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{{incomplete plot}}
On a cruise ship during their travels through the [[Decolore Islands]], {{Ash}}, {{an|Iris}}, {{an|Cilan}} and {{AP|Snivy}} are watching how {{AP|Pikachu}}, {{AP|Pignite}} and {{TP|Iris|Axew}} play with a ball. Noting how they are in a place of the archipelago with many islands, [[Porter]] approaches them and offers them some juice. Meanwhile, on the water, two Pokémon emerge, an {{p|Octillery}} that climbs up to the ship's deck and a {{p|Croconaw}}, who waits under it. When the Pokémon are playing, Ash's Pignite makes a bad pass and goes after the ball. However, when he finds it, the Octillery jumps over him and then throws a boltrope to the water. Croconaw holds on to it and an {{p|Azumarill}} joins as well, Octillery pulls a capstan lever and the three proceed to enter to the ship.
On a cruise ship during their travels through the [[Decolore Islands]], {{Ash}}, {{an|Iris}}, {{an|Cilan}} and {{AP|Snivy}} are watching how {{AP|Pikachu}}, {{AP|Pignite}} and {{TP|Iris|Axew}} play with a ball. Noting how they are in a place of the archipelago with many islands, [[Porter]] approaches them and offers them some juice. Meanwhile, on the water, two Pokémon emerge, an {{p|Octillery}} that climbs up to the ship's deck and a {{p|Croconaw}}, who waits under it. When the Pokémon are playing, Ash's Pignite makes a bad pass and goes after the ball. However, when he finds it, the Octillery jumps over him and then throws a boltrope to the water. Croconaw holds on to it and an {{p|Azumarill}} joins as well, Octillery pulls a capstan lever and the three proceed to enter to the ship.

At the ship's storage, [[Jessie]], [[James]] and {{MTR}} sneak in through the ventilation system in order to steal some food. However, before they get a chance, the Water-type Pokémon appear and steal the food before them, taking it off the ferry. Ash & Co. hear the alarm and rush to help, only to find the getaway raft and watch the Pokémon get away with the food. After hearing about the acts that these pirate Pokémon partake within, Ash decides to try and stop them using {{AP|Oshawott}} to go after the getaway raft.
At the ship's storage, [[Jessie]], [[James]] and {{MTR}} sneak in through the ventilation system in order to steal some food. However, before they get a chance, the Water-type Pokémon appear and steal the food before them, taking it off the ferry. Ash & Co. hear the alarm and rush to help, only to find the getaway raft and watch the Pokémon get away with the food. After hearing about the acts that these pirate Pokémon partake within, Ash decides to try and stop them using {{AP|Oshawott}} to go after the getaway raft.

But even after Oshawott gets on the raft, he doesn`t attack them, and instead laughs. This made the Croconaw order the Octillery to cover it`s face with ink, making Oshawott go back to it`s [[Poké Ball]]
But even after Oshawott gets on the raft, he doesn't attack them, and instead laughs. This made the Croconaw order the Octillery to cover it`s face with ink, making Oshawott go back to its [[Poké Ball]]. The pirate Pokémon continue on their way, but Ash is determined they won't get away with stealing food that doesn't belong to them, so he releases {{AP|Charizard}} and tells it to follow the pirate raft to their hideout.
While Charizard is searching for the pirate Pokémon, Jesse and James have struggle to their nearby submarine to catch their breath. Realizing that Meowth is nowhere to be seen, they assume he went after the pirate raft and decide to head after it as well.  they go after him, suspecting he is on the pirate raft. Meowth decides to show these pirates a lesson when someone steals from Team Rocket.
The pirate raft continues along with Meowth clinging to the side, smart enough to have caught up to the raft, but not confront them while outnumbered like Oshawott did. However, Meowth vows revenge by teaching these pirate Pokémon a lesson when someone steals from Team Rocket.
