|Ah, your Meganium is absolutely efflorescent with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to see your friendship blossom.|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Ah, your Typhlosion is absolutely ablaze with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to see your new friendship burn so brightly.|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Ah, your Feraligatr is absolutely awash with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to experience the refreshing friendship between you two.|if Totodile was chosen}}"''
:''"Welcome back, Trainer! Seems like you're all set to head out on this research adventure. Why don't we start by looking at the cool pair that is Blanche and Lapras? Known as the Transport Pokémon, Lapras is both {{t|Water}}- and {{type|Ice}}. A smart and kindhearted Pokémon, it glides across the surface of the sea while its beautiful song echoes around it. Lapras are known to have gentle hearts and can even understand human speech. I completely understand why Blanche chose Lapras as a buddy. That said, Blanche clearly feels a special connection to Lapras. Blanche got Lapras by trading with a fellow Team Mystic Trainer. I wonder if that has something to do with it. At any rate, let's focus our research on {{t|Water}}- and {{type|Ice}} Pokémon to learn more about the Pokémon that Blanche holds dear."''
:''"Making new friends and exploring the world around you are two of life’s greatest joys. My life is richer for the adventures I’ve had."''
:''"I’d have never found that mysterious door if not for a random adventure! Despite Team GO Rocket’s interference, I’m still grateful for the time I got to spend with the team leaders and the research I was able to do."''
:''"Enough of my chatter—why don’t you go make some new friends yourself? There’s plenty of day left to enjoy."''

* 8/9
* 3/6
:''"<Player>, sorry to rush you, but we have to hurry! There’s been a confirmed Celebi sighting just moments ago. If you go now, you might be able to catch it!"''
:''"Excellent work, <player>. It looks like you have your very own Lapras, just like Blanche! Be sure to tell your Lapras I said hi! I never miss a chance to greet new Pokémon. Now, let's move on to our next dynamic duo: Spark and Elekid. The leader of Team Instinct has always had a soft spot for Pokémon that hatch from Eggs, so it's only natural that he'd have a buddy like Elekid. But don't let this Pokémon's small stature fool you! Spark's Elekid is incredibly powerful, making it a fitting buddy for the energetic team leader. Why hasn't Spark evolved his Elekid? Well, Evolution should be approached with care. I'm sure Spark will know when Elekid is ready to evolve. Spark may seem pretty carefree, but few are more committed to the care and training of Pokémon than him. What do you say we research some {{type|Electric}} Pokémon that Spark tends to work with?"''
:''"Let’s GO!"''

* 9/9
* 4/6
:''"Great work catching Celebi! It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and shining future awaits us."''
:''"How did your research go, Trainer? I think it's time to turn our attention to some {{type|Fire}} Pokémon—specifically the Fire Horse Pokémon Rapidash. This Pokémon has a competitive streak, making it a great match for Candela, the leader of Team Valor. Candela has had her Rapidash since it was a Ponyta, so you can be sure the two of them have been on more than a few adventures. Rapidash loves to run and gallop, so Candela always makes sure her Buddy Pokémon has plenty of time and space to do just that. That kind of care is critical for building strong, lasting relationships with your Pokémon. Candela's passion and dedication make her a great role model for her fellow Team Valor members—and everyone, really. Maybe researching {{type|Fire}} Pokémon will help you learn more about Candela's fiery spirit?"''
:''"I wonder why Celebi decided to appear to us today. Maybe it’s a sign of good things to come."''
:''"After all the trouble we’ve had with Team GO Rocket, I welcome the reminder that peaceful times aren’t too far off."''
:''"While you were out, I uncovered the truth Team GO Rocket has been trying so hard to hide: they’ve captured Ho-Oh and Lugia."''
:''"It gets worse: using the power they stole from behind the mysterious door in conjunction with radio technology developed via their past broadcasts, they’ve forced Lugia and Ho-Oh to ascend to a level of power beyond any Shadow Pokémon we’ve ever seen."''
:''"They call these new Shadow Pokémon Apex Shadow Ho-Oh and Apex Shadow Lugia. Get ready, <player>—the battle’s only just begun."''

====A Melemele Adventure====
* 5/6
* 1/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Thanks for conducting that research on {{type|Fire}} Pokémon. Now that we've learned more about the Pokémon that Blanche, Spark, and Candela call their buddies, it's time to do some research on my Buddy Pokémon: Meltan. I remember when I first met my Meltan. I was out doing some research when I stumbled upon a group of them. I'd never seen a Pokémon like it before, and I wanted to share my findings with my mentor, [[Professor Oak]]. The group of Meltan eventually departed, but one Meltan stuck around, and we've been together ever since! At first, I assumed Meltan only stayed to snack on all the metal knickknacks in my mobile lab. But as time passed, our bond grew stronger, and now we're practically inseparable. Our favorite thing is to go on long walks and look for metallic snacks for Meltan. Which reminds me—we still need to look into those reports of Meltan appearing nearby! Let's do some investigating and see if we can find any Meltan, Trainer!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! It’s great to see you, as always."''
:''"I’m feeling especially refreshed today, as if a pleasant island breeze were following me. Maybe it’s the freshly squeezed Pinap Juice I had for breakfast?"''
:''"Or maybe it’s because more and more Pokémon first discovered in the Alola region have been coming to visit me lately!"''
:''"Do you know about the Alola region, <player>? It’s a cluster of tropical islands, each with unique scenery and Pokémon."''
:''"Alola even has Pokémon whose appearances are different than their counterparts in other regions. You may have encountered some of them before!"''
:''"Why don’t you try looking for some Pokémon that were first discovered in Alola while I rustle up another glass of juice? I’m sure we have a lot to learn about our visitors!"''

* 2/4
* 6/6
:''"Good timing, <player>! I just finished my juice."''
:''"Well done, Trainer! Thanks to your hard work, you have your very own Meltan! I'm sure that if you take the time to build up your relationship, Meltan will evolve into Melmetal in no time! Melmetal stands over eight feet tall. By using centrifugal force, Melmetal can use its heavy hex-nut arms to deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Now is the time to focus on the friendship between you and your Buddy Pokémon—whether it be Meltan or any other Pokémon that you feel a special bond with. After studying the bonds the team leaders and I have with our Buddy Pokémon, I hope you feel inspired to find a buddy you can grow with as well. I've no doubt you and your Buddy Pokémon will achieve some incredible things—and Meltan and I will be cheering you on! Thank again for your assistance. Until next time, let's GO!"''
:''"Thanks for looking into the Alola region’s Pokémon! You’re as diligent as ever."''
:''"Let me take a look at what you’ve discovered. Hmm... It seems many of the Pokémon you just met can be found on Alola’s Melemele Island."''
:''"Melemele Island is where many of Alola’s Trainers begin their island challenge. It’s very fitting that the Pokémon you just met are also some of the first that young Trainers in Alola meet, too!"''
:''"Now, let’s have a little more fun! Could you take a few snapshots of your new Pokémon friends or feed them some Berries, <player>?"''

* 3/4
====Voltorb from the Hisui Region?!====
:''"Back already, <player>? You and your Pokémon already seem to be closer. But who doesn’t love a good Pinap Berry? Speaking of, maybe it’s time for another glass of juice..."''
* 1/2
:''"Delicious juice aside, did you know that each island in the Alola region has its own Island Guardian? Melemele Island’s guardian deity is Tapu Koko."''
:''"<Player>, you’re not going to believe this!"''
:''"Why do I bring this up? Well, while you were away, I was looking for a clean glass and caught a startling yellow flash out of the corner of my eye!"''
:''"Have you seen those Poké Ball–like Pokémon rolling about?"''
:''"The lightning-wielding Tapu Koko is known to fly faster than the eye can follow. With so many other Pokémon found on Melemele Island appearing, could it be that Tapu Koko is visiting as well?"''
:''"They look an awful lot like {{p|Voltorb}}—a Pokémon native to the Kanto region, among others—but I’ve never seen any Voltorb quite like these."''
:''"Could you look around and see if you can spot Tapu Koko, <player>? I’m eager to know if what I saw was truly the Land Spirit Pokémon."''
:''"I reached out to everyone I could think of and pored over all the research documents I could get my hands on, but get this: nothing in modern scholarship mentions this Pokémon!"''
:''"However, I did eventually find something. Did you know that the Sinnoh region used to be known as the [[Hisui]] region?"''
* 4/4
:''"Well, I found historical documentation of an old-fashioned Poké Ball developed long ago in the Hisui region, and I realized it greatly resembles this mysterious Pokémon. Or could it be the other way around?"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! What’s that? You were able to see Tapu Koko? That’s incredible!"''
:''"Which came first: the Poké Ball or the Pokémon? Who knows!"''
:''"And would you believe it: Spark was just here, raving that he’d seen Tapu Koko, too! So it is in the area after all. What an exceptional discovery, <player>!"''
:''"Taking all this into consideration, I believe this anomalous Pokémon is, in fact, a Voltorb that once lived in the Hisui region."''
:''"I wonder why Tapu Koko is here. Tapu Koko is said to be a Pokémon brimming with curiosity—but, naturally, Island Guardians tend to stay on their respective islands. The fact that one of them is here may mean something is amiss..."''
:''"Is it still a regional variant if it only existed in the past? Gosh, what a puzzle."''
:''"Or did someone do something to anger it? I’ll have to do some more research before I can say anything for sure."''
:''"For now, I suppose we may as well call this Pokémon Hisuian Voltorb."''
:''"Do you think we’ll get a chance to meet the other Island Guardians, <player>? Wouldn’t that be something."''
:''"This all begs the question: why are Hisuian Voltorb appearing now after being absent for so long? Did they somehow travel to the present from the Sinnoh region of the past?"''
:''"I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Until then, let’s kick back and enjoy a little R and R with our new friends!"''
:''"I have a theory that when Team GO Rocket broke open the mysterious door, it somehow caused these Hisuian Voltorb to appear in our time."''
:''"Now why am I suddenly reminded of Celebi, the Time Travel Pokémon..."''
:''"Anyway, that’s all I’ve got! Kind of unbelievable, isn’t it?"''
:''"I’m going to do some more digging on my end, and I’d love your help researching these bygone Pokémon out in the field!"''
:''"Let’s investigate Hisuian Voltorb together."''

====An Akala Adventure====
* 2/2
* 1/4
:''"I’m still reeling, <player>."''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Isn’t it lovely out?"''
:''"Can you believe Pokémon from a different time are now appearing around us?"''
:''"There are Litten lying in the sun, Rowlet relaxing in the trees, Popplio playing in the water—and these malasadas Spark dropped off sure are delicious!"''
:''"I wonder what this Pokémon has seen in the Hisui region—and what it thinks of the future it’s suddenly seeing now!"''
:''"It seems even the flowers smell sweeter today!"''
:''"Ah, the Hisui region... I wonder what other kinds of Pokémon lived there."''
:''"Why don’t you go out and see what Pokémon are around, <player>? Maybe we’ll find something new to research!"''
:''"What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and experience the Hisui region for myself! It’d be a dream come true!"''
:''"I think I’ll sit this one out. Taking breaks is important!"''
:''"Maybe if I ever meet Celebi, I could ask it for a quick trip back in time, just to sate my curiosity!"''
:''"...But I’m sure that’s not possible. It’s nice to dream, though!"''
:''"Anyway, I’ve decided to research whether Hisuian Voltorb can evolve."''
:''"I haven’t the foggiest if it can, but that won’t stop me. I want to learn everything about this strange and wonderful Pokémon."''
:''"After all, it’s not every day that a literal blast from the past falls into your lap! Get it? Because Voltorb can Self-Destruct? Haha..."''
:''"Anyway. Our research sure has been exciting lately, hasn’t it, <player>?"''
:''"Something tells me we’re in for even more exciting discoveries!"''
:''"Let’s keep at it and see what else our adventure together brings."''

* 2/4
====Pokémon GO Tour: Johto====
:''"Ah, you’re back already, <player>—and with some new Pokémon in tow! Well done."''
* 1/9
:''"While you were gone, I noticed there’s something sparkling in the air today. Perhaps it’s a result of my radiant personality, eh, <player>?"''
:''"Hello, <player>! Are you ready? Your very own Pokémon story is about to unfold. This adventure may be brand new to some, while for others, it might be very familiar."''
:''"Haha! Seriously though, it’s something I’m looking into."''
:''"That’s right—today we’re learning all about the Johto region and meeting some Pokémon originally discovered there, too!"''
:''"For now, let’s have a look at the Pokémon you’ve caught."''
:''"The Johto region is a land steeped in history and tradition, where the bygone beauty of Ecruteak City lies just steps away from the modern metropolis of Goldenrod City."''
:''"Hmm, how curious. You appear to have caught several Pokémon that are often found on Alola’s Akala Island."''
:''"It’s also the region where Dark- and Steel-type Pokémon were first discovered! Not to mention Mr. Pokémon and the mysterious Mystery Egg."''
:''"Akala Island has some amazing geographical features that make it a suitable habitat for a wide range of Pokémon."''
:''"Speaking of Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region, I’ve heard tell that Celebi, the Time Travel Pokémon, has been seen nearby."''
:''"There’s Brooklet Hill, a fantastic fishing spot with a series of cascading waterfalls. And Lush Jungle, where trees grow densely together, as well as Wela Volcano Park—which, as you may have guessed, is a volcano!"''
:''"Celebi has the ability to move through time."''
:''"How about keeping an eye out for Fire-, Water-, and Grass-type Pokémon while you’re out, <player>? If my hunch is correct, you may run into more Pokémon often seen about Akala Island."''
:''"Once again, I just can’t shake the feeling that Celebi had something to do with Hisuian Voltorb appearing in our time."''
:''"In any case, rumor has it this Celebi knows a special move. I hope we’ll get a chance to see if that’s true!"''
:''"While you enjoy today’s festivities, keep vigilant for any signs of Team GO Rocket. I know I haven’t forgotten about them."''
:''"Hopefully we can get some insight into what they’ve been up to since they smashed open the mysterious door..."''
:''"But nothing’s happened yet, so you just focus on having fun with your friends and your Pokémon!"''

