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;[[Slippery Slope]]
:''"Gahahaha! Don't you fret! I know somewhere way more fun than that musty old place! Get ready for loads of quality time with the coolest dad ever!"
:''"Come on, Nia! Be reasonable! Or get ready to be ultra-mega-embarrassed... as I unleash the Noble Roar of Dad!"
:''"Now hold on, lad! Can't say I approve of you buttin' in so blindly... But if I just give you a trouncin', this young lady here ought to see reason! The name's Peony! Brace yourself--I'm pretty ferocious in battle!"
* In battle
::'''After sending out first Pokémon''': ''"Gahaha! Aren't you the brave one, pickin' a fight with a onetime Gym Leader!"
::'''When player lands a supereffective hit''': ''"Not bad! Not bad at all! But watch out--next time, it's my turn!"
::'''Before sending out final Pokémon''': ''"Steel's tough as they come! The more hits it takes, the more ultra-mega-determined it gets!"
::'''When defeated''': ''"Guess it's not my place to be braggin'!"
* After battle
:''"Gahahaaa! Look at me, takin' a thrashin' from a youngster like you! Hmm? My darlin' daughter's disappeared! Where've you gone, my sweet Nia?!"
::'''"Darlin" daughter, huh?''': ''"Of course! My Nia's the sweetest, darlingest daughter a dad could ask for! I brought her out here so we could have a proper father-daughter trip. First one in ages! And now that we've got here, she grabs the first Trainer she finds, makes 'em a decoy, and legs it! That's my dear Nia for you! That's just her backward way of showin' her papa she loves him! Gahaha!"
::'''Must be''': ''"That's the type of girl she is! Ultra-mega-charmin', isn't it? Still, without her, I can't start this Adven-tour of legendary spots I've planned for us! She mention wantin' to have a gander at someplace called the Max Lair, didn't she? Sounds to me like she wants good old Papa to chase after her! Well, she needn't worry-- I'm not one for wastin' time! Which means it's time I got a move on. Cheers for a fine battle! I'll be seein' you, then, lad! Take care of those strong Pokémon of yours!"
:''"Aha! This must be the Max Lair that Nia was talking about. Which means my darlin' daughter is in there right now, havin' a giggle with some rare Dynamax Pokémon!"
:''"Hm? Oh, it's you again! Well, kid, maybe you ought to come as well! Right! Just you hold on, Nia, my dear! Here comes Papaaa!"
;[[Max Lair]]
:''"Oh, I think you can! My precious daughter's in there, and I'm goin' in after her!"
:''"But what?! I'm here to have an adventure, and I want to kick it off right now!"
:''"Oh, there you are, lad! So you've come after all, have you?"
::'''All right?''': ''"Nothin's all right, and everythin's the matter! This ultra-mega-numpty of a scientist insists on gettin' in my way!"
:''"Gaaah! I've got no patience for standin' here listenin' to you rattle off the fine print!"
:''"Aha! Now you're talkin'! Go on, then. Let's hear what the good lady's got to say! And then we'll go find my little Nia together! Right? Right!"
* If talked to again
:''"Go on, then. Let's hear what the good lady's got to say! And then we'll go find my little Nia together! Right? Right!"
:''"That's what I like to hear, mate! I owe you one!"
:''"Right, right--I follow you! You're sayin' you don't want Galar losin' control, so the Pokémon rent some particles, and we might see a rare overexposure!"
:''"I'm still a touch lost, but... that's the type of place this is, eh? Right! Sounds like this is all a bit beyond me, so I'll just go on in and get crackin'! Here comes Papa, my darling Niaaa!"
* After Dynamax Adventure
:''"Agh! It hurts! It ultra-mega-hurts! Nia! Where's my darlin' Niaaa?"
::'''"What happened?''': ''"Hnngh... Advetures aren't to be taken lightly. I've learned that firsthead now-- Firsthand, I mean. I was just checkin' to see if my little girl was behind some rocks, and look how I've ended up!"
:''"There we go--I'm up! No little bump's gonna keep me down long. That kip's got me feelin' right as rain! How about it then, lad? Did you find my darlin' Nia?"
