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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Jello 01:06, 24 January 2010 (UTC)  


The purpose of this template is so that the article that is incomplete that has not been edited would be shown under this category. Those who are browsing around articles that need to be cleaned up and edited can do so. My question is: what do you define as outdated? ht14 01:47, 25 January 2010 (UTC)

My definition of an outdated article is one with old facts that have changed (though this is not a concern with Shipping:History of Pokémon Shipping as it's supposed to contain old facts). As for the Moves not in the Pokémon games article, I felt that is was updated well enough: just incomplete. .GreenPhoenix. 12:59, 25 January 2010 (UTC)
But the history of Pokémon shipping article hardly contains any information about the current saga (DP, and there's hardly any Advanced info on there)... I'm pretty sure that was why the outdated tag was on there, not because it had facts from 10 years ago. ▫▪Ťïňắ 15:35, 25 January 2010 (UTC)

What do you usually do on Bulbapedia?

I was wondering, out of curiosity, what you usually edit on Bulbapedia. Do you have any particular goals to accomplish, any projects you are part of? Or, would you otherwise work on articles that are "floating around", a specialist of the unspecialized? Since it seems you deal with a variety of articles, perhaps you would have some skill in providing pictures to anime locations? (obviously, it would take some time to implement all the pictures, but currently it would seem as if progress has not only been slow but nonexistent--and in the case I am incorrect in my inference, I emphasize that it would seem such, not that it is.) I hope my asking this does not disturb you, but I was compelled to ask due to your interesting name grabbing my attention. Steph 02:02, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

I work on whatever needs to be worked on. I expand stubs to the best of my knowledge, and I try to clean up articles needing improvement. I also patrol the RC for vandalism. I don't work with projects because I'm more of a "free editor." As for pictures... I have never provided a picture of anything for a wiki before, but I could help with whatever you need done if I learned how. Also, you think I have an interesting name? Thanks. :) .GreenPhoenix. 02:08, 30 January 2010 (UTC)