User:Conanfan1412/List of Special manga Pokémon by evolution

This is a list of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Blake, Whitley, X, Y, Sun, Moon, Henry, and Casey's Pokémon, ordered by the speed of evolution, from fastest to slowest. It does not include any Pokémon which cannot evolve, such as Ditty, any that were already fully-evolved at the time of capture, such as Moo and Élec, nor any that evolved prior to their debut, such as Brav. Due to the large amount of Pokémon Crystal has caught, only featured Pokémon (such as those in her main party or those used by Emerald) will be included.

Chapter counts are subject to change between magazine releases and volume releases.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Evolved Pokémon

Pokémon Trainer Duration Difference Circumstances
MachokeBlue's Machamp Blue PS018PS018 0 rounds Battling a wild Ninetales and (accidentally) traded to Red
MetapodKitty Yellow PS089PS089 0 rounds Battling Lance
PoliwhirlPolibo Gold PS109PS109 0 rounds Holding the King's Rock and being (temporarily) traded to Silver
SeadraSilver (Adventures)#Kingdra Silver PS109PS109 0 rounds (Temporarily) traded to Gold
TogeticTogebo Gold PS459PS459 0 rounds Battling Arceus
ShelmetWhitley (Adventures)#Accelgor Whitley PS543PS543 0 rounds Traded with Whitley's Karrablast
KarrablastBlake (Adventures)#Escavalier Blake PS543PS543 0 rounds Traded with Blake's Shelmet
EeveeY (Adventures)#Veevee Y PS553PS553 0 rounds Battling Team Flare's Sliggoo
KirliaSapphire (Adventures)#Kirly Sapphire PS596PS596 0 rounds Battling Rara and touching a Dawn Stone
ClefairyGreen (Adventures)#Clefy Green PS032PS033 1 round Using Red's Moon Stone
CharmanderCharmeleon Blue PS001PS005 4 rounds Off-panel during his journey in Kanto
TotodileCroconaw Silver PS091PS098 7 rounds Defeating a trap in the Sprout Tower
GrookeyHenry Sword#Twiggy Henry PASS01PASS08 7 rounds Training with Sniffler.
TurtwigGrotle Diamond PS338PS346 8 rounds Training in Eterna City
Along with Chimler and Platinum's Piplup
ChimcharMonferno Pearl PS338PS346 8 rounds Training in Eterna City
Along with Tru and Platinum's Piplup
PiplupPrinplup Platinum PS338PS346 8 rounds Training in Eterna City
Along with Tru and Chimler
ScorbunnyCasey Shield#Raboot Casey PASS01PASS09 8 rounds Battling Nessa's Drednaw
PoliwhirlPoli Red PS001PS011 10 rounds Saving a drowning Red and a Water Stone at the bottom of the sea
DartrixMoon's Decidueye Moon PASM26PASM36 10 rounds Battling a Huntail
AronLairon Sapphire PS184PS195 11 rounds Training in Granite Cave
Along with Chic
QuilladinMarisso X PS577PS588 11 rounds Protecting Salamè from Xerosic's Malamar
LittenTorracat Sun PASM01PASM13 12 rounds Battling Tapu Lele
CharmeleonSalamè X PS577PS589 12 rounds Battling Xerosic's Malamar & Crobat
BulbasaurIvysaur Red PS002PS015 13 rounds Defeating a wild Primeape
BayleefMegaree Crystal PS135PS148 13 rounds Battling Lugia
Along with Exbo and Silver's Croconaw
PoochyenaNana Ruby PS181PS194 13 rounds Battling wild Mawile
Along with Kiki
SkittyKiki Ruby PS181PS194 13 rounds Touching Steven's Moon Stone
Along with Nana
TorchicCombusken Sapphire PS182PS195 13 rounds Training in Granite Cave
Along with Rono
GrotleTru Diamond PS346PS359 13 rounds Battling Team Galactic
Along with Chimler
MonfernoChimler Pearl PS346PS359 13 rounds Battling Team Galactic
Along with Tru
GrubbinMoon (Adventures)#Charjabug Moon PASM06PASM19 13 rounds Off-panel
PrinplupPlatinum's Empoleon Platinum PS346PS360 14 rounds Exercising in the Veilstone Department Store
WartortleBlasty Green PS015PS030 15 rounds Off-panel
FrogadierCroaky Y PS572PS587 15 rounds Battling Xerosic's Malamar
RattataRatty Yellow PS036PS053 17 rounds Catching Kitty