* 3/4
* 2/9
:''"Well done, <player>! That’s quite an assortment of Pokémon you’ve encountered."''
:''"You know what your adventure needs, <player>? A new buddy! I spoke with a colleague and was able to orchestrate a little surprise for you."''
:''"I wish I’d been out there with you, but I wasn’t sitting idly by! I think I may have discovered why the air seems to be sparkling today."''
:''"These Pokémon are the first partner Pokémon offered to Trainers in the Johto region. Go on. Pick one!"''
:''"You see, Blanche just reported witnessing a mysterious pink Pokémon behind a flower bush."''
:''"Based on its description, I believe Blanche may have seen Tapu Lele, the guardian deity of Akala Island."''
:''"The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of Tapu Lele’s energy. Perhaps that has something to do with why the flowers smell so sweet today."''
:''"Spark and Blanche have both seen guardian deities now... Hmm. While I chew on that, let’s get out and look for Tapu Lele, <player>!"''

* 4/4
* 3/9
:''"Whew! That was a good walk. I just got back myself, <player>."''
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
:''"I wasn’t able to find Tapu Lele, but I did manage to get a closer look at some of the sparkles I’ve been seeing in the air."''
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=3 | Choose a Path
:''"They appear to be the glowing scales Tapu Lele is known to scatter. Touching them is said to restore good health on the spot."''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
:''"How did you fare during your investigation, <player>?"''
| width=33% | ''"Choose Totodile"''
:''"*gasp* You saw Tapu Lele?! That’s incredible!"''
| ''"Choose Cyndaquil"''
:''"So, we’ve been visited by two of Alola’s guardian deities now... What could they be here for, I wonder?"''
| ''"Choose Chikorita"''
:''"Tapu Lele is said to be guilelessly cruel, so I do hope we’re staying on its good side."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"If I could just meet one of the guardian deities myself, it would help me form a solid hypothesis as to why they’re appearing..."''
:''"But that’s for me to ponder. Don’t trouble yourself with it—go out and enjoy the day! I’ll be in touch soon. Let’s GO!"''
:Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon, is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves! You’ll be able to catch Totodile and earn Totodile Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots with Totodile.
:Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection! You’ll be able to catch Cyndaquil and earn Cyndaquil Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots of Cyndaquil.
:Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon, uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe! You’ll be able to catch Chikorita and earn Chikorita Candy, and you’ll receive tasks that require evolving and taking snapshots of Chikorita.
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
:''"I think that’s a great Pokémon, too, <player>!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon, is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. Though what’s the harm in one quick pet..."''
:''"Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection. Doesn’t its shyness make you want to cuddle it even more?"''
:''"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon, is docile and loves to soak up the sun’s rays. A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. Doesn’t it have just the most adorable face?"''
:''"I’m sure this little one is eager to spend some time with you, and what better way than letting it join you on your Johto journey!"''

====April Fools' 2-Oh?-22====
* 4/9
* 1/3
:''"Wow, your {{tt|Chikorita|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Cyndaquil|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Totodile|if Totodile was chosen}} evolved into {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} already! And just in time, <player>—I have some troubling news."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Team GO Rocket is mobilizing—and they’re headed straight toward us!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I have a feeling they’re stirring up more than just a mild bit of mischief... That must be why they’re launching an invasion—more distractions! Not to mention they always love to crash our parties."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Have they heard about the Celebi sightings? Or maybe they have something even more sinister up their sleeve..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I’m going to need your help defeating some Team GO Rocket Grunts—distract the distraction, and buy me some time to investigate. Can I count on your help?"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
* 5/9
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Magnificent work, <player>! While I was investigating, some Team GO Rocket Grunts ran by, whining about losing to a superpowerful Trainer."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I assume you’re the Trainer in question? Incredible. I knew I could trust you."''
:''"So, my sleuthing turned up an interesting rumor. A Gyarados has been spotted nearby, but it isn’t at all like your typical Gyarados."''
:''"This one seems like it’s mired in a fit of rage—not unlike a certain Red Gyarados that once rampaged the Johto region’s Lake of Rage."''
:''"Back then, Team Rocket used a mysterious radio broadcast to force Magikarp to evolve."''
:''"Hm. Now doesn’t that sound familiar... Just like Shadow Pokémon... And there have been a lot more of them appearing lately. Could Team GO Rocket be using the same technology again?"''
:''"And how does this connect with what they stole from behind the mysterious door? What if it was some sort of power that they’ve now amplified and corrupted...?"''
:''"And with Celebi about and its time travel powers— Egad! Who knows what Team GO Rocket could do! There’s no time to waste. Let’s save Gyarados and then set our sights on finding Celebi before it’s too late!"''

* 2/3
* 6/9
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Great work, <player>! That Gyarados is much calmer now that you’ve rescued it from Team GO Rocket."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"It looks like Team GO Rocket’s retreating as well, so how about we continue with our festivities? They’ve stolen enough of our time."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I think your {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} would like to play with you!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Even in the direst of situations, when you’re pulled from all sides, it’s essential to take time to decompress and enjoy a peaceful moment with your friends."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Times like that give us the strength to persevere."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Speaking of strength, your {{tt|Bayleef|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Quilava|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Croconaw|if Totodile was chosen}} looks ready to evolve!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''

* 3/3
* 7/9
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"{{tt|Ah, your Meganium is absolutely efflorescent with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to see your friendship blossom.|if Chikorita was chosen}}/{{tt|Ah, your Typhlosion is absolutely ablaze with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to see your new friendship burn so brightly.|if Cyndaquil was chosen}}/{{tt|Ah, your Feraligatr is absolutely awash with happiness! Are you two having fun? It’s been a delight to experience the refreshing friendship between you two.|if Totodile was chosen}}"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Making new friends and exploring the world around you are two of life’s greatest joys. My life is richer for the adventures I’ve had."''
:''"I’d have never found that mysterious door if not for a random adventure! Despite Team GO Rocket’s interference, I’m still grateful for the time I got to spend with the team leaders and the research I was able to do."''
:''"<Player>? Is it really you?"''
:''"Enough of my chatter—why don’t you go make some new friends yourself? There’s plenty of day left to enjoy."''
:''"Oh, thank goodness. I’ve had the most befuddling day."''
:''"The Pokémon in the area were behaving strangely, so, as always, I turned to you to help me find out why—but to my confusion, you just stared at me blankly and bit straight into a Nanab Berry!"''
* 8/9
:''"The next thing I knew, “you” had transformed into a Ditto! Or perhaps I have that backwards? Whatever the case, it seems that all the oddly behaving Pokémon I’ve seen today were in fact Ditto in disguise."''
:''"<Player>, sorry to rush you, but we have to hurry! There’s been a confirmed Celebi sighting just moments ago. If you go now, you might be able to catch it!"''
:''"Hm? You noticed it too, did you?"''
:''"Let’s GO!"''
:''"And you saw a Ditto that had transformed to look like me? Incredible!"''
:''"As you’ve experienced, Ditto have the fascinating ability to reconstitute their entire cellular structure to transform into whatever they see."''
* 9/9
:''"Do you... Do you think there’s a chance that other Trainers you’ve passed on the street were actually Ditto? I suppose there’s no way to know for sure..."''
:''"Great work catching Celebi! It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and shining future awaits us."''
:''"What a confusing but educational day this has been, <player>. I hope you’ve enjoyed the Transform Pokémon’s shenanigans! Now, until next time, ... ... ...!"''
:''"I wonder why Celebi decided to appear to us today. Maybe it’s a sign of good things to come."''
:''"After all the trouble we’ve had with Team GO Rocket, I welcome the reminder that peaceful times aren’t too far off."''
:''"While you were out, I uncovered the truth Team GO Rocket has been trying so hard to hide: they’ve captured Ho-Oh and Lugia."''
:''"It gets worse: using the power they stole from behind the mysterious door in conjunction with radio technology developed via their past broadcasts, they’ve forced Lugia and Ho-Oh to ascend to a level of power beyond any Shadow Pokémon we’ve ever seen."''
:''"They call these new Shadow Pokémon Apex Shadow Ho-Oh and Apex Shadow Lugia. Get ready, <player>—the battle’s only just begun."''

====An Ula'ula Adventure====
====A Melemele Adventure====
* 1/4
* 1/4
:''"Hey there, <player>!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! It’s great to see you, as always."''
:''"Your timing is excellent. I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock in my research!"''
:''"I’m feeling especially refreshed today, as if a pleasant island breeze were following me. Maybe it’s the freshly squeezed Pinap Juice I had for breakfast?"''
:''"You see, I’m still puzzling over the guardian deities both Spark and Blanche have seen recently. I’ve yet to suss out why they’ve been appearing."''
:''"Or maybe it’s because more and more Pokémon first discovered in the Alola region have been coming to visit me lately!"''
:''"I can only hope they’re not angry with us—or worse!"''
:''"Do you know about the Alola region, <player>? It’s a cluster of tropical islands, each with unique scenery and Pokémon."''
:''"I think I’ll take a break in the shade to clear my mind. It’s important to give your brain a breather now and then!"''
:''"Alola even has Pokémon whose appearances are different than their counterparts in other regions. You may have encountered some of them before!"''
:''"Why don’t you head out to find some shade for yourself, <player>?"''
:''"Why don’t you try looking for some Pokémon that were first discovered in Alola while I rustle up another glass of juice? I’m sure we have a lot to learn about our visitors!"''

* 2/4
* 2/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>! I see you’ve found some leafy Pokémon to rest under."''
:''"Good timing, <player>! I just finished my juice."''
:''"Are you feeling refreshed? I know I am!"''
:''"Thanks for looking into the Alola region’s Pokémon! You’re as diligent as ever."''
:''"While you were out, I thought of a new angle for our investigation."''
:''"Let me take a look at what you’ve discovered. Hmm... It seems many of the Pokémon you just met can be found on Alola’s Melemele Island."''
:''"As you may know, Alola is home to four guardian deities. We’ve seen two, so it stands to reason the other two may be buzzing about already."''
:''"Melemele Island is where many of Alola’s Trainers begin their island challenge. It’s very fitting that the Pokémon you just met are also some of the first that young Trainers in Alola meet, too!"''
:''"Instead of waiting for them to come to us, I think we should get out and search for them ourselves."''
:''"Now, let’s have a little more fun! Could you take a few snapshots of your new Pokémon friends or feed them some Berries, <player>?"''
:''"Let’s start with Tapu Bulu, Guardian Deity of Ula’Ula Island."''
:''"Ula’Ula Island is a rugged locale, home to Mount Lanakila, the highest peak in Alola."''
:''"Tapu Bulu is said to make ringing sounds with its tail to let others know where it is and avoid unneeded conflicts. Knowing that, it shouldn’t be too hard to find!"''
:''"In addition, I know Tapu Bulu can help plants grow, so perhaps we’ll have some luck if we begin by looking for Pokémon that are known to grow. Let’s get out there, <player>!"''

* 3/4
* 3/4
:''"Ah, <player>—you’re back. How did your search go?"''
:''"Back already, <player>? You and your Pokémon already seem to be closer. But who doesn’t love a good Pinap Berry? Speaking of, maybe it’s time for another glass of juice..."''
:''"I asked Candela to lend us a hand shortly after you left."''
:''"Delicious juice aside, did you know that each island in the Alola region has its own Island Guardian? Melemele Island’s guardian deity is Tapu Koko."''
:''"And just a few minutes later, before I’d even finished packing my gear, she came running back saying she’d heard a ringing in the air and looked up to see Tapu Bulu floating by!"''
:''"Why do I bring this up? Well, while you were away, I was looking for a clean glass and caught a startling yellow flash out of the corner of my eye!"''
:''"Yet another guardian deity I’ve missed by a hair... Such is the fickle nature of Pokémon research, I suppose."''
:''"The lightning-wielding Tapu Koko is known to fly faster than the eye can follow. With so many other Pokémon found on Melemele Island appearing, could it be that Tapu Koko is visiting as well?"''
:''"I’m glad you’ve at least been more successful, <player>. Now that we know it’s out there, let’s double down on our search for Tapu Bulu!"''
:''"Could you look around and see if you can spot Tapu Koko, <player>? I’m eager to know if what I saw was truly the Land Spirit Pokémon."''
:''"I’ll speak with Candela to see if she might know any more details that could help us."''

* 4/4
* 4/4
:''"<Player>—you saw Tapu Bulu, didn’t you!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! What’s that? You were able to see Tapu Koko? That’s incredible!"''
:''"What was it like? Tell me everything! Did you hear a ringing noise? Did you see it making vegetation grow, or maybe even swinging large trees around by their roots?"''
:''"And would you believe it: Spark was just here, raving that he’d seen Tapu Koko, too! So it is in the area after all. What an exceptional discovery, <player>!"''
:''"Those are all things Tapu Bulu is known for."''
:''"I wonder why Tapu Koko is here. Tapu Koko is said to be a Pokémon brimming with curiosity—but, naturally, Island Guardians tend to stay on their respective islands. The fact that one of them is here may mean something is amiss..."''
:''"As you might’ve expected, I was—yet again—unable to witness Tapu Bulu myself. I did, however, think up a new theory."''
:''"Or did someone do something to anger it? I’ll have to do some more research before I can say anything for sure."''
:''"The guardian deities seem to be keeping a relatively low profile. Perhaps they’re just here to investigate something, or even help us somehow."''
:''"Do you think we’ll get a chance to meet the other Island Guardians, <player>? Wouldn’t that be something."''
:''"Things may become clearer if we see Tapu Fini, the last of Alola’s guardian deities."''
:''"I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Until then, let’s kick back and enjoy a little R and R with our new friends!"''
:''"For now, though, I think we’ve earned some rest. See you next time, <player>!"''

