Battle Tent: Difference between revisions

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In this tent, entrants select three Pokémon from their [[party]] to battle three Trainers, whose Pokémon will either be level 30 or the highest level on the player's team, whichever is higher. Unlike in the other tents, the player does not directly control their Pokémon. Rather, the Pokémon will use [[move]]s they know that are most suited to their [[Nature]]s. Depending on their Nature, some Pokémon will prefer not to attack, instead favoring [[status move]]s targeting itself or the opponent. When a Pokémon's [[Stats#Hit Points|HP]] becomes low, it may change its fighting style.
In this tent, entrants select three Pokémon from their [[party]] to battle three Trainers, whose Pokémon will either be level 30 or the highest level on the player's team, whichever is higher. Unlike in the other tents, the player does not directly control their Pokémon. Rather, the Pokémon will use [[move]]s they know that are most suited to their [[Nature]]s. Depending on their Nature, some Pokémon will prefer not to attack, instead favoring [[status move]]s targeting itself or the opponent. When a Pokémon's [[Stats#Hit Points|HP]] becomes low, it may change its fighting style.
List of enemy trainers:
*'''Aroma Lady Brenna:''' Baltoy, Lotad, Nuzleaf, Shroomish, Swalot
*'''Beauty Desiree:''' Kadabra, Kecleon, Seviper, '''{{p|Skarmory}}''', Wingull
*'''Bird Keeper Josiah:''' Pelipper, Taillow, Swablu, Swellow, Wingull
*'''Bug Maniac Dennis:''' Aron, Dustox, Ninjask, Tentacool, Trapinch
*'''Camper Bradly:''' Dustox, Goldeen, Nuzleaf, '''{{p|Poochyena}}''', Taillow
*'''Picknicker Lesley:''' Baltoy, Electrike, Lotad, Nuzleaf, Poochyena
*'''Collector Freddy:''' Illumise, Lotad, Nuzleaf, Seviper, Solrock
*'''Cooltrainer Darnell:''' Loudred, Poochyena, Solrock, Trapinch, Vigoroth, Whismur
*'''Cooltrainer Ashlyn:''' Cacnea, Goldeen, Graveler, Magikarp, Marill, Solrock, Voltorb
*'''Expert Tyson:''' Machop, Makuhita, Graveler, Skarmory, Swablu, Vigoroth, Whismur
*'''Expert Laila:''' Goldeen, Illumise, Machop, Makuhita, Numel, Whismur
*'''Fisherman Tobias:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Magikarp, Tentacool, Wailmer
*'''Gentleman Prestin:''' Cacnea, Electrike, Illumise, Kadabra, Mightyena, Skarmory, Whismur
*'''Guitarist Ernesto:''' Electrike, Loudred, Magnemite, Pelipper, Voltorb
*'''Lady Caitlyn:''' Cacnea, Electrike, Kecleon, Mightyena, Poochyena, Skarmory
*'''Rich Boy Ronald:''' Electrike, Linoone, Swellow, Voltorb, Zigzagoon
*'''Lass Cecilia:''' Aron, Kadabra, Mightyena, Nuzleaf, Swellow
*'''Ninja Boy Dion:''' Dustox, Ninjask, Seviper, Swalot, Tentacool, Vigoroth
*'''Parasol Lady Kenzie:''' Aron, Electrike, Lotad, Numel, Nuzleaf, Swablu
*'''Pokéfan Addison:''' Kadabra, Magikarp, Poochyena, Swablu, Zigzagoon
*'''Pokéfan Justine:''' Lotad, Swablu, Marill, Poochyena, Zigzagoon
*'''Pokemaniac Ashten:''' Aron, Kecleon, Trapinch, Whismur
*'''Ruin Maniac Dilan:''' Baltoy, Graveler, Machoke, Solrock, Trapinch
*'''Sailor Marquis:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Machoke, Machop, Makuhita, Pelipper
*'''School Kid Nala:''' Goldeen, Pelipper, Shroomish, Swalot, Wailmer, Wingull, Zigzagoon
*'''Swimmer Gerard:''' Barboach, Magikarp, Marill, Pelipper, Wailmer
*'''Swimmer Lillian:''' Goldeen, Machop, Marill, Pelipper, Tentacool
*'''Tuber Markus:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Lotad, Magikarp, Tentacool
*'''Tuber Eliana:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Lotad, Magikarp, Wailmer
*'''Youngster Waren:''' Aron, Numel, Poochyena, Swalot, Swellow
Poochyena and Skarmory are new enemies.