CyndaquilQuilava Gold PS091PS108 17 rounds Training at the Goldenrod Daycare Center
MudkipMarshtomp Ruby PS183PS200 17 rounds After arriving in Slateport City
PigniteBo Black PS479PS496 17 rounds Battling the Forces of Nature
TirtougaCosta Black PS488PS505 17 rounds Battling Brycen's Beartic
IvysaurSaur Red PS015PS033 18 rounds Battling Zapmolcuno
PoliwagPoliwhirl Gold PS091PS109 18 rounds Stopping a collapsing Tin Tower
TepigPignite Black PS461PS479 18 rounds Battling Burgh's Dwebble
TorracatDollar (Adventures) Sun PASM13PASM33 20 rounds Battling Necrozma on Mount Lanakila
CharmeleonBlue's Charizard Blue PS005PS027 22 rounds Off-panel during his journey in Kanto
FletchlingFletchy Y PS549PS571 22 rounds Battling Yvette's Vivillon
FroakieFrogadier Y PS549PS572 23 rounds Battling Celosia's Aegislash
GrimerMoon (Adventures)#Muk Moon PASM06PASM29 23 rounds Off-panel during Moon's stay in Ultra Space
RowletDartrix Moon PASM02PASM26 24 rounds Off-panel during Moon's stay in Ultra Space
ServineAmanda (Adventures) White PS483PS508 25 rounds Off-panel
CharmanderCharmeleon X PS552PS577 25 rounds Training under Gurkinn
Alongside Marisso
ChespinQuilladin X PS549PS577 28 rounds Training under Gurkinn
Alongside Salamè
CombuskenChic Sapphire PS195PS226 31 rounds Battling Winona's Altaria.
MarshtompMumu Ruby PS200PS231 31 rounds Battling many Pokémon with Ruby
Nidoran♀Nidorina Green PS039PS073 34 rounds Off-panel
PonytaPlatinum's Rapidash Platinum PS338PS377 39 rounds Inspired by Platinum's determination
CaterpieMetapod Yellow PS049PS089 40 rounds Battling Lance
OmanyteOmny Yellow PS049PS089 40 rounds Battling Lance
Along with Dody and Gravvy
QuilavaExbo Gold PS108PS148 40 rounds Battling Lugia
Along with Megaree and Silver's Croconaw
ChikoritaBayleef Crystal PS091PS135 44 rounds Battling a wild Larvitar
DoduoDody Yellow PS042PS089 47 rounds Battling Lance
Along with Gravvy and Omny
CroconawSilver's Feraligatr Silver PS098PS148 50 rounds Battling Lugia
Along with Megaree and Exbo
MunnaMusha Black PS462PS518 56 rounds Using a Moon Stone received from Caitlin
FeebasFeefee Ruby PS206PS266 60 rounds Being declared beautiful by Ruby
ShieldonDon Diamond PS348PS408 60 rounds Battling the Advanced level Grunt
LaironRono Sapphire PS195PS256 61 rounds Training on Mirage Island
GrovyleEmerald's Sceptile Emerald PS241PS307 66 rounds Off-panel
SunkernGold (Adventures)#Sunbo Gold PS099PS172 73 rounds Using Sunny Day while battling the Masked Man
RaltsKirlia Ruby PS181PS258 77 rounds Training at Sky Pillar while under Wally's care
HorseaSeadra Silver PS030PS109 79 rounds Off-panel
GravelerYellow (Adventures)#Gravvy Yellow PS005PS089 84 rounds Battling Lance
Along with Dody and Omny
EeveeVee Red PS019PS115 96 rounds Off-panel
ScytherBlue's Scizor Blue PS018PS115 97 rounds Off-panel
PorygonBlue's Porygon2 Blue PS018PS160 142 rounds Off-panel
SnubbullGreen (Adventures)#Granbull Green PS089PS288 199 rounds Assisting Blasty
With Jiggly & Nido
NatuCrystal (Adventures)#Natee Crystal PS117PS319 202 rounds Off-panel
NidorinaGreen (Adventures)#Nido Green PS073PS288 215 rounds Assisting Blasty and holding a Moon Stone
With Jiggly & Green's Snubbull
JigglypuffJiggly Green PS016PS288 272 rounds Assisting Blasty and holding a Moon Stone
With Nido & Green's Snubbull
RhydonBlue's Rhyperior Silver PS116PS449 333 rounds Holding the Protector and being (temporarily) traded from Blue
MurkrowSilver's Honchkrow Silver PS108PS445 337 rounds Holding a Dusk Stone
KirliaRara Ruby PS258PS596 338 rounds Battling Kirly
TogepiTogetic Gold PS107PS459 352 rounds Battling Arceus
SneaselSilver's Weavile Silver PS092PS445 353 rounds Holding a Razor Fang
AipomAibo Gold PS091PS448 357 rounds Learning Double Hit

