Super Smash Bros.

Revision as of 13:35, 1 February 2006 by Lance McCloud (talk | contribs)

Super Smash Brothers is a video game for the Nintendo 64. It was a game in which characters from various Nintendo video games fought each other. It featured Poké Balls as items and Pikachu and Jigglypuff as playable characters.

In its sequal, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Pichu and Mewtwo were also playable. Pichu is a lighter clone of Pikachu, and is designed as a handicap for expert players due to it gaining 2% damage every time it uses an electric attack. (A feature otherwise seen in the mini-movie Pikachu and Pichu.)

Throwing a Pokéball also produces one of a number of Pokémon, that can affect the battle in some way. For example, Unown fly across the screen hitting anyone in their way, while Wobbuffet sends back any attack that hits it. Goldeen just flops around the screen, and many believe that in certain circumstances it can give out a One-hit KO, a feature noted in its trophie, but this text is most likely referring to the Horn Drill attack that it can learn in the Pokémon games, and not to its performance in Super Smash bros. However, evidence seems to suggest that Goldeen is just using a Splash attack, more notable of Magikarp.

There are two arenas based on Pokémon. The first is the Kanto Stadium. It is a stage with a drop on either side. Occasionally, it will change to reflect a certain element. The other stage is the Pokéfloats, where battles occur on giant blimps shaped like Pokémon.