Mallow/Quotes: Difference between revisions

1,511 bytes added ,  3 September 2021
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* Victory
* Victory
:''"Nyeheheh. Victory is sweet!"''
:''"Nyeheheh. Victory is sweet!"''
;Story Event - {{mas|Rosa}}'s Party
*'''The Other Chef'''
:''"Hey there! I heard you’re in need of a talented cook!"''
:''"Mallow here, at your service! I came to apply for the open assistant chef position!"''
:''"What?! You already hired someone?! Aw, darn... I was really hoping I’d get the chance to train under a legendary chef..."''
:''"W-wait a sec! I came all this way..."''
:''"Could we at least have a battle? You could do that for me, couldn’t you? I’m not asking much!"''
:''"I just want to see if my skills are good enough to get the stamp of approval from a legendary chef! C’mon, pleeease?"''
:''"I want a Pokémon battle and a cooking battle... Er...cook-off? Yeah, a cook-off! And I’m gonna go all out for both!"''
:''"All right. I’m ready when you are!"''
:''"Time to serve up a Super Mallow Special!"''
*'''The Joy of Cooking'''
:''"Phew! You really crushed it in that battle back there. If your team were a meal, it would be a pretty tasty one!"''
:''"Speaking of which, can we move on to our next battle now? Er—I mean cook-off! I’ll go prepare my dish first!"''
:''"So? What do you think of my dish?! I call it the special Z-Set! {{mas|Olivia}} and {{mas|Hau}} are huge fans of it back in Alola."''
:''"Are you gonna go shopping for ingredients now? That sounds like it could take a while."''
:''"Why don’t I cook up another dish in the meantime? It’d be my pleasure!"''
:''"C’mon, <player>! Let’s get cooking! I’m feeling a Super Mallow Special coming on!"''

;Sync Pair Story - A Day with Mallow
;Sync Pair Story - A Day with Mallow
