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|''<player>, I think you and everyone else should get some rest and prepare for what's coming!<br>It looks like we may have to call on you for help again in the near future!''
|''<player>, I think you and everyone else should get some rest and prepare for what's coming!<br>It looks like we may have to call on you for help again in the near future!''
== Johto ==
=== Team Rocket's Revival ===
*Resuming Operations
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|colspan =2|<center>(Flashback to Red Dyanmaxing his Snorlax in Team Rocket Returns)<center/>
|colspan =2|<center>(Team Rocket hideout)<center/>
|''Dynamax...<br>Without a doubt, it is a tremendous power, strong enough to topple anything in its path.<br>This island certainly continues to intrigue me.''
|colspan =2|<center>(The Team Rocket Executives appear)<center/>
|''Boss! The executives of Team Rocket are all present and accounted for!''
|''It's an honor to be at your service again, sir!''
|''Your wish is our command. Just say the word.''
|''You're looking sharp as ever, boss!''
|''So you all made it here.<br>I'm sure you're aware of our situation. We're going to launch an operation to take control of the entire island of Pasio.<br>In order to do that, we need more strength... A new kind of power, in fact.<br>Get ready. I have much work for you to do.''
|''Yes, sir!''
|''First, I have something I need to finish.<br>Soon, all of Pasio will be under the control of Team Rocket!<br>Fwahahaha!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Kris, Morty, and Silver battle Lance, Karen, and Will)<center/>
|''Today's the day I pay you back for all the times you've beaten me. Come on, Ho-Oh! Don't hold back!''
|''Sorry, but that's not going to happen just yet. Dragonite! Counter their attack!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Battle ends)<center/>
|''Great battle. You almost had us.''
|''It doesn't matter. A loss is a loss.''
|''Still, that was really close. There were a bunch of moments where even I was worried.''
|''Really? I couldn't tell at all...''
|''Well... If we let it show, we'd just be revealing to you what our weaknesses are.''
|''Exactly. You know, your team did an excellent job working together.<br>It took Xatu and Umbreon working together just to deal with Feraligatr's strength...<br>and I could hardly find an opening with that teamwork your two Ho-Oh were showing.''
|''Hear that, Silver? Sounds like we make a pretty decent team.''
|''Hmph. I'll get you back for this eventually. You'd better be ready when I come back for another rematch.''
|''Excuse me.''
|colspan =2|<center>(Paulo appears)<center/>
|''Oh, it's you. What's up?''
|''I'd like to ask you a question, Silver.<br>I heard from Ethan that when you two first met, you were the kind of guy who'd do anything to get stronger.<br>Things like...stealing other people's Pokémon.''
|''Paulo, maybe you shouldn't—''
|''Wait, Lance.<br>Yeah, I did. What of it?''
|''I was wondering why you changed your mind.<br>You were doing things that way because you felt it would make you stronger, right?<br>If you'd kept going down that path, don't you think you might've come out stronger for it?''
|''... ... ...<br>I'm not sure.<br>Back then, I thought that I could be the strongest Trainer as long as I had the strongest Pokémon.<br>But even when I had the strongest Pokémon, there were still people I couldn't beat. That's why I changed.<br>I still don't completely understand why I lost back then...<br>But I think I'm starting to get it now.''
|''Does that have to do with relying on others? Or maybe...connections?''
|''At the very least, a strong connection with your Pokémon is a must.<br>That said, I hate weak Trainers who think they're big and tough as long as they're in a group.''
|''I see... Thanks, Silver. Sorry for asking that out of the blue.''
|''Don't sweat it. It's fine.''
|''(Giovanni also mentioned something about connections...)<br>(Which long as I have a connection, I can use any means necessary to get stronger?)''
|colspan =2|<center>(A Togepi appears)<center/>
|''Hm? Is that a Togepi?<br>I don't see a Trainer around... Why's it all alone?''
|''Hold on... It looks like it's in pain.''
|colspan =2|<center>(The Togepi Dynamaxes)<center/>
|''Is it...Dynamaxing?!''