====A Mega Moment====
====An Akala Adventure====
* 1/4
* 1/4
:''"Hello there, <player>!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Isn’t it lovely out?"''
:''"I have something exciting planned for you today—you could even say it’s a mega surprise! Haha!"''
:''"There are Litten lying in the sun, Rowlet relaxing in the trees, Popplio playing in the water—and these malasadas Spark dropped off sure are delicious!"''
:''"I still have a few loose ends to wrap up, though."''
:''"It seems even the flowers smell sweeter today!"''
:''"While I finish my preparations, how about you take a quick survey of the area and see what Pokémon are out and about today?"''
:''"Why don’t you go out and see what Pokémon are around, <player>? Maybe we’ll find something new to research!"''
:''"I’ll be ready by the time you’re back."''
:''"I think I’ll sit this one out. Taking breaks is important!"''

* 2/4
* 2/4
:''"Ah, good—you’re back. I’ve just finished getting everything ready."''
:''"Ah, you’re back already, <player>—and with some new Pokémon in tow! Well done."''
:''"Have you tried to Mega Evolve a Pokémon lately?"''
:''"While you were gone, I noticed there’s something sparkling in the air today. Perhaps it’s a result of my radiant personality, eh, <player>?"''
:''"Something about Mega Evolution caught my attention recently, so I was hoping you could help me investigate."''
:''"Haha! Seriously though, it’s something I’m looking into."''
:''"Let’s take a closer look at Mega Evolution, from beginning to end."''
:''"For now, let’s have a look at the Pokémon you’ve caught."''
:''"First, let’s choose which of these Pokémon you’d like to be the star of our research, <player>!"''
:''"Hmm, how curious. You appear to have caught several Pokémon that are often found on Alola’s Akala Island."''
:''"Once we’re done, our understanding of Mega Evolution will be second to none."''
:''"Akala Island has some amazing geographical features that make it a suitable habitat for a wide range of Pokémon."''
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
:''"There’s Brooklet Hill, a fantastic fishing spot with a series of cascading waterfalls. And Lush Jungle, where trees grow densely together, as well as Wela Volcano Park—which, as you may have guessed, is a volcano!"''
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=3 | Choose a Path
:''"How about keeping an eye out for Fire-, Water-, and Grass-type Pokémon while you’re out, <player>? If my hunch is correct, you may run into more Pokémon often seen about Akala Island."''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=33% | ''"Choose Venusaur!"''
* 3/4
| ''"Choose Charizard!"''
:''"Well done, <player>! That’s quite an assortment of Pokémon you’ve encountered."''
| ''"Choose Blastoise!"''
:''"I wish I’d been out there with you, but I wasn’t sitting idly by! I think I may have discovered why the air seems to be sparkling today."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"You see, Blanche just reported witnessing a mysterious pink Pokémon behind a flower bush."''
:''"Based on its description, I believe Blanche may have seen Tapu Lele, the guardian deity of Akala Island."''
:By choosing Venusaur, you’ll be able to earn Venusaur Mega Energy and encounter Venusaur later!
:''"The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of Tapu Lele’s energy. Perhaps that has something to do with why the flowers smell so sweet today."''
:''"Spark and Blanche have both seen guardian deities now... Hmm. While I chew on that, let’s get out and look for Tapu Lele, <player>!"''
:By choosing Charizard, you’ll be able to earn Charizard Mega Energy and encounter Charizard later!
:By choosing Blastoise, you’ll be able to earn Blastoise Mega Energy and encounter Blastoise later!
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"So, you’ve chosen Venusaur, the Seed Pokémon!"''
:''"So, you’ve chosen Charizard, the Flame Pokémon!"''
:''"So, you’ve chosen Blastoise, the Shellfish Pokémon!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Venusaur absorbs solar energy as nutrition. By spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun’s rays, it fills its body with power."''
:''"Its bond with its Trainer is the source of its power. It boasts speed and maneuverability greater than that of a jet fighter."''
:''"The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"While I fetch {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}, how about you go out and catch a few Pokémon as a warm-up. Don’t forget to power them up, too."''
:''"You’ll have an even more formidable team by your side in no time!"''
* 3/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Now that we’re fully warmed up, let’s tuck into our research on Mega Evolution."''
:''"Some theorize that a strong bond between a Trainer and a Pokémon is the key to Mega Evolution. We’ve also seen that Mega Energy can play a role."''
:''"However, I noticed recently that if you Mega Evolve your Pokémon once using Mega Energy, you won’t need to use Mega Energy to Mega Evolve that Pokémon again."''
:''"Let’s Mega Evolve {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}} and see if that’s true for ourselves, <player>!"''
* 4/4
* 4/4
:''"{{tt|What a magnificent Mega Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|What a commanding Mega Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|What a brilliant Mega Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}, <player>!"''
:''"Whew! That was a good walk. I just got back myself, <player>."''
:''"{{tt|Let’s keep growing|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Let’s keep our fire burning|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Let’s keep our progress flowing|if Blastoise was chosen}}: why don’t you take on a Raid Battle with your mighty Mega {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}? There may even be a Team GO Rocket Grunt lurking about, looking for a battle."''
:''"I wasn’t able to find Tapu Lele, but I did manage to get a closer look at some of the sparkles I’ve been seeing in the air."''
:''"Mega-Evolved Pokémon are powerful allies. Their strength in battle is unmatched!"''
:''"They appear to be the glowing scales Tapu Lele is known to scatter. Touching them is said to restore good health on the spot."''
:''"I’m sure there’s more to learn about Mega Evolution, so why stop now? Let’s GO!"''
:''"How did you fare during your investigation, <player>?"''
:''"*gasp* You saw Tapu Lele?! That’s incredible!"''
:''"So, we’ve been visited by two of Alola’s guardian deities now... What could they be here for, I wonder?"''
:''"Tapu Lele is said to be guilelessly cruel, so I do hope we’re staying on its good side."''
:''"If I could just meet one of the guardian deities myself, it would help me form a solid hypothesis as to why they’re appearing..."''
:''"But that’s for me to ponder. Don’t trouble yourself with it—go out and enjoy the day! I’ll be in touch soon. Let’s GO!"''

====A Poni Adventure====
====April Fools' 2-Oh?-22====
* 1/4
* 1/3
:''"Oh, <player>! Great to see you."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Your timing is impeccable. Because you know what? I’ve had enough!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"That’s right—I’ve had enough of waiting to see a guardian deity. Everyone but me has managed to glimpse one out of pure serendipity, so I’ve decided to be proactive and embark on a search for Tapu Fini!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Do you think you could lend me a hand? With you involved, I think my chance of success will skyrocket."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Tapu Fini is the guardian deity of Poni Island in the Alola region."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Terrible calamities sometimes befall those who recklessly approach Tapu Fini, so I’m going to think very carefully about how we can successfully—and safely—track it down."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"In the meantime, can you see what Team GO Rocket is up to? I’d like to avoid any complications in our search."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''

* 2/4
* 2/3
:''"Welcome back, <player>!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I’ve been busy researching Tapu Fini. My sources say that it can manipulate water, and it lives deep within a thick fog."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"With that in mind, I’d hazard a guess that we’ll have the most luck uncovering Tapu Fini’s whereabouts if we look in places where other Water-type Pokémon are appearing."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I’ll start by visiting every foggy lake I can find. I can hear Blanche’s water safety spiel already..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"But, personally speaking, a bit of risk is worth it if I finally get to see an island guardian with my own eyes! You remember to be careful, too, okay?"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Now, let’s get back out there!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"... ... ..."''

* 3/4
* 3/3
:''"<Player>! Can you believe it?!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I was knee-deep in the last lake I thought to check—shoes soggy, Dewpider on all sides—when I finally, FINALLY, saw Tapu Fini!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"I’d love to tell you more about it, but I need to scribble down all the details in my journal while they’re fresh in my mind."''
:''"You should head out and see if you can catch a glimpse of Tapu Fini yourself!"''
:''"<Player>? Is it really you?"''
:''"Oh, thank goodness. I’ve had the most befuddling day."''
:''"The Pokémon in the area were behaving strangely, so, as always, I turned to you to help me find out why—but to my confusion, you just stared at me blankly and bit straight into a Nanab Berry!"''
:''"The next thing I knew, “you” had transformed into a Ditto! Or perhaps I have that backwards? Whatever the case, it seems that all the oddly behaving Pokémon I’ve seen today were in fact Ditto in disguise."''
:''"Hm? You noticed it too, did you?"''
:''"And you saw a Ditto that had transformed to look like me? Incredible!"''
:''"As you’ve experienced, Ditto have the fascinating ability to reconstitute their entire cellular structure to transform into whatever they see."''
:''"Do you... Do you think there’s a chance that other Trainers you’ve passed on the street were actually Ditto? I suppose there’s no way to know for sure..."''
:''"What a confusing but educational day this has been, <player>. I hope you’ve enjoyed the Transform Pokémon’s shenanigans! Now, until next time, ... ... ...!"''

* 4/4
====An Ula'ula Adventure====
:''"Phew! Welcome back, <player>. How’d you fare?"''
* 1/4
:''"You saw Tapu Fini as well?! That’s fantastic!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>!"''
:''"Now you’ve seen all four of Alola’s guardian deities. And I’ve seen...all of one."''
:''"Your timing is excellent. I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock in my research!"''
:''"That’s... Well, it’s one more than I’d seen before, isn’t it!"''
:''"You see, I’m still puzzling over the guardian deities both Spark and Blanche have seen recently. I’ve yet to suss out why they’ve been appearing."''
:''"Just have to stay positive. No use feeling jealous of others’ good fortune..."''
:''"I can only hope they’re not angry with us—or worse!"''
:''"Now that we know all the island guardians are nearby, we should look into why they’ve appeared here."''
:''"I think I’ll take a break in the shade to clear my mind. It’s important to give your brain a breather now and then!"''
:''"Were the cause some unsavory act on our part, I think they would have confronted us directly by now—but instead, we’ve been the ones tracking them down."''
:''"Why don’t you head out to find some shade for yourself, <player>?"''
:''"It’s certainly possible their motives have nothing to do with us. Though I have to assume they’re investigating the area for a reason."''
:''"But what could that reason be? I suppose all we can do for now is wait and see what happens."''
====Alola to Alola====
* 1/4
:''"<Player>! Good to see you. How’ve you been? Rested and relaxed, I hope?"''
:''"I’ve been full of energy since I saw Tapu Fini. And as I thought more about that encounter, I realized that over these past few months, we’ve been seeing quite a few Pokémon that were first found in Alola."''
:''"And you—you’ve even been lucky enough to see all four of Alola’s island guardians!"''
:''"I can’t say I’m completely free of envy, but I’m glad you were able to have those experiences."''
:''"After all, we professors owe much of our learning to adventurous Trainers like yourself!"''
:''"I wonder if our friendship would be as fruitful if our roles were reversed... I’d sure like to hope so! Haha!"''
:''"Keep exploring, <player>. You never know what you might find!"''

* 2/4
* 2/4
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Look at that—you’ve caught all of Alola’s first partner Pokémon!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! I see you’ve found some leafy Pokémon to rest under."''
:''"They make for quite the iconic trio."''
:''"Are you feeling refreshed? I know I am!"''
:''"Let’s continue our Alola-inspired research today!"''
:''"While you were out, I thought of a new angle for our investigation."''
:''"Which of Alola’s islands piques your interest the most, <player>?"''
:''"As you may know, Alola is home to four guardian deities. We’ve seen two, so it stands to reason the other two may be buzzing about already."''
:''"Instead of waiting for them to come to us, I think we should get out and search for them ourselves."''
:''"Let’s start with Tapu Bulu, Guardian Deity of Ula’Ula Island."''
:''"Ula’Ula Island is a rugged locale, home to Mount Lanakila, the highest peak in Alola."''
:''"Tapu Bulu is said to make ringing sounds with its tail to let others know where it is and avoid unneeded conflicts. Knowing that, it shouldn’t be too hard to find!"''
:''"In addition, I know Tapu Bulu can help plants grow, so perhaps we’ll have some luck if we begin by looking for Pokémon that are known to grow. Let’s get out there, <player>!"''

