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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Greenギャラドス 20:47, 7 September 2009 (UTC)  


Stop adding those pieces of trivia when they were removed. Turtwig A Contributions Talk 22:17, 7 September 2009 (UTC)


Please stop adding that trivia. Onix is not the first Pokémon to evolve in another Generation. Golbat is. And even then Onix is still preceded by Gloom and Poliwhirl. Also, the other trivia you were stating was directed towards Brock's Onix, not all Onix in general. So please stop it already. --ケンジガール 22:18, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

really stop Turtwig A Contributions Talk 22:23, 7 September 2009 (UTC)


I'm giving you a small block due to your inability to listen to warnings. When you come back, I hope you'll attempt to follow the rules. --ケンジガール 22:27, 7 September 2009 (UTC)