HI. I'm Ulti, as you can tell. The stuff below this sentence will tell you more about.....me. I guess.


My Pokémon hacks? Oh,um. OK.

Pokémon Whiteout

I am currently making a hack called Pokémon Whiteout. The mascot Pokémon will be Arceus, but no other Generation IV Pokémon shall be in it. It includes a completely new Hall of Origin, with puzzles, different rooms, and traps. at the end, you will have to find Arceus in The Room of Life.


Sprites: 1% Maps: 2% Scripts: 0% Pokémon Data: 0% Trainers: 5%

Favorite Stuff (besides Pokémon)

...I like a lot of things. Examples would be...

Spore Bionicle Lego Pizza Robots My Made-Up World And Pi. This one->π<- Or that -> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288....


I really don't know what to put here yet. Check back for Updates.