The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Nest Ball]].
The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Nest Ball]].
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In this tent, entrants use a team of three of their own Pokémon against three Trainers, whose Pokémon will either be level 30 or the highest level on the player's team, whichever is higher. Each separate Pokémon face-off is timed for three turns. If, in three turns, neither Pokémon has been [[Fainting|knocked out]], the judge makes a decision depending on three factors: Mind (amount of offensive moves), Skill (accuracy of moves), and Body (remaining HP). Possible scores for each category are Circle (a win: 2 points), Triangle (a tie: 1 point), and X (a loss: 0 points). The Pokémon with the most points will win. The Skill category is not affected if a move misses as a result of a damage blocking attack such as {{m|Detect}} and {{m|Protect}}.
In this tent, entrants use a team of three of their own Pokémon against three Trainers, whose Pokémon will either be level 30 or the highest level on the player's team, whichever is higher. Each separate Pokémon face-off is timed for three turns. If, in three turns, neither Pokémon has been [[Fainting|knocked out]], the judge makes a decision depending on three factors: Mind (amount of offensive moves), Skill (accuracy of moves), and Body (remaining HP). Possible scores for each category are Circle (a win: 2 points), Triangle (a tie: 1 point), and X (a loss: 0 points). The Pokémon with the most points will win. The Skill category is not affected if a move misses as a result of a damage blocking attack such as {{m|Detect}} and {{m|Protect}}.
List of enemy trainers:
*'''Aroma Lady Amber:''' Cacnea, Kirlia, Lombre, Nuzleaf, Shroomish, Swalot
*'''Beauty Jadyn:''' Golbat, Loudred, Marill, Mightyena, Numel, Swalot
*'''Bird Keeper Benji:''' Golbat, Pelipper, Skarmory, Swablu, Wingull
*'''Bug Maniac Alanzo:''' Beautifly, Dustox, Illumise, '''{{p|Nincada}}''', Ninjask, Volbeat
*'''Camper Jameson:''' Linoone, Magikarp, Nincada, Plusle, Poochyena
*'''Picknicker Arielle:''' Kirlia, Linoone, Poochyena, Sandshrew, Swalot
*'''Collector Maurice:''' Illumise, Kecleon, Magikarp, Solrock, Volbeat
*'''Cooltrainer Brayan:''' Illumise, Kecleon, Linoone, Magnemite, Numel, Solrock, Wngull
*'''Cooltrainer Mariana:''' Barboach, Graveler, Kecleon, Magnemite, Numel, Volbeat, Wingull
*'''Expert Yahir:''' Aron, Kecleon, Loudred, Machoke, Mightyena, Ninjask
*'''Expert Britney:''' Kecleon, Linoone, Makuhita, Ninjask, Nuzleaf, Voltorb
*'''Fisherman Tannor:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Magikarp, Wailmer
*'''Gentleman Howard:''' Electrike, Linoone, Nuzleaf, Sandshrew, Wailmer
*'''Guitarist Conrad:''' Electrike, Loudred, Magnemite, Voltorb, Whismur
*'''Lady Arianna:''' Cacnea, Electrike, Golbat, Linoone, Mightyena
*'''Rich Boy Gerardo:''' Electrike, Linoone, Mightyena, Pelipper, Solrock
*'''Lass Kianna:''' Golbat, Goldeen, Graveler, Loudred, Mightyena, Skarmory
*'''Ninja Boy Rory:''' Dustox, Golbat, Nincada, Ninjask, Swalot
*'''Parasol Lady Eleanor:''' Baltoy, Cacnea, Linoone, Lombre, Sandshrew, Wailmer, Wingull
*'''Pokéfan Sheldon:''' Plusle, Poochyena, Swalot, Wailmer, Whismur
*'''Pokéfan Gianna:''' Barboach, Kirlia, Linoone, Marill, Plusle
*'''Pokemaniac Jonn:''' Aron, Graveler, Loudred, Whismur
*'''Ruin Maniac Javier:''' Baltoy, Cacnea, Graveler, Sandshrew, Solrock, Trapinch
*'''Sailor Connar:''' Machoke, Makuhita, Marill, Pelipper, Wailmer, Wingull
*'''School Kid Makenna:''' Baltoy, Kecleon, Shroomish, Swablu, Whismur
*'''Swimmer Esteban:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Lombre, Magikarp, Wingull
*'''Swimmer Evelyn:''' Goldeen, Marill, Pelipper, Wailmer
*'''Tuber Treve:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Marill, Pelipper, Wingull
*'''Tuber Natalie:''' Barboach, Goldeen, Magikarp, Marill, Pelipper
*'''Youngster Hecter:''' Linoone, Magikarp, Nincada, Numel, Plusle, Trapinch
Nincada is a new enemy.

The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Hyper Potion]].
The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Hyper Potion]].
