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  --freezingCOLD (page, talk) 16:05, 20 March 2009 (UTC)  

21 win streak vs factory head thorton

bzweeeeep! sorry don't mind me, what i'm using is an invention of mine its my data-analysing machine i see! you've rented <pokemon>, <pokemon> and <pokemon> i have to say, that's a good setup. like,say,18 percent?oh, don't let that number concern you. all righty, let's get going!

after the player wins

whoa! You sure showed me!

after battle

hmm... I got handed the loss here It's not making me happy at all, losing. even though its not making me happy, i did glean some useful data I suppose that makes me glad i battled you. so did you get to like those those pokemon you rented? as the factory head it would sure make me happy, Next time come back with different rental pokemon.