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Let's be reasonable

Let me start by saying that I have no interest in any shipping, so this isn't because I rabidly champion one ship over any other. That being said, some of the "hints" listed on this article are just ridiculous:

  1. Viva Las Lapras - Yes, because Misty must feel something more than just friendship if she tells Tracey to be careful when dealing with poachers. Normal friends never care about each other's well-being.
  2. A Date with Delcatty (Misty) - A girl asking a guy to accompany her to do something of questionable safety is not weird at all. Also, a guy doing chores for a girl indicates nothing about her other than her busy schedule.
  3. A Ship Full of Shivers - Same as #1. Ash's friends help rescue each other's Pokémon all the time.
  4. The Mystery Menace - Same as #1.
  5. The Stun Spore Detour - Any difference between Ash and Tracey's gratitude is due to their rash and kind personalities, respectively. Unless he held her hand and looked deeply into her eyes, this is just good friendship.
  6. A Date with Delcatty (Tracey) - He has nothing better to do, and he even later admits that his nice guy personality backfired on him.
  7. A Way Off Day Off - Do you even logic?
  8. The Blue Badge of Courage - Yes, and neither girl had any real reason to think that other than the fact that Misty and Tracey were standing next to each other. Actually, when Misty says that Tracey isn't her boyfriend in each episode, she calmly introduces him with no stereotypically flustered reaction.
  9. "Tracey loves Bugs" trivia - Tracey goes nuts whenever he sees any Pokémon. Please cite when exactly Bug Pokémon blow his mind more than usual.

There are other "hints" that really grab at straws, but these have zero basis in forming any kind of special relationship. I request they be removed from the page. —TheVeryBest 23:46, 23 May 2014 (UTC)

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