Hi! My name is Adam and I love Pokémon! I've edited a few pages and even created some, and I'm trying to help out as
much as possible. I first started playing Pokémon in the second grade, when I got my first game, Pokémon Red and my starter was Charmander. I soon moved to Pokémon Gold which is my favorite game by far, and my starter was Cyndaquil. After that I took a bit of a break during Generation III, but once Pokémon Fire Red came out I got right back into the swing of things so to speak.
Current Diamond game
Trainer Status
![Drake]( Drake ID No. 06973
Sinnoh Seen: 151 Caught: 126
National Seen: 438 Caught: 387
Hall of Fame:
Friend code: 2965 5374 9461
Contest Ribbons:
Current Platinum game
Trainer Status
![Roark]( Roark ID No. 44251
Sinnoh Seen: 210 Caught: 140
National Seen: 235 Caught: 148
Hall of Fame:
Friend code: 2965 5374 9461
Battle Frontier Prints:
Contest Ribbons:
Frontier Brains