::'''"I did, but...''': ''"Hmmm... You don't say. So dear Nia's set on stayin' away till she's had her fill of this Dynamax Adventure stuff... and she wants the two of us to go ahead and get crackin' on the grand Peony Adven-tour? You know, I burned the candle at both ends working out the best itinerary I could for my dead Nia's sake... But I guess she's at that age when she doesn't want her old man taggin' along all the time. And tryin' to press her into doin' what I wanna do probably won't win me any "dad of the year" awards. Right, then! What's your name, kid?"
:''"Cheers, <player>! My name's Peony! Wait--have I already told you so? Gahaha! Then it's twice as nice to meet you!"
* After handling his League Card
:''"Let's have ourselves such a smashin' adventure that my dear Nia'll be itchin' to join in the fun!"
::'''"Yes, let's!''': ''"Now that's an ultra-mega-great response! Just what I was hopin' to hear! Gahaha! We're goin' to have ourselves a real treat of a Legendary Pokémon hunt! So that's decided! Now then, <player>! Let's get ourselves to [[Freezington]]! It's a town just a short ways off. Time for a strategic plannin' meetin' for Peony's Adven-tour! I'll fill you in on the details once you get there! I say, let us reconvene posthaste! Ha! Just pullin' your leg. Can you imagine if I actually talked like that? Gahaaahahaha!"
:''"Over here, <player>!"
* Inside the house
:''"Aha! Here you are! This poky little place will be our lodgings!"
:''"But as of this moment, it's also somethin' far more important-our base camp! I know, I know. Not much of a base camp, is it? Still, we've got to give it a proper air of importance, haven't we? Now, enough faffin' about, <player>! Let me tell you what the Peony Exploration Team is after! Round here, they've got a fair few strange and mysterious legends! FOR EXAMPLE! A huge-headed Pokémon known as the King of Bountiful Harvests! NOT TO MENTION! A massive red tree where legendary flyin' Pokémon gather! AND FURTHERMORE! These great, hulkin' dot-faced giants that sleep in some ruins or somethin'! ET CETERA! See what I mean? This place is just burstin' with juicy legends! And we're not stoppin' until we've found just how much truth they've got to 'em! And there you have it! We are the Peony Exploration Team...and that is our grand, noble, magnificent goal! Course, if I had my way, I'd be doin' this with my darlin' Nia... But who knows? They say even Chansey meetings can lead to  Blissey-ful friendships! So here's to a grand adventure, Expedition Chief <player>!"
::'''Chief?''': ''"Obviously! Look... What do you think would happen if the two of us went gallivantin' off together? My dear Nia could come along for a grand, emotional reunion...and find this place empty! Just the thought of it... My own darlin' daughter, sittin' alone in this room, pinin' for her papa... Gaaah! Nope, not on my watch! I'd never let that happen! So I'll be the hold-down-the-fort chief! Which means you get the pleasure of bein' the expedition chief! Gahaha! Which brings me to...this! Go on--have it!"
:''"Gahaha! Look at that. Fits you like a glove! I brought some spare uniforms so my dear Nia would have a few to change into. So there's enough to give you one! And if you ever need to change or have a kip, by all means... just head into the bedroom back here! I've got some different-colored scarves in there, so switch it up if you fancy a bit of style! Here--have these, too!"
* After handling the Legendary Clues
:''"They are Legendary Clues I've meticulously compiled from hours of dedicated telly watchin'! First off, why not have a look at that clue about the King of Bountiful Harvests? Seems like this king's bond with its loyal steed-or whatever you call it--run proper deep! So if I had to name this expedition, I'd called it..."
:''"There's a great, big statue of it bang in the middle of the village! Though its head isn't as massive as in my notes..."
:''"Aha! I've just had an idea. Here's a little somethin' to help you out!"
* After handling the Master Ball
:''"This is supposed to be one ultra-mega-corker of a ball! Use it wherever you think you ought to! I got it ages ago from somebody I used to know. Never could bring myself to use it, though... If you ever get a bit turned around, come on back to base camp anytime! You can't miss it--just look for the adventurin'- crew flag I stuck out front! Handmade by yours truly! Anyway, I suppose that's that! Let the grand adventure begin! Have a smashin' time out there!"
* After inspecting the statue on the table
:''"Hey, Chief! My pillow's caught your eye, eh?"