*On My Own
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|''What was up with that Togepi just now? It Dynamaxed out of nowhere.<br>And then it just scampered away right after we took it down...''
|''Did you see how pained it looked right after it approached us?''
|''I've seen something like this before.''
|''With Eternatus?''
|''Yeah. When Eternatus came to Pasio, it made a lot of other Pokémon Dynamax all of a sudden.''
|''Everything was really chaotic because nobody knew what was causing it!<br>But didn’t Leon solve the problem by catching Eternatus?''
|''Yeah, that's what we thought. But if this is happening again, something else must be wrong.''
|''That Togepi looked like it was having a rough time.<br>I think it was being forced to Dynamax even though it didn't want to.''
|''Hmm... Let's go to Professor Bellis’s Lab and figure out what to do next.''
|colspan =2|<center>(A Team Rocket grunt watches from afar, Silver notices them)<center/>
|colspan =2|<center>(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)<center/>
|Professor Bellis
|''So you saw a Dynamax Pokémon?''
|''Yeah. Karen, Will, and Morty decided to stay there so they can keep an eye on things.''
|Professor Bellis
|''Actually, I've already received reports of similar incidents happening.''
|Professor Bellis
|''Not a lot...but they're on the rise.<br>I already have Red and Blue on the case, as I thought we should do something soon before it gets out of hand.<br>I'm pretty sure I know who's behind all of this, too.''
|''It's Team Rocket, isn't it?<br>They were spying on us earlier.''
|Professor Bellis
|''They've been spotted lurking around whenever a Dynamax Pokémon is reported.''
|''But they don't seem to have any control over those Pokémon, right?<br>Oh, wait! So that means...''
|''They're just forcing the Pokémon to Dynamax?''
|''Yeah, that's what I was thinking!''
|''I once saw a Gyarados that had evolved because Team Rocket forced it...<br>It went on a rampage and looked like it was in a lot of pain.<br>Team Rocket doesn't care about Pokémon... They just use them as tools!<br>I won't let them get away with this.''
|''... ... ...''
|Professor Bellis
|''Where are you going, Silver?''
|''I'm doing this on my own.''
|''You don't want to come with us?''
|''I'm not a fan of teaming up.<br>I don't want to be like Team Rocket. They're just a bunch of weaklings who can't do anything on their own.''
|colspan =2|<center>(Silver leaves)<center/>
|''What's up with him? He seemed a little on edge...<br>Let him go. The rest of us can team up.''
|''Sure! But where do we even start?''
|Professor Bellis
|''Oh, I know someone you can ask for help!<br>She's a Pokémon Professor from Galar, home of the Dynamax phenomenon!''
*The Cruelest and Scariest
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|colspan =2|<center>(Forest)<center/>
|''Are we really meeting her here?''
|''Yeah. Professor Sonia is from the Galar region, and she's done research on the Dynamax phenomenon.<br>That's why we'd like to ask her about what's going on, but...<br>we're worried that Team Rocket might overhear our conversations if we meet up with her in town.''
|''I see. So that's why you chose such a secluded area deep in the woods.''
|''Exactly. Will went to fetch the professor, so there shouldn't be any risk of her getting kidnapped along the way, either.''
|''We also had Kris stay with Professor Bellis, so we know she'll be safe, too.''
|''We won't make the same mistakes we did last time. This time, we're going to finish the job.''
|''Sorry to keep you waiting!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Sonia and Will appear)<center/>
|''Professor Sonia!''
|''We got lost a few times. It's dark around here, so everything looks the same!''
|''Thanks for bringing her here, Will.<br>Did you bring the thing I asked you about, Professor?''
|''Yup! I managed it somehow!<br>This machine is something I've been working on for a while now, but since you needed it, I was able to complete it in record time!<br>Ta-da! I call it the Dynamax Sync Pair Power Spot Detector!''
|''What a tongue twister...''
|''What does it do?''