* 3/4
* 3/4
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
:''"Ah, <player>—you’re back. How did your search go?"''
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=4 | Choose a Path
:''"I asked Candela to lend us a hand shortly after you left."''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
:''"And just a few minutes later, before I’d even finished packing my gear, she came running back saying she’d heard a ringing in the air and looked up to see Tapu Bulu floating by!"''
| width=25% | ''"Melemele Island"''
:''"Yet another guardian deity I’ve missed by a hair... Such is the fickle nature of Pokémon research, I suppose."''
| ''"Akala Island"''
:''"I’m glad you’ve at least been more successful, <player>. Now that we know it’s out there, let’s double down on our search for Tapu Bulu!"''
| ''"Ula'ula Island"''
:''"I’ll speak with Candela to see if she might know any more details that could help us."''
| ''"Poni Island"''
|- style="background:#fff"
* 4/4
:''"<Player>—you saw Tapu Bulu, didn’t you!"''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to friendship and earn rewards such as an encounter with Alolan Raichu and a Pom-Pom Style Oricorio Hat avatar item.
:''"What was it like? Tell me everything! Did you hear a ringing noise? Did you see it making vegetation grow, or maybe even swinging large trees around by their roots?"''
:''"Those are all things Tapu Bulu is known for."''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to exploring and earn rewards such as a Pa’u Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Marowak.
:''"As you might’ve expected, I was—yet again—unable to witness Tapu Bulu myself. I did, however, think up a new theory."''
:''"The guardian deities seem to be keeping a relatively low profile. Perhaps they’re just here to investigate something, or even help us somehow."''
:''"Things may become clearer if we see Tapu Fini, the last of Alola’s guardian deities."''
:''"For now, though, I think we’ve earned some rest. See you next time, <player>!"''
====A Mega Moment====
* 1/4
:''"Hello there, <player>!"''
:''"I have something exciting planned for you today—you could even say it’s a mega surprise! Haha!"''
:''"I still have a few loose ends to wrap up, though."''
:''"While I finish my preparations, how about you take a quick survey of the area and see what Pokémon are out and about today?"''
:''"I’ll be ready by the time you’re back."''
* 2/4
:''"Ah, good—you’re back. I’ve just finished getting everything ready."''
:''"Have you tried to Mega Evolve a Pokémon lately?"''
:''"Something about Mega Evolution caught my attention recently, so I was hoping you could help me investigate."''
:''"Let’s take a closer look at Mega Evolution, from beginning to end."''
:''"First, let’s choose which of these Pokémon you’d like to be the star of our research, <player>!"''
:''"Once we’re done, our understanding of Mega Evolution will be second to none."''
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=3 | Choose a Path
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=33% | ''"Choose Venusaur!"''
| ''"Choose Charizard!"''
| ''"Choose Blastoise!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to catching Pokémon and earn rewards such as a Baile Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Vulpix.
:By choosing Venusaur, you’ll be able to earn Venusaur Mega Energy and encounter Venusaur later!
:By choosing Charizard, you’ll be able to earn Charizard Mega Energy and encounter Charizard later!
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to battling and earn rewards such as a Sensu Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Exeggutor.
:By choosing Blastoise, you’ll be able to earn Blastoise Mega Energy and encounter Blastoise later!
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"So you’re interested in Melemele Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"So, you’ve chosen Venusaur, the Seed Pokémon!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Akala Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"So, you’ve chosen Charizard, the Flame Pokémon!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Ula’Ula Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"So, you’ve chosen Blastoise, the Shellfish Pokémon!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Poni Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"Venusaur absorbs solar energy as nutrition. By spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun’s rays, it fills its body with power."''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"Its bond with its Trainer is the source of its power. It boasts speed and maneuverability greater than that of a jet fighter."''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel."''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"As we’ve discussed, Melemele Island is where many Trainers in Alola begin the region’s island challenge."''
:''"As I mentioned before, Akala Island offers a variety of geological features, including a volcano, fishing spots, and even waterfalls!"''
:''"As we’ve discussed, Ula’Ula Island is home to Mount Lanakila, the highest peak in all of Alola! But did you know the summit of Mount Lanakila also houses Alola’s very own Pokémon League?"''
:''"Did you know that Poni Island is home to the Battle Tree, Alola’s preeminent battle facility? Strong Trainers gather there to test their teams against each other."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"There’s even a Trainers’ School there, where aspiring young Trainers can make friends and study up on all things Pokémon."''
:''"I like to take a stroll when my mind gets mired in a problem, and it sounds like Akala Island would be a great place for that."''
:''"It’s a place many Trainers aspire to reach, and doing so requires forging powerful bonds with Pokémon."''
:''"I’ve heard you can even meet some Pokémon League Champions there on occasion! The things I could learn from them..."''
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"In the spirit of Melemele Island, why don’t you go meet some new Pokémon and send some Gifts to your friends?"''
:''"In that spirit, why don’t you take a stroll yourself? I’ll be here when you get back."''
:''"In that spirit, why don’t you head out and find some new Pokémon partners, <player>?"''
:''"In the spirit of Poni Island—and as an act of public service—why don’t you test your battling skills against Team GO Rocket, <player>?"''
:''"While I fetch {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}, how about you go out and catch a few Pokémon as a warm-up. Don’t forget to power them up, too."''
:''"You’ll have an even more formidable team by your side in no time!"''

* 4/4
* 3/4
:''"{{tt|Welcome back! Did your friends like their Gifts?|if Melemele Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! How was your adventure? Did you see anything new? You’ll have to tell me all about it!|if Akala Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! Let me take a look at the Pokémon you’ve returned with... I bet with some training, you and your Pokémon would be ready to take on Alola’s Pokémon League yourselves!|if Ula'ula Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! I knew you’d have no trouble with Team GO Rocket. You never do!|if Poni Island was chosen}}"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Now that we’re fully warmed up, let’s tuck into our research on Mega Evolution."''
:''"I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a great time getting to learn more about Alola, its Pokémon, and even its guardian deities."''
:''"Some theorize that a strong bond between a Trainer and a Pokémon is the key to Mega Evolution. We’ve also seen that Mega Energy can play a role."''
:''"If there’s one thing I love about Pokémon, it’s that there’s always something new to learn!"''
:''"However, I noticed recently that if you Mega Evolve your Pokémon once using Mega Energy, you won’t need to use Mega Energy to Mega Evolve that Pokémon again."''
:''"But to be honest with you, I was hoping we’d have a better idea by now of what attracted Alola’s guardian deities here."''
:''"Let’s Mega Evolve {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}} and see if that’s true for ourselves, <player>!"''
:''"They usually spend their time protecting Alola, so what could’ve spurred them to come here?"''
:''"Could it be that they sensed something dangerous nearby that may threaten Alola? It would have to be something extraordinary—maybe even beyond our current understanding of Pokémon."''
:''"Another daunting yet fascinating question for us to tackle together, <player>."''
:''"Whatever comes next, I know the two of us will overcome it."''
:''"For now, continue your island research. I’ll keep trying to spot the guardian deities!"''
:''"I’ll be in touch again soon. For now, let’s GO!"''

====Willow's Return====
* 4/4
<!--Part 1/2 is from Rhi-->
:''"{{tt|What a magnificent Mega Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|What a commanding Mega Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|What a brilliant Mega Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}, <player>!"''
:''"{{tt|Let’s keep growing|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Let’s keep our fire burning|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Let’s keep our progress flowing|if Blastoise was chosen}}: why don’t you take on a Raid Battle with your mighty Mega {{tt|Venusaur|if Venusaur was chosen}}/{{tt|Charizard|if Charizard was chosen}}/{{tt|Blastoise|if Blastoise was chosen}}? There may even be a Team GO Rocket Grunt lurking about, looking for a battle."''
:''"... ... ... <Player>? Is...that you? How long has it been? It’s good to see you. I’ve had the most amazing adventure!"''
:''"Mega-Evolved Pokémon are powerful allies. Their strength in battle is unmatched!"''
:''"There I was, pondering the mysteries of the [[Guardian deities|island guardians]]—and moping a little at my misfortune, I must admit—when a [[Ultra Wormhole|glowing portal]] appeared out of thin air!"''
:''"I’m sure there’s more to learn about Mega Evolution, so why stop now? Let’s GO!"''
:''"I couldn’t help wondering what was on the other side. My curiosity ignited, I weighed the risks, grabbed my gear, and jumped right in!"''
:''"The portal led to [[Ultra Space|a completely different dimension]]—one traversed by unimaginably strange creatures..."''
:''"I must tell you all about it! *yawn* But before I do, I could use a little nap. I promise I’ll spare no detail after I’ve slept...a few... *snore*"''

====A Radiant Reunion====
====A Poni Adventure====
<!--The other parts are Rhi's-->
* 1/4
:''"Oh, <player>! Great to see you."''
:''"*yawn* Oh, <Player>. Sorry I dozed off on you there—I hardly slept while I was away. Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"''
:''"Your timing is impeccable. Because you know what? I’ve had enough!"''
:''"... ... ... Ultra Wormholes? [[Ultra Beast]]s? [[Beast Ball|BEAST BALLS]]?!"''
:''"That’s right—I’ve had enough of waiting to see a guardian deity. Everyone but me has managed to glimpse one out of pure serendipity, so I’ve decided to be proactive and embark on a search for Tapu Fini!"''
:''"Incredible! I can always count on you to unearth amazing things. You even helped bring me home!"''
:''"Do you think you could lend me a hand? With you involved, I think my chance of success will skyrocket."''
:''"In that space, there were times when my memories would blur together—but I swear I could feel the light of our world, and everything would rush back."''
:''"Tapu Fini is the guardian deity of Poni Island in the Alola region."''
:''"No, it was more than a feeling. It was like I was surrounded by a protective presence—warm like the sun and calm like the moon."''
:''"Terrible calamities sometimes befall those who recklessly approach Tapu Fini, so I’m going to think very carefully about how we can successfully—and safely—track it down."''
:''"Even so, I don’t know how I would have returned if you and your new friend hadn’t intervened."''
:''"In the meantime, can you see what Team GO Rocket is up to? I’d like to avoid any complications in our search."''
:''"I’m always thankful for you, but this time, you really saved me."''
:''"Why, I could just hug you, <Player>!"''
:''"Wait. Is there something in the sky? I’d investigate myself, but... *yawn* I suddenly feel like I lost a staring contest with a Hypno."''
:''"You and your Pokémon should go check it out. I’ll be here. Just give me a...minute... *snore*"''

====An Intriguing Incense Part 1====
* 2/4
This Special Research replaces the Special Research ''A Mysterious Incense Part 1'', which was hosted by [[Rhi]], since August 27, 2022. The two Special Researches are identical in terms of tasks required to be done.
:''"Welcome back, <player>!"''
:''"I’ve been busy researching Tapu Fini. My sources say that it can manipulate water, and it lives deep within a thick fog."''
:''"With that in mind, I’d hazard a guess that we’ll have the most luck uncovering Tapu Fini’s whereabouts if we look in places where other Water-type Pokémon are appearing."''
:''"I’ll start by visiting every foggy lake I can find. I can hear Blanche’s water safety spiel already..."''
:''"But, personally speaking, a bit of risk is worth it if I finally get to see an island guardian with my own eyes! You remember to be careful, too, okay?"''
:''"Now, let’s get back out there!"''

:''"<Player>! Perfect timing. I’ve been testing a new type of Incense that I can’t wait for you to try. I call it—[[Daily Adventure Incense]]!"''
* 3/4
:''"You’ll notice that aside from its color, it smells a bit different from the Incense you’re familiar with. But that’s not all!"''
:''"<Player>! Can you believe it?!"''
:''"It also—whoops! Listen to me ramble. I know you’re busy as a Combee. When you’ve got more time, come back and I’ll show you how it works."''
:''"I was knee-deep in the last lake I thought to check—shoes soggy, Dewpider on all sides—when I finally, FINALLY, saw Tapu Fini!"''
:''"I’d love to tell you more about it, but I need to scribble down all the details in my journal while they’re fresh in my mind."''
:''"You should head out and see if you can catch a glimpse of Tapu Fini yourself!"''

====An Intriguing Incense Part 2====
* 4/4
This Special Research replaces the Special Research ''A Mysterious Incense Part 2'', which was hosted by [[Rhi]], since August 27, 2022. The two Special Researches are identical in terms of tasks required to be done.
:''"Phew! Welcome back, <player>. How’d you fare?"''
:''"You saw Tapu Fini as well?! That’s fantastic!"''
:''"Now you’ve seen all four of Alola’s guardian deities. And I’ve seen...all of one."''
:''"That’s... Well, it’s one more than I’d seen before, isn’t it!"''
:''"Just have to stay positive. No use feeling jealous of others’ good fortune..."''
:''"Now that we know all the island guardians are nearby, we should look into why they’ve appeared here."''
:''"Were the cause some unsavory act on our part, I think they would have confronted us directly by now—but instead, we’ve been the ones tracking them down."''
:''"It’s certainly possible their motives have nothing to do with us. Though I have to assume they’re investigating the area for a reason."''
:''"But what could that reason be? I suppose all we can do for now is wait and see what happens."''

====Alola to Alola====
:''"Ah, <Player>, you’re back! Now let me teach you how to use Daily Adventure Incense."''
* 1/4
:''"You can activate this unique Incense while you’re out and about to attract a slightly different variety of Pokémon than what you might expect to encounter."''
:''"<Player>! Good to see you. How’ve you been? Rested and relaxed, I hope?"''
:''"It only lasts for 15 minutes, but don’t worry—I’ll make sure to fix you up with a new one each day."''
:''"I’ve been full of energy since I saw Tapu Fini. And as I thought more about that encounter, I realized that over these past few months, we’ve been seeing quite a few Pokémon that were first found in Alola."''
:''"Daily Adventure Incense works best when you’re actively moving, so it’s best not to use it while you’re taking a break."''
:''"And you—you’ve even been lucky enough to see all four of Alola’s island guardians!"''
:''"Excited? Me too! Now let’s give it a whirl, <Player>!"''
:''"I can’t say I’m completely free of envy, but I’m glad you were able to have those experiences."''
:''"After all, we professors owe much of our learning to adventurous Trainers like yourself!"''
:''"I wonder if our friendship would be as fruitful if our roles were reversed... I’d sure like to hope so! Haha!"''
:''"Keep exploring, <player>. You never know what you might find!"''

* 2/4
:''"I see you’ve made some new Pokémon friends already, <Player>. Let’s have a look!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Look at that—you’ve caught all of Alola’s first partner Pokémon!"''
:''"They make for quite the iconic trio."''
:''"Very interesting."''
:''"Let’s continue our Alola-inspired research today!"''
:''"Some of these Pokémon aren’t usually seen around here. Pretty neat, huh?"''
:''"Which of Alola’s islands piques your interest the most, <player>?"''
:''"Thanks for trying out Daily Adventure Incense. Who knows—if you keep using it, you might end up seeing something legendary!"''
:''"Take care, <Player>. I’ll see you again soon!"''