On the cruise ship, Iris cleans the gunk out of Oshawott's eyes and tells him not to be upset, as there wasn't anything he could have done. Porter admits there have been plenty of reports of Pirate Pokémon operating in the area that they just kind of failed to actually let any of the passengers know about. They reported the theft to Officer Jenny on the next island, though, and the heroes are determined to help her track down the pirate Pokémon once Charizard lets them know where they are. The heroes know there is a reason why those pirates stole the food, hoping they can stop them after learning why they did in the first place.
After docking, Porter and the heroes give details to [[Officer Jenny]], including what type of Pokémon were involved (helped by Pikachu's impersonation of the Azumarill). Jenny takes notes and says this is the usual gang of pirates, who have stolen a fisherman's boat, food from beachgoers and fruit from a farmer. Because of the number of Decolore Islands, Jenny has been unable to locate their hideout.
Charizard eventually spots the pirates' hideout, which is located back half of an island with a resort town on the other side. The Pirate Pokémon begin unloading into a cave, watched by Meowth who ponders how to reveal the location to Jesse and James. Unfortunately for him, he is spotted by Ducklett who calls the others out, and has to face the music. He tries to be diplomatic, asking if they can't just talk this out, but they refuse to comply. Octillery jumps on him, wrapping him up in his tentacles and leaving Meowth to have to squeeze himself out into an oddly phallic shape before sighing that he's a little tied up at the moment. All this is observed by Charizard as well and heads back to inform Ash of the pirates' location.
Cilan is impressed by Officer Jenny's cruiser, with the Officer herself seeming to take Cilan's interest as flattering. She is explaining the cruiser is a must-have for traversing the various islands when Charizard lands to let the twerps know he has found the pirate hangout. Jenny has no choice but to bring the twerps with her (it's Ash's Charizard after all) on the cruiser, motoring along behind Charizard as he leads the way. Cilan notes all the scuba-gear as she explains her police force acts as the coastguard as well, and is surprised when she sees the island that Charizard is taking them towards. It's a well-known resort island that appears on all the maps. Cilan suggests that they're hiding in plain sight, and Jenny says this is why she was never able to find them.
At the hideaway, Meowth is trying to convince the Pirate Pokémon that they're all on the same side. He tries to impress them with the reveal that he is part of Team Rocket, but they've never heard of it, which just infuriates him. Going into a little rant he insists that Team Rocket is a super-secret organization that is going to rule the world, then corrects himself, insisting that they ''already'' rule the world. The Pirate Pokémon are unimpressed though, and still don't consider Meowth a kindred spirit. They have other problems though, as first Meowth and then they spot Officer Jenny's cruiser.
Meowth takes off first and the Pirate Pokémon prepare to do the same but are forced to halt by the sheer power of Officer Jenny's voice when she declares they're under arrest. The heroes demand to know why they did it anyway, since people and Pokémon should get along well together. Furious, the Pokémon angrily shout their own names at them, which, of course, none of them are able to understand...but Meowth can.
Meowth insists they not worry about how ''he'' got there, acting as translator and explaining that the Pokémon were abandoned by their trainers. Each of them remember their cruel and callous trainers. Croconaw couldn't win a Gym Battle nor evolve, Azumarill evolved (with her trainer wanting a Marill), Octillery was considered useless and Ducklett lost a battle. Since they were left, these Pokémon couldn't have anything to eat, so they allied themselves and resorted to piracy.
Meowth feels sympathetic, saying it gets him "right in the gut" since he's been hungry in the past as well. The heroes are horrified at the idea of their trainers being so callous, but they insist that not all trainers are that way. Pignite agrees, translated by Meowth, he knows what it is like to be abandoned by a trainer but he also knows that this doesn't make all humans/trainers bad people. Snivy speaks up too, reminding everybody that ''she'' abandoned her trainer, having no patience for such a loser.  Pignite replies not everyone is a bad trainer, according to Meowth. Pikachu confirms this as well, and Snivy speaks up too, reminding everybody that ''she'' abandoned her trainer, having no patience for such a loser. Ash then asks the pirates not to steal anymore. Since they refuse, Meowth translates that Snivy and Croconaw challenge each other to a fight, with Meowth essentially arguing with and goading himself as he translates what each of the others are saying. If Snivy wins, the pirate Pokémon have to promise not steal anymore.
