User:Spriteit/Greengrass Isle

Greengrass Isles is the first island available to players in Pokémon Sleep. It has a recommended Team RP of ≥1,400.


Games Description
Sleep The largest island in the region, known for its fertile land covered with greenery. It hosts the greatest variety of Pokémon

Snorlax Information


Available Pokémon

By Snorlax Level

Three Columns, first with the food level, second with Pokémon sleep style star level, third with menu sprite icons of the mons

By Sleep Styles

Separate by sleeps tyle maybes for searchability?

Pokémon Sleep Type Sleep Style Minimum Snorlax Level needed
Dozing ★ - Sunbathing Sleep Basic 2
★★ - Sturdy Sleep Great 1
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Great 2
Dozing ★ - Sunbathing Sleep Great 4
★★ - Sturdy Sleep Ultra 3
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Ultra 4
Dozing ★ - Sunbathing Sleep Master 5
★★ - Sturdy Sleep Master 9
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Master 10
Snoozing ★ - Crackling Sleep Basic 2
★★ - Tummy-Rub Sleep Great 1
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Great 2
Snoozing ★ - Arm-Pillow Sleep Great 4
★★ - Seated Sleep Ultra 3
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Ultra 4
Snoozing ★ - Stomach Sleep Master 5
★★ - Arms-Crossed Sleep Master 9
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Master 10
Slumbering ★ - Sheltered Sleep Basic 2
★★ - Unsheltered Sleep Great 1
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Great 2
Slumbering ★ - Sheltered Sleep Great 4
★★ - Unsheltered Sleep Ultra 3
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Ultra 4
Slumbering ★ - Sheltered Sleep Master 5
★★ - Unsheltered Sleep Master 9
★★★★ - Atop-Belly Sleep Master 10