
Welcome to Bulbapedia, ChewbaccaTheMustafa!

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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Psyライダー 21:55, 4 December 2009 (UTC)  

Please try not to

make multiple edits on the same page many times in a row. This clogs up the server and makes it run slower for others. Thanks, --Smartkidhen (So I saw this sign that said Red VelvetTeam Galactic has plans) 21:00, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

Hey, if you use the preview button, you can see how your progress is coming along to prevent this :D CuboneKing (Planet CuboneBone Club) 21:04, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Please... Don't feel that your work isn't appreciated... It is... CuboneKing (Planet CuboneBone Club) 21:15, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Instead of making those edits, try using the preview button. It is the button next to save page. Turtwig A (talk | contribs) 21:23, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Please stop making multiple edits to the same page. One user even got banned recently for that reason. You can even see the ban on the list (the fifth one on the list). Turtwig A (talk | contribs) 21:33, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

Sorry about that! I'm not trying to do any of that copyright infringement stuff or insult anyone. I'm just trying to help!

By the way, how the heck do you replace and add pictures on the web pages here? I'd like to replace the ones classified as "Unsatisfying", and add some as well to make it more complete, so can you please provide me with the information I need for that?--ChewbaccaTheMustafa 00:18, 6 December 2009 (UTC)

Typing in [[File:104.png]] gives you this:  Hope I helped... CuboneKing (Planet CuboneBone Club) 00:20, 6 December 2009 (UTC)

Unfortunately, that didn't help. I'm looking to add and/or replace pictures in "List of clothing in the anime". Can you help out please? I can't find proper pictures (if any at all) anywhere!

Okay, first off, to upload pictures you must do so on the Bulbagarden Archives. Second, please sign all of your comments with tildes. And don't resign, that gives the wrong timestamp. Thanks, --Smartkidhen (So I saw this sign that said Red VelvetTeam Galactic has plans) 19:38, 6 December 2009 (UTC)

Alright, I've gone to the archives and everything you said there, so now what? (ChewbacceTheMustafa) 19:41, 28 December 2009

In the toolbox there is a point that says "upload image". You click that. The image has to be saves to be able to be uploaded, however. Turtwig A (talk | contribs) 01:33, 29 December 2009 (UTC)

Uh, where is the "toolbox"? (ChewbaccaTheMustafa) 21:13, 28 December 2009