::'''"Your...pillow?''': ''"Oi, listen here, Chief. I've got some wisdom to impart. If you can put your head on it and have a kip, it's a pillow! Unfortunately, I went and left my favorite pillow back at home. So I went to have a look around town for somethin' to rest my head on... and I found this back behind the inn!"
::'''"Can I have it?''': ''"C-come off it! You want me to hand over my ultra-mega-comfy pillow?! That's askin' a lot, even comin' from you, Chief!"
:''"Hm? What's that? You think my pillow's got somethin' to do with a Legendary Pokémon? Gaaah, ultra-mega-seriously?! This is just some old thing I found! Buf if you really want it, Chief... Who am I to refuse? All right, all right! Go on, then--have it! But you'd better make sure you track that legend down!"
* Outside the house
:''"Oi oi, what's up?! I heard a big ruckus comin' from over here! What's this now, Chief? Were you havin' a Pokémon battle?"
:''"Huh? What a massive noggin!"
:''"Wh-what's this?!"
:''"*snort* Gah?! Huh?! Chief?! With a massive noggin! Or... Wait. No, it's normal. I must've fallen asleep where I stood! Sorry 'bout that, Chief! Still, I feel strange. Like my body's not quite my own... Guess I'll head back to base and get some rest! 'Sides, it's freezing out here!"
:''"Hmmm? Oh, hey there, Chief! I had a feelin' someone called me. Was it you?"
:''"*snort* Gah?!"
:''"What in the--? I seem to be gettin' in the habit of fallin' asleep outside! Gahaha! I guess it just goes to show that holdin' down the fort isn't all that easy! You take care o' yourself, Chief. Don't overdo it!"
* Inisde the mayor's house
:''"Oi, Mr. Mayor! The hot water in my shower seems to have gone on holiday!"
:''"Oh, you're here, too, Chief? Were you in the middle of somethin'? The pair of you seem awful gloomy!"
::'''"Here's what happened...''': ''"What? Is that all? Gahaahaha! So, all you need to do is make some nice cord! Pass me those materials for a mo. All right! Got my petal, got my hair! Now what'm I supposed to do with 'em?"
:''"Steady on, old bloke! The singin's a bit much! Oh well, that'll do for an answer. Hi-yayayaaah!"
:''"All finished! Have a look! Think this'll do?"
:''"Gahaaahaha! I don't sew all my dear rebellious daughter's clothes for nothin', you know! Even the explorer's outfit I gave you was handmade by yours truly, Chief!"
* If talked to again
:''"How about it, Chief? Has my sewin' saved the day?"
* Outside the mayor's house
:''"Would you believe it? I caught myself fallin' asleep outside again! I was chilled to the bone, so I thought I'd warm myself up with a good, hot shower at our base. But the water comin' out was ice cold! I got ultra-mega-suprised and jump out without putting on any of my--Mlerrrgh..."
;[[Crown Shrine]]
:''"Wh-what in the world?! Such a huge noggin!'s got a ride?!"
:''"Wagh! It can talk?!"
:''"What...what d'you want?"
:''"Huh?! I-I've got no idea what you're sayin'! But...somehow it also makes sense? Hold the phone! What in the world are you anyw--? Oh, not again--Mlerrrgh..."
* Calling the player
:''"Hello? That you, Chief? It's me--Peony! I just had a dream about a bigheaded Pokémon, talkin' on and on in a weird shrine... You were there, too, Chief! It all felt so real! I got worried about you and decided I'd better give you a call and check in! You haven't hurt yourself, have you, Chief? Not in a bunch of trouble, are you?!"
::'''"I'm fine!''': ''"Ah, good to hear! Guess I got nothin' to worry about, then! Gahahaaa! The Peony Exploration Team is all about the safety and well-bein' of its members, after all! So you be careful on your way back, too, you hear? No expedition's over until you're safe and sound back at home base! Gahaaahaha!"
* Inside the house
:''"Oi oi, Chief! How goes the adventurin'? Anything to report?"
::'''"The legend of the King of Bountiful Harvests'''::'''"Calyrex''': ''"Wait--you really caught Calyrex from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Th-that...that...that noggin's MASSIVE! I-is that the King of Bountiful Harvests? The one callin' the shots around here? Huh? I could swear I've seen it before... Or then again, maybe not... A-anyway! It's definitely regal of it to have a steed... and that massive head does sort of resemble a crown! It's kingly enough, at any rate! Let's just call this a successful expedition! Looks like you've reported all there is to report on Legendary Clue 1 and the King of Bountiful Harvests! Smashin'! I'll mark this expedtion done!"
