Battle Tent: Difference between revisions

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In this tent, entrants select three {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} from a random list of six [[rental Pokémon]], all at [[level]] 30. They then face three {{pkmn|Trainer}}s. After defeating each Trainer, the {{player}} may trade one of their Pokémon for one of the opponent's. When swapping a Pokémon, the player is not provided with any details on the opponent's Pokémon, having instead to rely on their experience battling the opponent's team.
In this tent, entrants select three {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} from a random list of six [[rental Pokémon]], all at [[level]] 30. They then face three {{pkmn|Trainer}}s. After defeating each Trainer, the {{player}} may trade one of their Pokémon for one of the opponent's. When swapping a Pokémon, the player is not provided with any details on the opponent's Pokémon, having instead to rely on their experience battling the opponent's team.
List of rental pokemons:
*{{p|Magikarp}}, {{p|Ralts}}, {{p|Seedot}}, {{p|Lotad}}, {{p|Makuhita}}, {{p|Zigzagoon}}, {{p|Whismur}}, {{p|Skitty}}, {{p|Taillow}}, {{p|Wingull}}, {{p|Barboach}}, {{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Shroomish}}, {{p|Electrike}}, {{p|Sandshrew}}, {{p|Baltoy}}, {{p|Machop}}, {{p|Numel}}, {{p|Swablu}}, {{p|Goldeen}}, {{p|Magnemite}}, {{p|Aron}}, {{p|Voltorb}}, {{p|Cacnea}}, {{p|Tentacool}}, {{p|Wailmer}}
*{{p|Marill}}, {{p|Kirlia}}, {{p|Nuzleaf}}, {{p|Lombre}}, {{p|Loudred}}, {{p|Graveler}}, {{p|Kadabra}}, {{p|Machoke}}, {{p|Linoone}}, {{p|Mightyena}}, {{p|Swellow}}, {{p|Pelipper}}, {{p|Vigoroth}}, {{p|Golbat}}, {{p|Ninjask}}, {{p|Breloom}}, {{p|Swalot}}
*{{p|Dustox}}, {{p|Beautifly}}, {{p|Spinda}}, {{p|Illumise}}, {{p|Volbeat}}, {{p|Plusle}}, {{p|Kecleon}}, {{p|Solrock}}, {{p|Seviper}}
The rental pokemon with highest stats are: Swalot, Breloom and Seviper.
Magikarp has only three moves: Tackle, Flail, and Splash.

The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Full Heal]].
The reward for winning three battles in a row here is a [[Full Heal]].