====A Cosmic Companion====
* 3/4
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
:''"Hello, <Player>! It’s great to see you."''
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=4 | Choose a Path
:''"I can’t thank you and Rhi enough for bringing me back from beyond the Ultra Wormhole. The two of you are quite the team!"''
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
:''"As exhilarating as it was to explore a different dimension, it wasn’t without its challenges. Thoughts of home kept me calm—you, Meltan, the team leaders..."''
| width=25% | ''"Melemele Island"''
:''"Maybe it was the sheer strength of those memories, but more than once it seemed almost like I was being surrounded by a protective presence—warm like the sun and calm like the moon."''
| ''"Akala Island"''
:''"Who knows—maybe there really was something watching out for me! Our world can’t be the only one full of mysteries, after all."''
| ''"Ula'ula Island"''
:''"Speaking of mysteries, I have a new one to share with you, <Player>. Since my return, a small, gaseous Pokémon I’ve never seen before has been hanging around my lab."''
| ''"Poni Island"''
:''"It seems friendly, but where did it come from?  Did it follow me from beyond the Ultra Wormhole? Could it be an Ultra Beast?"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Considering that possibility, I think it would be best if you work with Rhi to raise this Pokémon. Naturally, I’ll be eager to hear anything you may learn in the process."''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to friendship and earn rewards such as an encounter with Alolan Raichu and a Pom-Pom Style Oricorio Hat avatar item.
:''"Hey, <Player>! Great to see you, as always."''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to exploring and earn rewards such as a Pa’u Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Marowak.
:''"How have you and Rhi been? Have you two learned any more about that mysterious Pokémon?"''
:''"Rhi recognizes it, you say? And its name is Cosmog? Incredible! Having a bit of extra-dimensional help really expands our knowledge base."''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to catching Pokémon and earn rewards such as a Baile Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Vulpix.
:''"Still, when it comes to Pokémon research, nothing beats firsthand observation. Have you gleaned anything interesting during your time with Cosmog, <Player>?"''
:''"Hmm... I see."''
:By choosing this path, you’ll be challenged with tasks related to battling and earn rewards such as a Sensu Style Oricorio Hat avatar item and an encounter with Alolan Exeggutor.
:''"Sounds like Cosmog’s curious, but not very cautious."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"I can relate to throwing caution to the wind, but when you’re light enough to be blown away by the slightest breeze... Well."''
:''"It’s a good thing you and Rhi are there to make sure Cosmog is safe—just like you were for me!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Melemele Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"Anyhow, the more time you spend with Cosmog, the more we’ll learn. Let me know when you make more discoveries!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Akala Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"<Player>, you’re back already! How’s Cosmog—"''
:''"So you’re interested in Ula’Ula Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"Whoa! Who’s that Pokémon? Did Cosmog evolve?! Just look at that lustrous shell!"''
:''"Rhi’s hypothesis is that this “{{p|Cosmoem}}” will stay in this state until it’s ready to evolve? Excellent theory!"''
:''"So you’re interested in Poni Island, eh? No surprise there—it’s one of my favorites as well."''
:''"It’s definitely easier to get an up-close look at a Pokémon holding still, but what do you think is going on in Cosmoem’s mind? Is it asleep? Maybe it’s dreaming of adventuring with you and Rhi!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"What else will we learn once it “becomes active,” as Rhi put it? What kind of Pokémon could it become? Unlike our serene friend here, my mind’s buzzing with questions and possibilities!"''
:''"I can’t wait to see what mysteries we’ll unravel, <Player>! Keep taking good care of Cosmoem until then."''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
:''"Though perhaps that isn’t saying much... They’re all my favorites, really! Haha!"''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"As we’ve discussed, Melemele Island is where many Trainers in Alola begin the region’s island challenge."''
:''"As I mentioned before, Akala Island offers a variety of geological features, including a volcano, fishing spots, and even waterfalls!"''
:''"As we’ve discussed, Ula’Ula Island is home to Mount Lanakila, the highest peak in all of Alola! But did you know the summit of Mount Lanakila also houses Alola’s very own Pokémon League?"''
:''"Did you know that Poni Island is home to the Battle Tree, Alola’s preeminent battle facility? Strong Trainers gather there to test their teams against each other."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"There’s even a Trainers’ School there, where aspiring young Trainers can make friends and study up on all things Pokémon."''
:''"I like to take a stroll when my mind gets mired in a problem, and it sounds like Akala Island would be a great place for that."''
:''"It’s a place many Trainers aspire to reach, and doing so requires forging powerful bonds with Pokémon."''
:''"I’ve heard you can even meet some Pokémon League Champions there on occasion! The things I could learn from them..."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"In the spirit of Melemele Island, why don’t you go meet some new Pokémon and send some Gifts to your friends?"''
:''"In that spirit, why don’t you take a stroll yourself? I’ll be here when you get back."''
:''"In that spirit, why don’t you head out and find some new Pokémon partners, <player>?"''
:''"In the spirit of Poni Island—and as an act of public service—why don’t you test your battling skills against Team GO Rocket, <player>?"''

* 4/4
:''"Still in a holding pattern with Cosmoem, <Player>? Not to worry—sometimes slow and steady is the way to go. I’ll be waiting right here, so come see me when you have an update to share."''
:''"{{tt|Welcome back! Did your friends like their Gifts?|if Melemele Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! How was your adventure? Did you see anything new? You’ll have to tell me all about it!|if Akala Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! Let me take a look at the Pokémon you’ve returned with... I bet with some training, you and your Pokémon would be ready to take on Alola’s Pokémon League yourselves!|if Ula'ula Island was chosen}}/{{tt|Welcome back! I knew you’d have no trouble with Team GO Rocket. You never do!|if Poni Island was chosen}}"''
:''"I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a great time getting to learn more about Alola, its Pokémon, and even its guardian deities."''
:''"If there’s one thing I love about Pokémon, it’s that there’s always something new to learn!"''
:''"But to be honest with you, I was hoping we’d have a better idea by now of what attracted Alola’s guardian deities here."''
:''"They usually spend their time protecting Alola, so what could’ve spurred them to come here?"''
:''"Could it be that they sensed something dangerous nearby that may threaten Alola? It would have to be something extraordinary—maybe even beyond our current understanding of Pokémon."''
:''"Another daunting yet fascinating question for us to tackle together, <player>."''
:''"Whatever comes next, I know the two of us will overcome it."''
:''"For now, continue your island research. I’ll keep trying to spot the guardian deities!"''
:''"I’ll be in touch again soon. For now, let’s GO!"''

====Willow's Return====
:''"<Player>! Great to see you—and that majestic Pokémon you’ve brought with you!"''
<!--Part 1/2 is from Rhi-->
:''"Unless I’ve gotten my wires crossed, I believe that’s a Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in Alola. How did you come across it?"''
:''"Wha—it evolved from Cosmoem?!"''
:''"... ... ... <Player>? Is...that you? How long has it been? It’s good to see you. I’ve had the most amazing adventure!"''
:''"I’m awestruck! And...struck with the exact same calm, warm feeling I had on the other side of the Ultra Wormhole."''
:''"There I was, pondering the mysteries of the [[Guardian deities|island guardians]]—and moping a little at my misfortune, I must admit—when a [[Ultra Wormhole|glowing portal]] appeared out of thin air!"''
:''"Hmm... Could a Pokémon of this species have been looking out for me?"''
:''"I couldn’t help wondering what was on the other side. My curiosity ignited, I weighed the risks, grabbed my gear, and jumped right in!"''
:''"Funny, isn’t it? I’m always thinking about how we can protect Pokémon. But it looks like this time, a Pokémon protected me!"''
:''"The portal led to [[Ultra Space|a completely different dimension]]—one traversed by unimaginably strange creatures..."''
:''"I’ve got one more friend to be thankful for, aside from you and Rhi."''
:''"I must tell you all about it! *yawn* But before I do, I could use a little nap. I promise I’ll spare no detail after I’ve slept...a few... *snore*"''
:''"I knew leaving Cosmog with you two was the right choice. With your encouragement and guidance, it’s become something truly Legendary!"''
:''"Do me a favor, would you? Keep adventuring together and tell me all about your exploits when you have a chance."''
:''"As for me, well... I think it’s about time I put my old lab coat back on. Don’t you?"''

====Mysterious Masks====
====A Radiant Reunion====
<!--The other parts are Rhi's-->
:''"Where’s that old getup of mine—oh! Hey there, <Player>!"''
:''"I’ve been thinking of what to wear to Spark’s upcoming costume party. A Litwick hat? A Pikachu onesie? I can’t have Candela outshine me again this year."''
:''"*yawn* Oh, <Player>. Sorry I dozed off on you there—I hardly slept while I was away. Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"''
:''"Speaking of masquerades—is that a Yamask AND a Galarian Yamask? I can’t disguise my excitement!"''
:''"... ... ... Ultra Wormholes? [[Ultra Beast]]s? [[Beast Ball|BEAST BALLS]]?!"''
:''"You know, they say Yamask carry masks that used to be their faces when they were human. Sometimes they look at them and cry."''
:''"Incredible! I can always count on you to unearth amazing things. You even helped bring me home!"''
:''"And Galarian Yamask are supposedly formed when ancient clay tablets are drawn to vengeful spirits."''
:''"In that space, there were times when my memories would blur together—but I swear I could feel the light of our world, and everything would rush back."''
:''"Somber origins, but don’t they set your curiosity ablaze? I wonder how Yamask feel now that they’ve become Pokémon. What sort of thoughts are running through their minds?"''
:''"No, it was more than a feeling. It was like I was surrounded by a protective presence—warm like the sun and calm like the moon."''
:''"In the “spirit” of inquiry, why don’t you see what other Ghost-type Pokémon you can find? You might even come across more Yamask!"''
:''"Even so, I don’t know how I would have returned if you and your new friend hadn’t intervened."''
:''"I’m always thankful for you, but this time, you really saved me."''
:''"Why, I could just hug you, <Player>!"''
:''"Wait. Is there something in the sky? I’d investigate myself, but... *yawn* I suddenly feel like I lost a staring contest with a Hypno."''
:''"You and your Pokémon should go check it out. I’ll be here. Just give me a...minute... *snore*"''
====An Intriguing Incense Part 1====
This Special Research replaces the Special Research ''A Mysterious Incense Part 1'', which was hosted by [[Rhi]], since August 27, 2022. The two Special Researches are identical in terms of tasks required to be done.

:''"<Player>! Perfect timing. I’ve been testing a new type of Incense that I can’t wait for you to try. I call it—[[Daily Adventure Incense]]!"''
:''"Ah, <Player>! Welcome back. I’ve just about finished my Yamask, erm, mask, inspired by you and Rhi! What’ve the two of you been up to?"''
:''"You’ll notice that aside from its color, it smells a bit different from the Incense you’re familiar with. But that’s not all!"''
:''"Whoa, you’ve caught even more Ghost-type Pokémon! It’s starting to look like a haunted house around here—or a haunted lab."''
:''"It also—whoops! Listen to me ramble. I know you’re busy as a Combee. When you’ve got more time, come back and I’ll show you how it works."''
:''"Ghost-type Pokémon always remind me how much remains in the world for us to uncover. Where do {{p|Drifloon}} drift off to? Do {{p|Duskull}} really spirit away bad children? What powers a {{p|Golett}}?"''
:''"With enough time and perseverance, I’m sure we researchers will find the answers to these questions and more. Or maybe they’ll be answered by an up-and-at-’em Trainer like you! When it comes to learning, jump in headfirst, I always say!"''
:''"Though...maybe I should amend that motto to exclude Ultra Wormholes. Haha."''
:''"Thanks for the extra motivation today, <Player>. I’ll see you again soon!"''

====November 5, 2022====
====An Intriguing Incense Part 2====
* After the first time a golden [[PokéStop]] is spun
This Special Research replaces the Special Research ''A Mysterious Incense Part 2'', which was hosted by [[Rhi]], since August 27, 2022. The two Special Researches are identical in terms of tasks required to be done.
:''"What’s that you’ve got, <Player>? Ah! Yes, I see—this appears to be [[?????? Coin|a very old coin]].  I picked one up myself, actually. There’s something mysterious about them..."''
:''"Oh—hello, [[Jacq]]! It was great hearing you speak at the World Pokémon Ecological Society conference the other day!"''
:''"<Player>, this is Jacq. He teaches biology at an academy in the [[Paldea]] region."''
:''"Hm? Do you know something about this, Jacq?"''
:''"Of course! I’ll get right on researching this with <Player>. And I’ll be sure to take a video of the coin and share it with you soon."''
:''"All right, <Player>—let’s get cracking! I’d like to find a few more coins, so why don’t we start looking around?"''
:''"These coins are a little suspicious, but I can’t help feeling excited all the same! I believe a thorough investigation is in order."''
:''"We’ve got a lot of ground to cover—so I’ll start my search over there! Are you ready? Then let’s GO!"''

====Ultra Beast Protection Efforts====
:''"Ah, <Player>, you’re back! Now let me teach you how to use Daily Adventure Incense."''
:''"Huh. I thought there were more Team GO Rocket Grunts around earlier..."''
:''"You can activate this unique Incense while you’re out and about to attract a slightly different variety of Pokémon than what you might expect to encounter."''
:''"Oh, <Player>, it’s you! I guess I’ve got you to thank for getting those goons out of here."''
:''"It only lasts for 15 minutes, but don’t worry—I’ll make sure to fix you up with a new one each day."''
:''"Rhi says they may be taking an interest in our otherworldly visitors, huh?"''
:''"Daily Adventure Incense works best when you’re actively moving, so it’s best not to use it while you’re taking a break."''
:''"I’m inclined to think they’re right. Good thing you’re here to save the day!"''
:''"Excited? Me too! Now let’s give it a whirl, <Player>!"''
:''"Keep flushing Team GO Rocket out, <Player>. Try looking for their Leaders next."''
:''"I’m sure you and Rhi can track them down!"''

