Joined 25 September 2009
Bazza is new to BULBAPEDIA and is open to any constructive criticism
Bazza has been a fan of Pokemon his whole life, or as long as he can remember. He started off playing Pokemon Ruby on a friends Gameboy Advance. Bazza owns a Nintendo DS Lite. He also owns Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness and Pokemon Diamond.
Platinum Team!
Craig |
Blitz |
Min |
Blaze |
Slug |
Ditt |
Team Trigger
Squirtle |
Uncle Sceptile |
Torterra |
Swampert |
Charizard |
Larry |
Monferno |
Team Phoenix
Riolu |
Piplup |
Diamond Team
Empoleon |
Politoed |
Raichu |
Staraptor |
Larry |
Lopunny |
Emerald Team
Grovyle |
Dustox |
Sableye |
Emerald Badges
Roxanne |
Brawly |
Rescue Team Pokecrew
Baryn |
Marc |
Pokemon Ranger Baryn
Baryn |
Minun |
Wobbuffet |
Elekid |
Pokemon Eggs
Mime Jr. |
Mudkip |