:''"Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
::'''"Never mind''': ''"Crack on with solvin' those legends, Chief! You've expeditions to...expedite!"
Outside [[Rock Peak Ruins]]/[[Iceberg Ruins]]/[[Iron Ruins]]
* Calling the player
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! How're things, Chief? What's that? You've found someplace ruiny lookin'?! That's gotta be one of those places! Y'know, where the legendary giants are s'posed to be! D'you see a door with mysterious writin' on it? I hear no one's ever been able to get it open! If all that's true, I think I'd call this particular adventure..."
:''"Ha! Well? How's that grab you? Right then, Chief! I eagerly leave the rest of this research in your hands! Talk to you later!"
;[[Iron Ruins]]
* Calling the player
:''"Oi oi! Peony here! Haven't hurt yourself or anything, have you? Come again? You've gone and met the steel giant, Registeel?! Gahaha! Smashin' work, Chief! Now take that energy and go catch the others! Keep up the good work!"
;[[Rock Peak Ruins]]
* Calling the player
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! You lookin' out for yourself out there, Chief? Come again? You've met the rock giant, Regirock?! Gahaha! Smashin' job, Chief! Now, time to keep lookin' into the other giants! Keep up the good work!"
;[[Iceberg Ruins]]
* Calling the player
:''"Oi oi! Peony here! Enjoyin' your aventures? Come again? You've gone and met the ice giant, Regice?! Gahaha! Smashin' work, Chief! Now, crack on with those other giants! Keep up the good work!"
* Inside the house
:''"Oi oi, Chief! How goes the adventurin'? Anything to report?"
::'''"The legendary giants'''::'''"Regirock''': ''"Wait--you really caught Regirock from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... You're sayin' this great craggy thing's Regirock, the rock giant? Is it just me, or does it bear a strikin' resemblance to our Grass-type Gym Leader? Look at those broad, burly shoulders! This fella and Milo are a proper pair of boulders! Well, it's rocky and gianty enough, I s'pose! Let's call this expedition successful! Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
::'''"The legendary giants'''::'''"Regice''': ''"Wait--you really caught Regice from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... You're sayin' this great frozen-stiff thing's Regice, the ice giant? Is it just me, or does it look like it'd make one ultra-mega-dazzlin' chandelier? Wish I could light it up and show it to darlin' Nia! That aside, look how massive and mighty it is! Gives me the chills just lookin' at it, I don't mind sayin'! Well, it's icy and gianty--I'll give you that! Let's consider this expedition complete! Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
::'''"The legendary giants'''::'''"Registeel''': ''"Wait--you really caught Registeel from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... You're sayin' this great smooth thing's Registeel, the steel giant? Is it just me, or does its top half look a bit like a massive bowling ball? Look at that blank, inscrutable mug, though... You can't guess what's goin' through its head! Well, it's steely and gianty enough, I s'pose! Let's call this and expedition well done! Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
::'''"The legendary giants'''::'''"Regieleki''': ''"Wait--you really caught Regirock from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... You're sayin' this great crackly thing's Regieleki, the electric giant? Y'know what it reminds me of? That colorful candy that pops and fizzes and crackles in your mouth! Imagine the balance it must take to stay upright with that constantly shiftin' body! Gives me the shivers, I don't mind saying! Well, it looks electric and gianty enough. Expedition successful, I s'pose! Looks like you've reported all there is to report on Legendary Clue 2 and the legendary giants! Smashin'! I'll mark this expedition done!"
:'''"The legendary giants'''::'''"Regidrago''': ''"Wait--you really caught Regidrago from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... You're sayin' this great jagged thing's Regidrago, the dragon giant? Is it just me, or does it look like it'd pack a really strong pinch? It's a bit like a massive clothespin, isn't it? I'd better not go provokin' it--doubt it'd have a bit of trouble openin' wide and snappin' me up! I s'pose I'd say that's a dragony giant! May as well call this expedition a success! Looks like you've reported all there is to report on Legendary Clue 2 and the legendary giants! Smashin'! I'll mark this expedition done!"