:''"So, you sent Giovanni home with his tail between his legs? Just another day in the life for you, huh, <Player>?"''
:''"I see you’ve made some new Pokémon friends already, <Player>. Let’s have a look!"''
:''"It’s no easy feat to put Team GO Rocket back in their place, but you rose to the challenge."''
:''"Great job! Now take some well-deserved rest with your Pokémon."''
:''"Very interesting."''
:''"I’ll be in touch again soon!"''
:''"Some of these Pokémon aren’t usually seen around here. Pretty neat, huh?"''
:''"Thanks for trying out Daily Adventure Incense. Who knows—if you keep using it, you might end up seeing something legendary!"''
:''"Take care, <Player>. I’ll see you again soon!"''

====Winter Wishes====
====A Cosmic Companion====
*After the first set of tasks
:''"Brr... Ah! <Player>! Did you notice the snow we've been getting? It's beautiful—and freezing! I feel colder than a Bergmite!"''
:''"Hello, <Player>! It’s great to see you."''
:''"Winter is a time for wishing, and while a Bergmite might wish for the weather to stay like this forever, I'm wishing for an extra layer!"''
:''"I can’t thank you and Rhi enough for bringing me back from beyond the Ultra Wormhole. The two of you are quite the team!"''
:''"What about you, <Player>? What's your winter research wish?"''
:''"As exhilarating as it was to explore a different dimension, it wasn’t without its challenges. Thoughts of home kept me calm—you, Meltan, the team leaders..."''
:''"Maybe it was the sheer strength of those memories, but more than once it seemed almost like I was being surrounded by a protective presence—warm like the sun and calm like the moon."''
:''"Who knows—maybe there really was something watching out for me! Our world can’t be the only one full of mysteries, after all."''
:''"Speaking of mysteries, I have a new one to share with you, <Player>. Since my return, a small, gaseous Pokémon I’ve never seen before has been hanging around my lab."''
:''"It seems friendly, but where did it come from? Did it follow me from beyond the Ultra Wormhole? Could it be an Ultra Beast?"''
:''"Considering that possibility, I think it would be best if you work with Rhi to raise this Pokémon. Naturally, I’ll be eager to hear anything you may learn in the process."''

====Lucky Wishes====
*After the first set of tasks
:''"Hey, <Player>! Great to see you, as always."''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Guess what? I was observing a herd of Ponyta last night, and I saw a shooting star! Or maybe it was a spark from fighting Shinx?"''
:''"How have you and Rhi been? Have you two learned any more about that mysterious Pokémon?"''
:''"In any case, it looks like it was a lucky star—I wished you’d turn up today, and here you are!"''
:''"Rhi recognizes it, you say? And its name is Cosmog? Incredible! Having a bit of extra-dimensional help really expands our knowledge base."''
:''"Now it’s your turn. What do you wish to research today, <player>?"''
:''"Still, when it comes to Pokémon research, nothing beats firsthand observation. Have you gleaned anything interesting during your time with Cosmog, <Player>?"''
:''"Hmm... I see."''
:''"Sounds like Cosmog’s curious, but not very cautious."''
:''"I can relate to throwing caution to the wind, but when you’re light enough to be blown away by the slightest breeze... Well."''
:''"It’s a good thing you and Rhi are there to make sure Cosmog is safe—just like you were for me!"''
:''"Anyhow, the more time you spend with Cosmog, the more we’ll learn. Let me know when you make more discoveries!"''

====Lovely Wishes====
*After the first set of tasks
:''"<Player>, you’re back already! How’s Cosmog—"''
:''"Good to see you, <player>!"''
:''"Whoa! Who’s that Pokémon? Did Cosmog evolve?! Just look at that lustrous shell!"''
:''"What a lovely day! But it looks like there’s pollen in the ah...ah...ah-choo!"''
:''"Rhi’s hypothesis is that this “{{p|Cosmoem}}” will stay in this state until it’s ready to evolve? Excellent theory!"''
:''"Shame it’s garden-variety pollen and not healing pollen from the Flabébé I’ve seen around."''
:''"It’s definitely easier to get an up-close look at a Pokémon holding still, but what do you think is going on in Cosmoem’s mind? Is it asleep? Maybe it’s dreaming of adventuring with you and Rhi!"''
:''"I wish I were as carefree as the Flabébé seem to be! With their untroubled hearts, I wonder what Flabébé wish for..."''
:''"What else will we learn once it “becomes active,” as Rhi put it? What kind of Pokémon could it become? Unlike our serene friend here, my mind’s buzzing with questions and possibilities!"''
:''"Sorry, I got lost in my daydreams! What about you, <player>? What’s your research wish today?"''
:''"I can’t wait to see what mysteries we’ll unravel, <Player>! Keep taking good care of Cosmoem until then."''

====Primal Rumblings====
:''"Still in a holding pattern with Cosmoem, <Player>? Not to worry—sometimes slow and steady is the way to go. I’ll be waiting right here, so come see me when you have an update to share."''
:''"<Player>! There you are! How’ve you been feeling?"''
:''"I ask because I’m a bit out of sorts. The temperature’s been fluctuating between brisk and balmy all day, and the local plant life has been uncharacteristically productive."''
:''"There were Pinap Berry seeds in the pocket of my spare coat, and they started sprouting overnight! And that’s to say nothing of the tree growing through my bed. Makes it hard to saw logs, if you’ll excuse the pun."''
:''"But there’s more. A tremor shook the lab earlier. It rattled the Daily Adventure Incense I was preparing for you right off the table!"''
:''"It all suggests the natural forces around us are somehow overactive."''
:''"Now that you’re here, I think we can get a handle on the situation. Things don’t look serious yet, but we should prepare for any possibility—call it a professor’s intuition!"''
:''"Let’s check on how the weather’s affecting the local Pokémon. See if you can find any clues, will you? "''
:''"(Come to think of it, the team leaders and I wished on one of those shooting stars the other day for the earth and sea to flourish. It couldn’t be...could it?)"''

:''"Good to see you back, <player>! Seems like you didn’t run into any trouble. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same—things have gone from bad to worse here."''
:''"<Player>! Great to see you—and that majestic Pokémon you’ve brought with you!"''
:''"I felt another tremor earlier, followed by a sudden downpour. My notes were nearly washed away!"''
:''"Unless I’ve gotten my wires crossed, I believe that’s a Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in Alola. How did you come across it?"''
:''"Enough about that, though. Let’s take a look at what you’ve found. Hmm... Ground-type and Water-type Pokémon... And when we take into account the climatic conditions, strange tectonic activity, and rapidly flourishing plant life..."''
:''"Wha—it evolved from Cosmoem?!"''
:''"The only word I can think of to describe this phenomenon is “primal”!"''
:''"I’m awestruck! And...struck with the exact same calm, warm feeling I had on the other side of the Ultra Wormhole."''
:''"When there’s an overabundance of natural energy, the Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon can absorb that energy to revert to their primal forms, dramatically increasing their power."''
:''"Hmm... Could a Pokémon of this species have been looking out for me?"''
:''"Some even say those are their true forms. As a professor, of course I’d love to study them up close! But Pokémon that mighty can sow chaos if left unchecked for long."''
:''"Funny, isn’t it? I’m always thinking about how we can protect Pokémon. But it looks like this time, a Pokémon protected me!"''
:''"But don’t worry, <player>. I’ve sent the team leaders and Rhi on a mission to find the Red and Blue Orbs. According to the literature of the Hoenn region, the orbs are ancient artifacts with the power to calm Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon."''
:''"I’ve got one more friend to be thankful for, aside from you and Rhi."''
:''"Once Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are subdued, everything should go back to normal. Until then, stay safe!"''
:''"I knew leaving Cosmog with you two was the right choice. With your encouragement and guidance, it’s become something truly Legendary!"''
:''"Do me a favor, would you? Keep adventuring together and tell me all about your exploits when you have a chance."''
:''"As for me, well... I think it’s about time I put my old lab coat back on. Don’t you?"''

====Pokemon GO Tour: Hoenn - Chasing Legends====
====Mysterious Masks====
<!--Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 are hosted by Rhi-->
:''"Where’s that old getup of mine—oh! Hey there, <Player>!"''
:''"<Player>! I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to see you."''
:''"I’ve been thinking of what to wear to Spark’s upcoming costume party. A Litwick hat? A Pikachu onesie? I can’t have Candela outshine me again this year."''
:''"The weather’s still going haywire, and we have multiple confirmed sightings of Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon. I’m afraid they’ve left a streak of destruction in their wake."''
:''"Speaking of masquerades—is that a Yamask AND a Galarian Yamask? I can’t disguise my excitement!"''
:''"But hope is not lost—Rhi and the team leaders are still searching for the Red and Blue Orbs, which are said to have once resolved a similar incident in Hoenn."''
:''"You know, they say Yamask carry masks that used to be their faces when they were human. Sometimes they look at them and cry."''
:''"Once we have the Orbs, things’ll go back to normal, and—fingers crossed—we’ll be able to figure out what caused this surge of natural energy to begin with."''
:''"And Galarian Yamask are supposedly formed when ancient clay tablets are drawn to vengeful spirits."''
:''"Rhi left in that direction. If you hurry, you can catch up, <player>!"''
:''"Somber origins, but don’t they set your curiosity ablaze? I wonder how Yamask feel now that they’ve become Pokémon. What sort of thoughts are running through their minds?"''
:''"In the “spirit” of inquiry, why don’t you see what other Ghost-type Pokémon you can find? You might even come across more Yamask!"''

:''"<Player>! There you are. The weather’s finally stopped going topsy-turvy! I take that to mean you and Rhi were successful in finding the Red and Blue Orbs."''
:''"Ah, <Player>! Welcome back. I’ve just about finished my Yamask, erm, mask, inspired by you and Rhi! What’ve the two of you been up to?"''
:''"You two are amazing. Normally, it’d take no less than Rayquaza descending to the ground to settle one of Kyogre and Groudon’s “arguments”!"''
:''"Whoa, you’ve caught even more Ghost-type Pokémon! It’s starting to look like a haunted house around here—or a haunted lab."''
:''"Maybe you got the jump on it. Rayquaza would have to be mighty speedy to get ahead of you two!"''
:''"Ghost-type Pokémon always remind me how much remains in the world for us to uncover. Where do {{p|Drifloon}} drift off to? Do {{p|Duskull}} really spirit away bad children? What powers a {{p|Golett}}?"''
:''"Oh, that reminds me. While you and Rhi were off saving the day, I had some time to think about what could’ve caused the surge of natural energy to begin with. My top theory so far is—"''
:''"With enough time and perseverance, I’m sure we researchers will find the answers to these questions and more. Or maybe they’ll be answered by an up-and-at-’em Trainer like you! When it comes to learning, jump in headfirst, I always say!"''
:''"Hold on! Did you see that, <player>?! Something bright just flew across the sky—could it be a Pokémon?"''
:''"Though...maybe I should amend that motto to exclude Ultra Wormholes. Haha."''
:''"Looks like we’ve still got some investigating to do!"''
:''"Thanks for the extra motivation today, <Player>. I’ll see you again soon!"''
:''"You know where to find me when you’re ready to continue your Pokémon journey. Until then, thanks again for your help. Things just wouldn’t be the same without you around!"''

*1/6 (early version)
====November 5, 2022====
:''"<Player>! I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to see you."''
* After the first time a golden [[PokéStop]] is spun
:''"The weather’s still going haywire, and multiple Pokémon Trainers have confirmed sightings of Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon, as well as a streak of destruction in their wake."''
:''"What’s that you’ve got, <Player>? Ah! Yes, I see—this appears to be [[?????? Coin|a very old coin]].  I picked one up myself, actually. There’s something mysterious about them..."''
:''"Rhi and the Team Leaders are still searching for the Red and Blue Orbs. It’s said the Orbs once resolved a similar incident in Hoenn, so I’m hoping they’ll do the same for us now."''
:''"Oh—hello, [[Jacq]]! It was great hearing you speak at the World Pokémon Ecological Society conference the other day!"''
:''"Once we have the Orbs, things’ll go back to normal—and if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to figure out what caused this surge of natural energy to begin with. That’s my wish, at least."''
:''"<Player>, this is Jacq. He teaches biology at an academy in the [[Paldea]] region."''
:''"Rhi left in that direction. If you hurry, you can catch up, <player>!"''
:''"Hm? Do you know something about this, Jacq?"''
:''"Of course! I’ll get right on researching this with <Player>. And I’ll be sure to take a video of the coin and share it with you soon."''
:''"All right, <Player>—let’s get cracking! I’d like to find a few more coins, so why don’t we start looking around?"''
:''"These coins are a little suspicious, but I can’t help feeling excited all the same! I believe a thorough investigation is in order."''
:''"We’ve got a lot of ground to cover—so I’ll start my search over there! Are you ready? Then let’s GO!"''