|''It detects spots where Galar particles are showing increased activity.<br> other words, it's able to find Pokémon that are on the verge of Dynamaxing!''
|''Oh, really? So if we go the spot showing the most activity...''
|''There's a good chance that's where the Team Rocket hideout is located?''
|''That's amazing, Professor Sonia. I can't believe you put this together in such a short amount of time.''
|''Hehe! It may look a bit rough around the edges, but I can assure you, it's got pinpoint accuracy!''
|''OK, let's give it go, then. Where's the on switch?''
|''You've made quite an annoying machine, I see.''
|''Who's there?!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Proton and Team Rocket grunts appear)<center/>
|''Our boss is busy running a grand experiment. We can't let you interfere with that.<br>I am Proton, an executive of Team Rocket. I won't let you flip that switch!''
|Team Rocket Grunt
|''Oh my gosh, Proton! You're sooo cool!''
|''I guess you were followed, Professor.''
|''What? Me?''
|''Well... I actually did notice that.''
|''But I felt it would be smarter if we dealt with it once we got back together with the group. He wasn't showing any signs of attacking at the time.''
|''So this mighty Team Rocket executive just tailed you instead of facing you head on in battle? How spineless.''
|Team Rocket Grunt
|''Excuse me, what'd you just say?! You'll be sorry once Proton gets serious and takes you out in a second!<br>We'll beat you to the ground and send you home in tears!''
|''Sorry, but we're in a hurry.<br>I'll have to ask you to leave!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Karen, Lance, and Will battle and defeat Proton and the Team Rocket grunts)<center/>
|''Hmph! Whatever, I still bought us some time.<br>I don't expect you to understand the grand mission our boss is going to accomplish, anyway.''
|colspan =2|<center>(Proton and Team Rocket grunts leave)<center/>
|''Proton's a Team Rocket executive...and he wasn't just all talk.''
|''Yeah. Team Rocket is definitely getting stronger again.''
|''They're a dangerous bunch. I'll stay with Professor Sonia for extra protection, just in case.''
|''OK. Then the rest of us should find their hideout before it's too late!''
*Infiltrate the Rocket Hideout
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|colspan =2|<center>(Glaciers)<center/>
|''The hideout is here, of all places?''
|''According to the machine, yeah.''
|''I wonder if Silver's here already...''
|''He might've already infiltrated the hideout.<br>I told him what we know. Let's let him decide how he wants to go about it.''
|colspan =2|<center>(Transition to Silver in the Team Rocket hideout, Giovanni and Team Rocket grunts appear)<center/>
|''Mwahahaha! We've been waiting for you.<br>I must say, I'm a bit surprised you barged in here all on your own.''
|''... ... ...''
|''Are you brave or just reckless? I'll put that to the test.<br>You shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Silver battles and defeats Giovanni)<center/>
|''Ha! That was a truly intense fight! You have won!<br>I have little choice, it seems. I will relinquish Pasio for now.<br>But Team Rocket will never fall!<Br>Never forget that all Pokémon exist for Team Rocket!''
|''You're not fooling anyone. Show's over.''
|''You're Petrel, the Team Rocket executive. Spill it—where's Giovanni?''
|''Heh heh heh...<br>Wahahaha! I guess my cover is blown!''
|''My disguise was perfect! You get props for seeing through it.<br>But my losing to you won't change a thing!<br>That door is locked shut!<br>You can try all you like, but it won't open unless I say the password. It only reacts to my voice!''
|''Shhh, Honchkrow. Don't say the password this time, OK?<br>If you keep quiet, I'll give you a shiny toy ring!<br>Oh, I forgot—I guess you only liked shiny things
when you were still a Murkrow, huh.<br>Look at you now, all big and strong... It's makin' me tear up!<br>Face it, kid... You've hit a dead end. You're not going anywhere!<br>Mwahahaha! Hail Giovanni!<br>Oops! Aw, man! I got so excited, I accidentally shouted out the password!''
|''You really don't know when to stop talking.''