:''"Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
::'''"Never mind''': ''"Crack on with solvin' those legends, Chief! You've expeditions to...expedite!"
;[[Dyna Tree Hill]]
* Calling the player
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! Listen--I wanted to ask you somethin'... Hang on, Chief! There's breakin' news on the telly! They're sayin' dodgy bird Pokémon are poppin' up left and right! There's this pointy-feathered one in the [[Wild Area]]! Plus a fiery-lookin' one out on the [[Isle of Armor]]! And this fancy, graceful one's apparently flyin' about the [[Crown Tundra]]! Wouldn't it be somethin' if they turned out to be the bird Pokémon I wrote that clue about? Hm, if that were the case...I think I'd call this expedition something like..."
:''"Now I've gone and ultra-mega-completely forgot what I called you for in the first place! Well, life's too short to sweat the small stuff! Ta, Chief!"
* After catching Galarian Articuno
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! How's your expeditionin' goin'? Come again? You've found the Legendary Pokémon Articuno?! Gahahaaa! That's really somethin'! Now go track down the other bird Pokémon!"
* After catching Galarian Zapdos
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! How's your expeditionin' goin'? Come again? You've found the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos?! Gahahaaa! That's really somethin'! Now go track down the other bird Pokémon!"
* After catching Galarian Moltres
:''"Oi oi! It's me, Peony! How's your expeditionin' goin'? Come again? You've found the Legendary Pokémon Moltres?! Gahahaaa! That's really somethin'! Now go track down the other bird Pokémon!"
* Inside the house
:''"Oi oi, Chief! How goes the adventurin'? Anything to report?"
:'''"The legendary bird Pokémon'''::'''"Articuno''': ''"Wait--you really caught Articuno from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... So that's Articuno, is it? The Legendary Pokémon that can manipulate ice? I definitely see the resemblance, but it's got this dodgy mask on and everything... and it hardly seems cold at all, does it? Oh well! It's got one ultra-mega-icy gaze! That's Articuno enough for me, anyway. Let's call this expedition a success! Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
:'''"The legendary bird Pokémon'''::'''"Zapdos''': ''"Wait--you really caught Zapdos from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... So that's Zapdos, is it? The Legendary Pokémon that can cause thunderstorms? I definitely see the resemblance, but those legs look thicker than I expected... and it's not exactly electrifyin', is it? Oh well! It's as spiky and as long-beaked as I hoped for! That's Zapdos enough for me, I s'pose. Let's mark this expedition complete! Got anythin' else legendary you wanna talk about?"
:'''"The legendary bird Pokémon'''::'''"Moltres''': ''"Wait--you really caught Moltres from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... So that's Moltres, is it? The Legendary Pokémon that's the embodiment of fire? I definitely see the resemblance, but it's not at all hot to the touch... Kinda looks like it'd be more at home with the punks in [[Spikemuth]] than in a volcano, doesn't it? Oh well! Looks a bit like it's burnin' if you don't look too close! That's Moltres enough for me, I s'pose. Looks like you've reported all there is to report on Legendary Clue 3 and the legendary birds! Smashin'! I'll mark this expedition done!"
:''"Looks like that's about all the reportin' you've got to report just now! Go give those legends a nice, thorough investigatin'!"
:''"Huh? Well, how 'bout that, Chief! Looks like that was the last bit of the grand Peony Adven-tour that I had for you! Whoooooo! Now this is an occasion! What's the word? Ultra-mega-epic! Your passion for all this caught me off guard, Chief... This whole Adven-tour thing was built out of a load of rubbish I scraped together. Even I had my doubts about the whole thing. But you? You went at it with a ton of energy! You don't s'pose those Pokémon you caught were really the one in the legends, do you?"
::'''"I do!''': ''"Nah, actually, never mind. You don't have to tell me anything! A look at your face tells me everything I need to know, Chief. I can tell that you must've done some ultra-mega-epic explorin'! And whatever you discovered on your way... that's a special treasure just for you! I'm not about to rain on your parade by bein' nosy and askin' silly questions! Well, Chief <player>... Thanks for stickin' around and finishin' every part of my Adven-tour! I want you to have this. Consider it my way of sayin' "thank you"!"
* After handling his rare League Card
:''"Hmmm... But I can't shake the feelin' I'm forgettin' somethin'..."