Evolved Pokémon prior to capture

Pokémon Trainer Duration Difference Circumstances
LuxioRayler Pearl PS340PS349 9 rounds Debuted as Luxio; evolved before Pearl obtained him

Currently unevolved

Pokémon Debut Notes
Arrokuda Kilo PASS05
Gurdurr Steeler PASS04
Mareanie Moon's Mareanie PASM06
Meowth Cent PASM01
Jigglypuff Ririri PS607
Pumpkaboo Blue's Pumpkaboo PS582
Rhyhorn Rhyrhy PS549
Dewott Blake's Dewott PS525
Foongus Foongy PS524
Vullaby Barbara PS500
Solosis Solly PS500
Deerling Darlene PS488
Tepig Gigi PS465
Diglett Digler PS403
Buizel Zeller PS401
Munchlax Lax PS338
Phanpy Crystal's Phanpy PS311
Dusclops Emerald's Dusclops PS308
Pichu Pibu PS178
Abra Green's Abra PS162
Remoraid Gold's Remoraid PS142
Cubone Bonee PS117
Smoochum Chumee PS117
Pikachu Chuchu PS111
Teddiursa Gold's Teddiursa PS101 Given to Maizie
Chinchou Gold's Chinchou PS096
Murkrow Gold's Murkrow PS091
Kakuna Gold's Kakuna PS091
Exeggcute Gold's Exeggcute PS091
Weedle Gold's Weedle PS091
Chansey Gold's Chansey PS091
Krabby Gold's Krabby PS091
Drowzee Gold's Drowzee PS091
Oddish Gold's Oddish PS091
Sandshrew Gold's Sandshrew PS091
Lickitung Gold's Lickitung PS091
Seadra Yellow's Seadra PS043 Did not have an evolution at the time when it was released; Kingdra was introduced in Generation II
Weedle Green's Weedle PS039
Sandshrew Red's Sandshrew PS023
Weepinbell Red's Weepinbell PS022
Bellsprout Red's second Bellsprout PS022
Exeggcute Red's Exeggcute PS022
Diglett Red's Diglett PS018
Krabby Red's Krabby PS018 Traded to Misty
Bellsprout Red's first Bellsprout PS009
Pikachu Pika PS004
Nidorino Red's Nidorino PS001

List of Eggs

Pokémon Duration Difference Notes
Togepi Togebo PS101PS107 6 rounds
Pichu Pibu PS160PS178 18 rounds
Munchlax Lax Prior to PS338 Unknown Debuted as Munchlax; Egg not seen

See also