*6/6 (early version)
====Ultra Beast Protection Efforts====
:''"<Player>! There you are. The weather’s finally clearing up! Which can only mean you and Rhi must’ve succeeded in finding the Red and Blue Orbs."''
:''"Amazing as usual, both of you. We’re in good hands even without Rayquaza to settle Kyogre and Groudon’s arguments when we’ve got you two, huh?"''
:''"Huh. I thought there were more Team GO Rocket Grunts around earlier..."''
:''"It’s said Rayquaza would descend to the ground if Kyogre and Groudon were to fight, but maybe you got the jump on it. Rayquaza would have to be Mega speedy to get ahead of you two!"''
:''"Oh, <Player>, it’s you! I guess I’ve got you to thank for getting those goons out of here."''
:''"While you and Rhi were off saving the day, I had some time to think about what could’ve caused the surge of natural energy to begin with. My top theory so far is—"''
:''"Rhi says they may be taking an interest in our otherworldly visitors, huh?"''
:''"—Hold on, did you see that, <player>?! Something bright just flew across the sky—could it be a Pokémon?"''
:''"I’m inclined to think they’re right. Good thing you’re here to save the day!"''
:''"Looks like we’ve still got some exploring to do, as always!"''
:''"Keep flushing Team GO Rocket out, <Player>. Try looking for their Leaders next."''
:''"You know where to find me when you’re ready to continue your Pokémon journey. But until then, thanks again, <player>. Things just wouldn’t be the same without you around!"''
:''"I’m sure you and Rhi can track them down!"''

====Let's GO!====
:''"So, you sent Giovanni home with his tail between his legs? Just another day in the life for you, huh, <Player>?"''
:''"Hey, <player>!"''
:''"It’s no easy feat to put Team GO Rocket back in their place, but you rose to the challenge."''
:''"Things are pretty calm right now, aren’t they? The Pidove are chirping, the Hoppip are floating..."''
:''"Great job! Now take some well-deserved rest with your Pokémon."''
:''"It makes me want to take a big stretch and go on a nice walk."''
:''"I’ll be in touch again soon!"''
:''"You’ve got to savor peaceful days like these, especially considering that Pokémon research can be fraught with all sorts of mystery and danger! Just, well, not today."''
:''"But no matter the circumstances, I know you’re looking out for Pokémon everywhere—and for me! In fact, I’ve always thought of you as my hero when I’m in a pinch."''
:''"On a relaxing day like this, you deserve a change of pace from our grand adventures. It’s a perfect time to take a look at what’s going on in our own backyard."''
:''"Could you check out the Pokémon in the area for me, <player>?"''

====Winter Wishes====
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Let’s look at those Pokémon..."''
*After the first set of tasks
:''"You’ve already powered some of them up, I see. Staying prepared in case any dangers arise? Great work, as usual!"''
:''"Brr... Ah! <Player>! Did you notice the snow we've been getting? It's beautiful—and freezing! I feel colder than a Bergmite!"''
:''"With Trainers like you around, even forces like Team GO Rocket can be defeated. Speaking of which, something seems especially sinister about them lately. Just my Pokémon Professor’s intuition."''
:''"Winter is a time for wishing, and while a Bergmite might wish for the weather to stay like this forever, I'm wishing for an extra layer!"''
:''"Hmm. Well, I’ll keep noodling on that. Could be my intuition is oversensitive lately. Let’s just enjoy this peace while we can!"''
:''"What about you, <Player>? What's your winter research wish?"''
:''"I’m going to review some of my older observations. Why don’t you leave some of those Pokémon with me and see what other Pokémon pals are around?"''

====Lucky Wishes====
:''"Thank goodness, <player>! You came back just in time! You and your new Pokémon are urgently needed!"''
*After the first set of tasks
:''"Something...something’s happened! Something big!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Guess what? I was observing a herd of Ponyta last night, and I saw a shooting star! Or maybe it was a spark from fighting Shinx?"''
:''"You see..."''
:''"In any case, it looks like it was a lucky star—I wished you’d turn up today, and here you are!"''
:''"...I’ve just set up lunch plans with an old friend that I can’t miss."''
:''"Now it’s your turn. What do you wish to research today, <player>?"''
:''"Haha, sorry for winding you up there! I know you’d never miss a chance to jump in and save the day."''
:''"I’ve got a feeling my friend will have some valuable insight into my observations, so I need to collect my notes. I’ll tell you all about our discussion when I get back."''
:''"Actually, I could use your help with something—while I look for those notes, could you keep an eye on the team leaders in case they need anything? I bet they could use a hero of their own!"''
:''"I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon, <player>. Until then, let’s...hope I can find my notes!"''

====Lovely Wishes====
:''"Hey there, <player>! I don’t have anything juicy for you right now. Have you checked in on the team leaders lately?"''
*After the first set of tasks
:''"Good to see you, <player>!"''
:''"What a lovely day! But it looks like there’s pollen in the ah...ah...ah-choo!"''
:''"Shame it’s garden-variety pollen and not healing pollen from the Flabébé I’ve seen around."''
:''"I wish I were as carefree as the Flabébé seem to be! With their untroubled hearts, I wonder what Flabébé wish for..."''
:''"Sorry, I got lost in my daydreams! What about you, <player>? What’s your research wish today?"''

====Primal Rumblings====
:''"<Player>! I’ve been looking all over for you!"''
:''"I heard about your heroics with the team leaders. I couldn’t be happier that you all have been spending so much quality time together."''
:''"<Player>! There you are! How’ve you been feeling?"''
:''"I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know them better, too!"''
:''"I ask because I’m a bit out of sorts. The temperature’s been fluctuating between brisk and balmy all day, and the local plant life has been uncharacteristically productive."''
:''"But there’s another reason I’m glad you’re here."''
:''"There were Pinap Berry seeds in the pocket of my spare coat, and they started sprouting overnight! And that’s to say nothing of the tree growing through my bed. Makes it hard to saw logs, if you’ll excuse the pun."''
:''"The team leaders have noticed Team GO Rocket acting even MORE suspicious lately."''
:''"But there’s more. A tremor shook the lab earlier. It rattled the Daily Adventure Incense I was preparing for you right off the table!"''
:''"And so have I. Remember that meeting I was preparing to attend? It was with Silph Co., a large company in the Kanto region."''
:''"It all suggests the natural forces around us are somehow overactive."''
:''"They’ve had issues with villainous organizations in the past, and I was curious if they’d had any trouble recently."''
:''"Now that you’re here, I think we can get a handle on the situation. Things don’t look serious yet, but we should prepare for any possibility—call it a professor’s intuition!"''
:''"Have you heard of Silph Co.? They develop and manufacture useful tools and items—including Poké Balls—that are distributed all over."''
:''"Let’s check on how the weather’s affecting the local Pokémon. See if you can find any clues, will you? "''
:''"Unfortunately, they didn’t have any answers about Team GO Rocket. But there’s some good news!"''
:''"(Come to think of it, the team leaders and I wished on one of those shooting stars the other day for the earth and sea to flourish. It couldn’t be...could it?)"''
:''"I have a gift for you, courtesy of Silph Co. I’ll be right back, just as I remember...where I put it..."''

:''"What do you think of THAT, <player>? Pretty snazzy, isn’t it?"''
:''"Good to see you back, <player>! Seems like you didn’t run into any trouble. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same—things have gone from bad to worse here."''
:''"You can’t buy that anywhere. Master Balls were developed by Silph Co. and aren’t easy to come by."''
:''"I felt another tremor earlier, followed by a sudden downpour. My notes were nearly washed away!"''
:''"I’ve heard they’re the very best Poké Ball out there—it’ll catch any wild Pokémon without fail! I know you’ll think carefully about when to use it."''
:''"Enough about that, though. Let’s take a look at what you’ve found. Hmm... Ground-type and Water-type Pokémon... And when we take into account the climatic conditions, strange tectonic activity, and rapidly flourishing plant life..."''
:''"Now for the bad news. Have you seen Team GO Rocket in front of Gyms today?"''
:''"The only word I can think of to describe this phenomenon is “primal”!"''
:''"They’ve found a way to take over Gyms with Shadow Pokémon."''
:''"When there’s an overabundance of natural energy, the Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon can absorb that energy to revert to their primal forms, dramatically increasing their power."''
:''"With so many Gyms under their control, who knows what trouble they’ll cause if left unchecked."''
:''"Some even say those are their true forms. As a professor, of course I’d love to study them up close! But Pokémon that mighty can sow chaos if left unchecked for long."''
:''"<Player>, I need your help. Please take on the Shadow Pokémon in those Gyms wherever and whenever you find them."''
:''"But don’t worry, <player>. I’ve sent the team leaders and Rhi on a mission to find the Red and Blue Orbs. According to the literature of the Hoenn region, the orbs are ancient artifacts with the power to calm Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon."''
:''"And who knows? With everything you do for Pokémon and other Trainers, you may have an opportunity to get your hands on another Master Ball someday."''
:''"Once Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are subdued, everything should go back to normal. Until then, stay safe!"''
:''"But for now, get out there and be the hero I know you are!"''
====Pokemon GO Tour: Hoenn - Chasing Legends====
<!--Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 are hosted by Rhi-->
:''"<Player>! I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to see you."''
:''"The weather’s still going haywire, and we have multiple confirmed sightings of Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon. I’m afraid they’ve left a streak of destruction in their wake."''
:''"But hope is not lost—Rhi and the team leaders are still searching for the Red and Blue Orbs, which are said to have once resolved a similar incident in Hoenn."''
:''"Once we have the Orbs, things’ll go back to normal, and—fingers crossed—we’ll be able to figure out what caused this surge of natural energy to begin with."''
:''"Rhi left in that direction. If you hurry, you can catch up, <player>!"''

====Pidgey Pandemonium====
:''"<Player>! There you are. The weather’s finally stopped going topsy-turvy! I take that to mean you and Rhi were successful in finding the Red and Blue Orbs."''
:''"<Player>! It’’s..."''
:''"You two are amazing. Normally, it’d take no less than Rayquaza descending to the ground to settle one of Kyogre and Groudon’s “arguments”!"''
:''"It’s the Pidgey! They’ve flown the coop!"''
:''"Maybe you got the jump on it. Rayquaza would have to be mighty speedy to get ahead of you two!"''
:''"For years, Trainers like yourself have been sending me Pidgey to research."''
:''"Oh, that reminds me. While you and Rhi were off saving the day, I had some time to think about what could’ve caused the surge of natural energy to begin with. My top theory so far is—"''
:''"I’ve kept each and every one safe and healthy, feeding them the best Berries, providing them with the softest nests..."''
:''"Hold on! Did you see that, <player>?! Something bright just flew across the sky—could it be a Pokémon?"''
:''"But somehow they’ve escaped from my lab! Maybe this is what I get for using a Great Fence instead of an Ultra Fence."''
:''"Looks like we’ve still got some investigating to do!"''
:''"*sigh* And after all the care I put into everyone’s Pidgey, too. We’ve got a real whirlwind of a situation on our hands!"''
:''"You know where to find me when you’re ready to continue your Pokémon journey. Until then, thanks again for your help. Things just wouldn’t be the same without you around!"''
:''"On the bright side, this might make for a fascinating paper on the impact of the flighty flock on the local environment..."''
:''"But first things first. Help me catch as many of these plucky Pidgey as you can, <player>! Before they try to fly off with my whole trailer...or me!"''