:''"My darlin' Nia!"
:''"H-hold on! Gimme just a mo! I'll come up with some new legends straightaway! You'll have your adventure, Nia! A nice father-daughter expedition! Finally!"
:''"R-right! First things first! I've got something for you, Nia... Here! I made this brilliantly shiny explorer's outfit for you! You can get changed while I come up with somethin'."
:''"Gahahaha! Isn't it obvious? You're my darlin' daughter!"
:''"I want you to shine so bright that everyone notices you!"
:''"Hey! But why!?!"
:''"No! Come back, Nia! No need to be so rebellious! I know you really love me! Don't you?! Agh! Sorry for the sudden commotion, Chief! It was a blast explorin' with you! You're free to keep usin' our base camp, of course! Anyway, time for me to go spend some quality time with my darlin' daughter! Hold on, Nia! Wait for me!"
;[[Max Lair]]
:''"Hey there, Chief! Thanks for stoppin' by! I'm finally gettin' a little quality family time with my darlin' Nia."
:''"Hmm? I dropped something at base camp? Is that really mine? I don't recall ever writin' it... Hmm? Hang on-isn't that the Max Lair there in that clue?"
:''"Well, sounds like some new, crazy thing's afoot! And you know what that means, Chief! Bet you a new expedition's approachin'! And I know just what to call this one!"
:''"Ha! How d'you like that one, Chief? Anyway, for now, there's your goal: catch the Pokémon--or whatever--in the photo on that odd clue! Now get pumped for some more adventurin'!"
* After catching Necrozma
:''"You actually caught a Pokémon by usin' that mysterious clue?! Let me have a look, would you? So this one's Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon? Looks pretty dark and...un-prism-y, eh? What?! It came from another world, lookin' for light? Sounds like you just need to get more time out in the sun, Necrozma, mate! Chin up--you'll be sparklin' with energy in no time! The picture of prismatic health! That's that, anyway... Chief, mind lettin' me see that Legendary Clue?"
:''"Gaaahahaha! I didn't write this clue, Chief...but let's not let that stop the fun!"
:''"Gahahaaa! Haven't got a single shred of an idea!"
:''"I've got to hand it to you, Chief! Only you could track down and catch a thing like that with just a single photo to go on! Still, I've got to say... Feels like we've come to the end of a chapter or somethin', doesn't it? You look ready to keep on goin' for a while yet, though! Go on then, Chief! Can't wait to hear about all the exploits and adventures you get up to from here on out!"
;[[Old Cemetery]]
:''"Hey hey, Chief! What brings you here in the dead of night?"
:''"Come off it! Me? Rose?! Talk about a mix-up!"
:''"Oi, Chief. Do you know this joker?"
:''"Well, that sure was something! Still...even a bloke like him can inspire that much loyalty, eh? Hm? Oh, I'm just talkin' to myself here! Don't mind me! Well, better pack it in for the night before we get spirited away by some ghost Pokémon! Gahahaha! Nah, just havin' a laugh! Cheers, Chief!"
;[[Wyndon Stadium]] ([[Galarian Star Tournament]])
::'''Partnering with Peony'''
*In the locker room before the first round
:''"Hey, Chief! I've gotta say--I'm chuffed you chose me! Not sure if I can keep up with a Champ like you, but I'll try not to hold you back! Gahahaaa!"''
*In the locker room before the second round
:''"That first match went off without a hitch! Let's roll right over 'em in round two, too. My darlin' Nia said she'd come watch, so I've gotta make sure she sees her papa at his best!"''
*In the locker room before the last round
:''"No suprises there, eh? You and me, we're a match made in legend! Let's keep it turned up to a hundred till we've seen this all the way through, Chief <player>!"''
*On the field before the first round battle
:''"All right! Time to go all in for victory, Chief <player>!"''
*On the field before the second round battle
:''"Hey, what match was this again? Might have lost track a bit..."''
*On the field before the last round battle
:''"Right! Let's do this!"''
*Winning the Tournament
:''"That's an ultra-mega-victory for the Peony Exploration Team on the books! Nothing's quite as satisfyin' as firin' off some mighty moves, is it, Chief?"''
*Against Leon
:''"Remember, Leon--I'm done with the League! Take it easy on us!"''