|''No turnin' back now! I'll stop you before you get to the boss, no matter what it takes!''
|colspan =2|<center>(More Team Rocket grunts appear)<center/>
|''In the end, you're still resorting to outnumbering your opponent? This is why I hate you guys.<br>But...if I waste my time on this, Lance and the others might get to Giovanni first.''
|Team Rocket Grunt
|''Wh-where's that laugh coming from?<br>Gah!<br>How long have you been here?!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Koga and Janine appear)<center/>
|''Silver! We're here to help. You can go on ahead!''
|''My father and I will take care of everyone here! Let's help each other out!''
|''I don't need help from anyone! Stop interfering!''
|''You're the one who's going to take down Giovanni, aren't you? Do you really have the time to waste here?''
|''... ... ...<br>Hmph... Fine!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Silver leaves)<center/>
|''OK, prepare yourselves!''
|''What?! This can't be!<br>Oh, wait. I dropped the Giovanni disguise already, didn't I.<br>Darn. I guess the best I can do is stop the two of you, then!''
|''Heh. You think we’ll just let you do that?<br>Prepare to fall victim to our intricate style and sinister techniques! Our bond as a family will prevail!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Transition to Karen, Lance, and Morty cornering Archer and Ariana)<center/>
|''We've got you cornered now.<br>Why don't you put an end to this evil nonsense of forcing Pokémon to Dynamax.''
|''Heh. Cornered, you say?''
|''I'm afraid you're just a tad too late for that line.''
|colspan =2|<center>(Giovanni appears in his sygna suit)<center/>
|''Welcome to my hideout, Champion.<br>*chuckle*''
*One or Many
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|''You certainly took your time.<br>You've given me enough time to complete my objective.''
|''Your objective?''
|''Bit slow on the uptake, aren't you. We're talking about Dynamax sync pairs!''
|''What? You became a Dynamax sync pair?''
|''Indeed. We're different from those other Pokémon that were Dynamaxing spontaneously all over Pasio.<br>Now I have a Pokémon that will Dynamax on command!''
|''We conducted some experiments of our own based on Professor Bellis's research materials, and now we have the results!''
|''I took some inspiration from the sync pairs on Pasio who wear sygna suits as well.<br>They're fascinating outfits.<br>When you wear them, you can feel a stronger connection to your partner Pokémon.''
|''Wait... So you found another Pokémon willing to accept the malice in your heart, just like Mewtwo did?''
|''Having trouble accepting that? See for yourself, then!<br>Experience the power of the evil that bonds us together!<br>Nidoking! Dynamax!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Transition to Silver in another part of the hideout)<center/>
|''... ... ... Wha—?! The ground is shaking!<br>This hideout is about to collapse!''
|colspan =2|<center>(Transition to the glaciers)<center/>
|''Mwahahaha! How glorious! This is the true power of a Dynamax sync pair!<br>Such overwhelming strength! THIS is what I was trying to achieve!''
|''I can't believe he just destroyed his hideout with a max move...''
|''Mega Evolution and Dynamax together are unbelievably powerful...''
|colspan =2|<center>(Silver appears)<center/>
|''I see you're incapable of doing anything by yourself, as always.''
|''Those Trainers took out your horde of grunts earlier, so their Pokémon were already tired.<br>You think you can talk big after beating an opponent that's already been weakened for you?''
|''That is simply what an organization does.''
|''Indeed. Bringing together individuals is more efficient and allows you to wield much more power.<br>There's no reason why we shouldn't make use of such power. Do you not understand that, child?''
|''Big talk for cowards who can't do anything without Giovanni around. Face it—you're just too weak to work alone.<br>Even a child like me can see that. Why can't you?''
|''How dare you say that! You have no idea what we've been through—''
|''I suppose you've gotten strong enough to back up that argument, have you?''
|''Of course. While you all were pretending to be friends, I was busy training.<br>I can take care of this all by myself. This is how it should've been from the start.<br>We'll settle this once and for all...old man!''