While Jenny is unsure of all this, Ash insists that they resolving this complex issue with a battle would be a great idea. Officer Jenny agrees to referee a two-on-two battle with Ash's Pignite and Snivy up against Croconaw and Azumarill. The battle kicks off immediately with Croconaw taking a shot at their two opponents, who barely dodge in time. The action is fast, and there's a decided disadvantage to Ash who for once can't hear the orders being given by his opponent. Snivy and Pignite are mostly on the defensive, Pignite taking a shot of Water Gun hard to the chest. Iris is concerned, Pignite is weak against water moves, but when Pignite leaps up ready to keep fighting, Cilan reminds her that spirit counts as well.
Pignite and Snivy finally go on the offensive, slapping the two Pirates with Vine Whip and chasing them with Flamethrower. Snivy trips Azumarill with Vine Whip and Pignite blasts them both with flamethrower. Croconaw helps Azumarill back up and goes on a bit of a mental rampage, smashing Iron Tail at both of them to back them off. But Snivy can attack from range and uses Leaf Storm effectively, backing them off before Pignite finishes things off with Fire Pledge. Croconaw and Azumarill are knocked out, Pignite and Snivy are the winners, and the pirate careers of the Pokémon are over.
Defeated, the pirate Pokémon sit sadly on the beach as the heroes remind them of their promise. Jenny then insists that they give up their life of crime, and the pirates reluctantly nod in agreement, giving their word. However, new voices get their attention, which turns out to be Team Rocket.
Ash sighs and tells Team Rocket that they should give it up, but Meowth happily rejoins his buddies and says that Team Rocket never will. Jesse and James offer the pirate Pokémon to join them and continue their careers in evil. Furious, Iris insists they butt out, but Jessie retorts in disagreement and brings out [[Jessies's Woobat|Woobat]] to fight. James also calls out [[James's Yamask|Yamask]], and they blast attacks at the group on the beach, who have to dodge aside.
Unfortunately for Team Rocket, they hadn't considered the fact that they've encountered the twerps plenty of times in the past and this simple attack isn't going to scare them off. Ash orders a Leaf Storm/Fire Pledge one-two punch, and to their great surprise Team Rocket find themselves blasting off too soon, according to them.
Iris tells the pirates they will end up like Team Rocket if they keep doing bad things, an idea which horrifies the pirate Pokémon, causing them to shake their heads fearfully. Just then, storm clouds roll in and the sea becomes disrupted, and Jenny warns that this is a regular occurrence. Suddenly, they spot an inflatable raft with three terrified [[Darumaka (Pokémon,)|Darumaka]] inside of it. The waters are too choppy to use the cruiser to rescue them, and only a group of abandoned Pokémon looking for redemption would be able to save them now.
The pirate Pokémon prevent Ash from sending in Oshawott, insisting that they will handle things. They leap into the water and swim to the Darumaka, guiding them to shore, even saving them from falling into the water when a particularly powerful wave kicks them into the air.
With the Darumaka saved, once the storm dies down Jenny takes everybody to the resort town, where the Darumaka are reunited with their two young trainers. Ash tells them that the Pirate Pokémon were responsible for the rescue, leaving them somewhat embarrassed but grateful. Jenny then suggests that they join up and assist the Decolore Coast Guard. They accept Jenny's offer, but they must first apologize to everybody whom they have stolen from, to which they agree good-naturedly. Later, the heroes depart on their cruise ship and wave goodbye to Jenny and the former pirate Pokémon who now work for her as a Water Rescue Squad.

==Major events==
==Major events==
