
Welcome to Bulbapedia, King Leon!

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  • A list of administrators that you can contact in case of a problem can be found here.
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  • To upload images, please use the Bulbagarden Archives. To activate your account at the Archives, please login there using the same username and password you use here on Bulbapedia. This may also be used to activate an account at Bulbanews.
  • If you wish to make a page for a character you made up, please do so at User:King Leon/Name.
Thank you, and have a good time editing here! --Werdnae 18:58, 15 December 2008 (UTC)


Slow down on editing the User: namespace. There are only three userspace edits allowed per day, and you have gone over the limit. Editing your userpage too much will lead to it being locked again. Instead of making multiple small edits, why not instead use the preview button (Alt + Shift + P) to check your edits before saving the page? Thank you. --Nick., something to say? 19:33, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Hold on!

If you did not read your last warning, then please read it now. You have gone over the daily limit for editing the User: namespace. Please do not edit your page any more for today, as it is hard on the server. Thank you, --— THE TROM — 06:53, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Userspace edits

Hello. It seems that you have made 3 edits to your userpage today. In case you didn't know, Bulbapedia has a userspace policy that states that users are only allowed 3 edits to their userpage per day. Since you have reached that limit for today, please wait until tomorrow to make any more edits to your userpage. As a recommendation, you can also use the Preview button to allow you to see your page's progress without making too many edits. Thank you, ----Diby 06:47, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Userspace edits

Hello. It seems that you have made 3 edits to your userpage today. In case you didn't know, Bulbapedia has a userspace policy that states that users are only allowed 3 edits to their userpage per day. Since you have reached that limit for today, please wait until tomorrow to make any more edits to your userpage. As a recommendation, you can also use the Preview button to allow you to see your page's progress without making too many edits. Thank you, ----Diby 06:53, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Man, do you know anything other than editing a stupid page about which no one really cares?--Diby 06:53, 20 December 2008 (UTC)