My Profile
This Page My User For Bulbapedia, My Native Language is Spanish, but Know Little of English And understand That Are Says in His Language, but in Write is My Problem... This is Good for People that Talking in Spanish :)... Information New Almost Every for They.. That Maker some Problems With Pokemon Safari But now Are Closed... In My Profiles is Characteristic That Use Images or Avatars of May.
I And Pokemon
I Am Since 1999, When First The Series Arrive in Latin Spanish in Open Tv ( This Serie Arrive In Open Tv That in CN LA), In That Time And Now Don´t Like Character Main of Misty, but seen to Region Jotho, When This Plot was Large And Bored... But Someday Investigate in the Internet Know to May, Replace Of Misty And "New" Pokemon Series Advanced (AG) And Again See Pokemon when Arrive in My Native Language Too Know the "Shipping" And "OTP" in Pokemon, Thanks This Continue seen AG Too D&P And Play Games of Pokemon, Things of Shippers But not Fan Fics Iam Bad Etc, Etc.. Born a Fan Girl Pokemon
After That May Leaves in Finish of Advanced Generation , Adopt New " Hobbie" That Maker Named Pairings The Anime Series, That Sometimes Finish I Like.. Some Cases..
Coming Soon..