The ending begins with Pikachu, Lycanroc, Torracat and Rowlet floating in on clouds. Pikachu wakes the sleeping Torracat and Rowlet, and all four jump back towards the backdrop of Melemele Island. The next scene shows a glass drink with a reflection of Ash's friends, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy at a beach. The scene then changes to Ash's and his friends' Pokémon riding on top of Solgaleo.
Team Rocket, Meowth, Wobbuffet, Mimikyu and Bewear then appear on screen, with Jessie, James and Meowth all giving a pose. Next, Jigglypuff walks by as Ash and his Pokémon look back at the sunset. The scene then changes to show Ash sleeping at Kukui's home with his Pokémon.
The subsequent scene is of Jigglypuff singing, which is followed by a picture of the Ultra Guardians. Then, the camera shows Lillie, Mallow with Steenee, and Lana with Popplio. The following scene depicts Ash and Pikachu meeting all four guardian deities. The final shot is of Ash and his Pokémon posing with his friends, their Pokémon, and Poipole.