*1/6 (early version)
:''"<Player>? <Player>!"''
:''"<Player>! I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to see you."''
:''"Phew! I was worried the Pidgey might’ve blown you away."''
:''"The weather’s still going haywire, and multiple Pokémon Trainers have confirmed sightings of Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon, as well as a streak of destruction in their wake."''
:''"Most of the Pidgey are back safe in the lab, thanks to you and your fellow Trainers! I’m so glad it wasn’t a gust—er, bust."''
:''"Rhi and the Team Leaders are still searching for the Red and Blue Orbs. It’s said the Orbs once resolved a similar incident in Hoenn, so I’m hoping they’ll do the same for us now."''
:''"Take these items for your help with today’s feathery fracas, <player>."''
:''"Once we have the Orbs, things’ll go back to normal—and if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to figure out what caused this surge of natural energy to begin with. That’s my wish, at least."''
:''"I’ve put in an order for double the Pidgey’s usual amount of Berries, so let's hope they’ll feel pampered enough not to be a flight risk anymore."''
:''"Rhi left in that direction. If you hurry, you can catch up, <player>!"''
*6/6 (early version)
:''"<Player>! There you are. The weather’s finally clearing up! Which can only mean you and Rhi must’ve succeeded in finding the Red and Blue Orbs."''
:''"Amazing as usual, both of you. We’re in good hands even without Rayquaza to settle Kyogre and Groudon’s arguments when we’ve got you two, huh?"''
:''"It’s said Rayquaza would descend to the ground if Kyogre and Groudon were to fight, but maybe you got the jump on it. Rayquaza would have to be Mega speedy to get ahead of you two!"''
:''"While you and Rhi were off saving the day, I had some time to think about what could’ve caused the surge of natural energy to begin with. My top theory so far is—"''
:''"—Hold on, did you see that, <player>?! Something bright just flew across the sky—could it be a Pokémon?"''
:''"Looks like we’ve still got some exploring to do, as always!"''
:''"You know where to find me when you’re ready to continue your Pokémon journey. But until then, thanks again, <player>. Things just wouldn’t be the same without you around!"''
====Let's GO!====
:''"Hey, <player>!"''
:''"Things are pretty calm right now, aren’t they? The Pidove are chirping, the Hoppip are floating..."''
:''"It makes me want to take a big stretch and go on a nice walk."''
:''"You’ve got to savor peaceful days like these, especially considering that Pokémon research can be fraught with all sorts of mystery and danger! Just, well, not today."''
:''"But no matter the circumstances, I know you’re looking out for Pokémon everywhere—and for me! In fact, I’ve always thought of you as my hero when I’m in a pinch."''
:''"On a relaxing day like this, you deserve a change of pace from our grand adventures. It’s a perfect time to take a look at what’s going on in our own backyard."''
:''"Could you check out the Pokémon in the area for me, <player>?"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! Let’s look at those Pokémon..."''
:''"You’ve already powered some of them up, I see. Staying prepared in case any dangers arise? Great work, as usual!"''
:''"With Trainers like you around, even forces like Team GO Rocket can be defeated. Speaking of which, something seems especially sinister about them lately. Just my Pokémon Professor’s intuition."''
:''"Hmm. Well, I’ll keep noodling on that. Could be my intuition is oversensitive lately. Let’s just enjoy this peace while we can!"''
:''"I’m going to review some of my older observations. Why don’t you leave some of those Pokémon with me and see what other Pokémon pals are around?"''
:''"Thank goodness, <player>! You came back just in time! You and your new Pokémon are urgently needed!"''
:''"Something...something’s happened! Something big!"''
:''"You see..."''
:''"...I’ve just set up lunch plans with an old friend that I can’t miss."''
:''"Haha, sorry for winding you up there! I know you’d never miss a chance to jump in and save the day."''
:''"I’ve got a feeling my friend will have some valuable insight into my observations, so I need to collect my notes. I’ll tell you all about our discussion when I get back."''
:''"Actually, I could use your help with something—while I look for those notes, could you keep an eye on the team leaders in case they need anything? I bet they could use a hero of their own!"''
:''"I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon, <player>. Until then, let’s...hope I can find my notes!"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! I don’t have anything juicy for you right now. Have you checked in on the team leaders lately?"''
:''"<Player>! I’ve been looking all over for you!"''
:''"I heard about your heroics with the team leaders. I couldn’t be happier that you all have been spending so much quality time together."''
:''"I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know them better, too!"''
:''"But there’s another reason I’m glad you’re here."''
:''"The team leaders have noticed Team GO Rocket acting even MORE suspicious lately."''
:''"And so have I. Remember that meeting I was preparing to attend? It was with Silph Co., a large company in the Kanto region."''
:''"They’ve had issues with villainous organizations in the past, and I was curious if they’d had any trouble recently."''
:''"Have you heard of Silph Co.? They develop and manufacture useful tools and items—including Poké Balls—that are distributed all over."''
:''"Unfortunately, they didn’t have any answers about Team GO Rocket. But there’s some good news!"''
:''"I have a gift for you, courtesy of Silph Co. I’ll be right back, just as I remember...where I put it..."''
:''"What do you think of THAT, <player>? Pretty snazzy, isn’t it?"''
:''"You can’t buy that anywhere. Master Balls were developed by Silph Co. and aren’t easy to come by."''
:''"I’ve heard they’re the very best Poké Ball out there—it’ll catch any wild Pokémon without fail! I know you’ll think carefully about when to use it."''
:''"Now for the bad news. Have you seen Team GO Rocket in front of Gyms today?"''
:''"They’ve found a way to take over Gyms with Shadow Pokémon."''
:''"With so many Gyms under their control, who knows what trouble they’ll cause if left unchecked."''
:''"<Player>, I need your help. Please take on the Shadow Pokémon in those Gyms wherever and whenever you find them."''
:''"And who knows? With everything you do for Pokémon and other Trainers, you may have an opportunity to get your hands on another Master Ball someday."''
:''"But for now, get out there and be the hero I know you are!"''
====Pidgey Pandemonium====
:''"<Player>! It’’s..."''
:''"It’s the Pidgey! They’ve flown the coop!"''
:''"For years, Trainers like yourself have been sending me Pidgey to research."''
:''"I’ve kept each and every one safe and healthy, feeding them the best Berries, providing them with the softest nests..."''
:''"But somehow they’ve escaped from my lab! Maybe this is what I get for using a Great Fence instead of an Ultra Fence."''
:''"*sigh* And after all the care I put into everyone’s Pidgey, too. We’ve got a real whirlwind of a situation on our hands!"''
:''"On the bright side, this might make for a fascinating paper on the impact of the flighty flock on the local environment..."''
:''"But first things first. Help me catch as many of these plucky Pidgey as you can, <player>! Before they try to fly off with my whole trailer...or me!"''
:''"<Player>? <Player>!"''
:''"Phew! I was worried the Pidgey might’ve blown you away."''
:''"Most of the Pidgey are back safe in the lab, thanks to you and your fellow Trainers! I’m so glad it wasn’t a gust—er, bust."''
:''"Take these items for your help with today’s feathery fracas, <player>."''
:''"I’ve put in an order for double the Pidgey’s usual amount of Berries, so let's hope they’ll feel pampered enough not to be a flight risk anymore."''
:''"That’s enough fun for one day, I’d say. Until next time!"''
:''"That’s enough fun for one day, I’d say. Until next time!"''
====May 22, 2023====
*After obtaining a Shadow Shard for the first time
:''"Huh? What’s this? It’s exuding some eerie energy. I wonder if it has something to do with Team GO Rocket’s increased presence and those Shadow Raids..."''
:''"Would you do me a favor and track down a few more by battling Team GO Rocket? When we have <number>, I’ll see if we can put them together to make something that can help in Shadow Raids!"''
*After collecting enough shadow shards for the first time
:''"Great job getting those Shadow Shards! Good name, eh? Now, let’s combine them. We can use my invention—the Super Shadow Shard Scrubber! But we can just call it the Shard Refiner. Give it a try!"''
:''"Incredible! They made a beautiful gem, and we’ve purified that shadowy energy. I’ll call it...a Purified Gem! I’ll bet something like this can help calm the enraged Shadow Pokémon in Shadow Raids."''
:''"I hypothesize that this will decrease an enraged Shadow Raid Boss’s Attack and Defense. The more of these gems you or other Trainers use, the greater the effect ought to be. Why don’t you test it?"''
====Starry Skies====
<!--Part 3/4 was hosted by Rhi-->
:''"<Player>, great timing!"''
:''"I just got back from a harrowing expedition. I’ll spare you the gritty details, but it involved boulders, quicksand, and lots of Venipede."''
:''"Anyway, I’ve come out on the other side with some exciting treasures: fossils, King’s Rocks, and a trove of maps!"''
:''"It’s hard to determine who or what left the maps behind, especially given their contents. For example, this one apparently leads to “the world’s tastiest Poffin.”"''
:''"There was one in particular that caught my eye: a map of the skies showing the exact position of the stars today!"''
:''"It made me wonder if this is a purely informational map, or if it points toward something special."''
:''"What do you say we find out together?"''
:''"Seeing as the stars are our inspiration, how about we focus on either diurnal Pokémon—meaning Pokémon that are active during the day—or their opposite, nocturnal Pokémon?"''
:''"Take some time to think about which Pokémon you’re more interested in researching. Once you’ve decided, we can set off!"''
:''"Which would you rather research: Pokémon that appear during the daytime or Pokémon that appear at night?"''
{| class="roundy" style="background:#FFAA11; border:3px solid #FFCC33"
! style="color:#fff; background:#ff69b4" colspan=2 | Choose a Path
|-  style="background:#FEF6E7"
| width=50% | Help Research Daytime Pokémon
| Help Research Nighttime Pokémon
|- style="background:#fff"
:Choose this option to help research Pokémon that are more active during the day. You’ll be tasked with exploring widely and catching many Pokémon.
:Choose this option to help research Pokémon that are more active at night. You’ll be tasked with completing research and catching Pokémon in different ways.
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Great choice! There’s nothing like a warm sunbeam to refresh a tired body!"''
:''"Great choice! I always enjoy a stroll in the cool, crisp moonlight."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Speaking of which, here’s a refreshing Pokémon fact: the leaves on Petilil’s head are highly valued for medicinal purposes. They provide relief from weariness—even more so when boiled."''
:''"Speaking of which, here’s a cool Pokémon fact: Misdreavus conceals itself in darkness, sending chills up travelers’ spines with its childlike weeping."''
|- style="background:#fff"
:''"Heh. Now I’m in the mood to look for some Grass-type Pokémon. Shall we, <player>?"''
:''"Spooky, eh? Now I’m in the mood to look for some Ghost-type Pokémon. Shall we, <player>?"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>! How did it go?"''
:''"You ran into Rhi? They just stopped by to chat with me, too!"''
:''"Rhi was hot on the heels of something otherworldly. We were getting ready to rally the Team Leaders when—get this—a Cosmog blissfully bobbed by!"''
:''"You don’t see that every day."''
:''"I recall Rhi mentioning that Cosmog’s gaseous body can be blown away by the slightest breeze, but it doesn’t seem to care."''
:''"Even so, we can’t just leave it be. You’d better hurry and catch that Cosmog before it blows into some trouble!"''
:''"While you’re doing that, I’ll ponder how another Cosmog found its way here...and whether it was more than luck that we happened to have a map of the stars on this exact day."''
:''"Mysteries to illuminate in the future, as Rhi might say!"''
====Catching Some Z's====
:''"Zzz... Bwuh?"''
:''"Oh! Sorry about that, <player>."''
:''"I’m *yawn* running on very little sleep. Candela gave me some of the coffee beans she’s been raving about, so I did the neighborly thing and gave ’em a whirl."''
:''"The coffee was delicious, but WAY stronger than I’m used to. It kept me wide awake into the wee hours of the night."''
:''"Getting a good amount of sleep is essential if you want to keep your brain sharp. Speaking personally, exhaustion tends to steer me toward more...outlandish theories."''
:''"Hm? You want to hear one? Well...all right. But let’s keep it between us, OK?"''
:''"Somewhere on my desk there’s an early draft of a paper called “The Aerodynamics of Various Hats as Worn by Pikachu.” It’s very well researched, I assure you!"''
:''"But that’s enough about me. Do you have any theories of your own you’d like to explore?"''
:''"Why don’t you sleep on it and get back to me?"''
:''"Ah—hello, <player>!"''
:''"Candela’s extra-strength coffee is finally out of my system, so I’m back to snoozing like a Snorlax—and thinking up more promising ideas for papers."''
:''"“The Effects of Elevation on Snorlax Snoring Patterns” is going to be a hit, I just know it!"''
:''"How about you, <player>? Feeling refreshed, I hope?"''
:''"I’m sure whatever you’ve thought up over the last few days is more than worthy of research!"''
:''"Now get out there and seize the day—and remember to get a good night’s sleep!"''
====From A to Zygarde====
:''"Hello, <player>! What’ve you been up to? Catching Pokémon? Exploring a new Route, perhaps?"''
:''"As for me, I’ve been absorbed in reading a research article about the Order Pokémon, Zygarde."''
:''"The writer hypothesizes that Zygarde monitors the ecosystem from deep within the cave where it lives. And when the ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power."''
:''"I wonder if it ventures outside for other reasons. Here’s an idea for a paper: “Zygarde Habitats and Migration Patterns”!"''
:''"What do you think? I wonder what other activities and locales might interest Zygarde..."''
:''"Try to come up with a few theories while you’re out exploring!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>!"''
:''"While you were out, I caught up on observational reports from local Trainers."''
:''"Curiously, several mentioned amorphous, green blobs they found along Routes. Some Trainers even thought they might be alive!"''
:''"I have a theory about what those wobbly blobs might be, but I’d like to review my research materials first. Maybe even reread that article from earlier..."''
:''"In the meantime, please continue your fieldwork. I’m positive I’ll have a less amorphous update by the time you get back."''
:''"Oh, and I suggest you power up your Pokémon, just in case you run into anything unexpected out there!"''
:''"There you are, <player>! You’ll never guess what happened!"''
:''"As I combed through my notes, I saw something blur past me and come to a screeching halt outside the lab."''
:''"It moved fast, but I’m almost positive it was the very Pokémon I’ve been investigating: Zygarde!"''
:''"It might still be there. Check it out, and here—take this. I’ll explain how to use it once you’re back."''
:''"Incredible, <player>!"''
:''"So it really was Zygarde!"''
:''"Zygarde is a curious Pokémon. It’s made of Zygarde Cells, and its appearance depends on the number of cells it has gathered."''
:''"I’d say this one has about 10% of its cells. It’ll change and grow as it collects more."''
:''"And that’s what my gift is for! The Zygarde Cube can be used to store the Zygarde Cells that you find. You can think of it as a nest for those cells."''
:''"And as for where can you find those cells... Do you recall those green blobs that have been found along Routes? I reckon they were, in fact, Zygarde Cells!"''
:''"Could I ask you to test that hypothesis, <player>?"''
:''"Excellent work finding your first Zygarde Cell, <player>!"''
:''"You’re off to a great start to assembling Zygarde’s forms, but there’s a long journey ahead of you."''
:''"It looks like this Zygarde needs to collect 250 cells to reach its Complete Forme. It seems the cells are only gathering along Routes, so you’ve got a lot of traveling in your future!"''
:''"I can’t wait for you to get started—just think of all the Pokémon and friends you’ll meet on the way!"''
:''"Explore a few more Routes, and I suggest you use an Incense while you’re out there. We’ve got to keep up with our studies of other Pokémon as well!"''
:''"Welcome back, <player>!"''
:''"You traveled five entire Routes?! Well done! That adventurous spirit is what makes you such a joy to work with."''
:''"I’m sure Zygarde appreciates your perseverance too. And your efforts will be well-rewarded! In its Complete Forme, Zygarde has enough power to overwhelm even Xerneas or Yveltal."''
:''"Zygarde can radiate high-powered energy from the orifice on its chest. It uses force to neutralize those who harm the ecosystem."''
:''"That’s some good motivation for us to each do our part, eh? Even little things, like recycling when we can. But I don’t think we should need a threat to want to care for our surroundings."''
:''"After all, Pokémon and even Trainers like yourself do their best in a healthy environment—we should all work hard to make the world a place where everyone can thrive."''
:''"I’ll leave you with that thought, <player>. Smooth travels on your journey to gather Zygarde Cells, and let me be the first to know when you’ve collected enough to see its Complete Forme. I’ll be waiting on the edge of my seat!"''

{{DEFAULTSORT:Willow, Professor}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Willow, Professor}}