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== Giratina and the Sky Warrior ==
Chapter two starts with Zero demanding that the group hand over Shaymin. Shaymin thinks Zero is scary, and says it wants no more scary things. Zero’s Magnezone uses Mirror Shot, and Pikachu counters with Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt hits Mirror Shot and creates a huge explosion. The smoke engulfs the group and Zero, making vision next to impossible. After the smoke clears, Zero finds they have escaped down the road. He commands his Magnemite to give chase, saying he needs Shaymin to take control of the Reverse World. The group turns down an alleyway, were the Magnemite lose the trail.
It turns out the group had jumped onto a train, even though they had no idea where it was going. Ash believes that the train is headed to the Flower Bearing, and asks Shaymin if it’s right.  Shaymin tells him that they will not make it in time. It knows that the flowers are blooming at that moment, but it doesn’t know where the Flower Garden is. Giratina slowed Shaymin’s progress, which leads it to believe it will be left behind. Ash then comments on how Shaymin is not alone, and how everyone will all help it find the flower garden. After enthusiastic agreements from Pikachu, Piplup, and Dawn, Shaymin says that they will all go together.
Shortly afterwards, Shaymin sees a bouquet of flowers that a young couple is holding, and believes it is a flower garden. The flowers turn out to be Gracidea Flowers, which are a present for the woman’s mother. Pollen from the flowers drifts towards Shaymin, which causes it to glow. Ash is bewildered, especially when Shaymin starts to fly. It has become very energetic, and is flying all over the train cabin. The man explains how Shaymin changes into Sky Forme when it comes in contact with Gracidea pollen.
Back in the Reverse World, Newton sees that Giratina is on the move. He warns Ash again that mirrors are dangerous, as Giratina will use them to capture Shaymin. Giratina then sees the train window through a portal. The train enters a tunnel, and Giratina’s face appears in the window. Piplup, who is sitting by the window, notices Giratina attempting to enter the train. He panics as the train leaves the tunnel, screaming out loud and falling to the ground. Dawn asks what’s wrong with Piplup, who is twitching at this point. Piplup points to the window where Giratina came in. Ash looks out the window. Giratina is gone, but the Magnemite from before are back.
The Magnemite crash through the windows and head straight for Shaymin. Ash tells Shaymin to look out, but Shaymin’s ready. It attacks a Magnemite that flies out the window. Shaymin says it will go to the Flower Garden, and not be captured. It attacks four Magnemite at once, all of which are blown out of the train. Ash and Pikachu are impressed, but Piplup spots another problem. Zero’s Magnezone appears behind Shaymin which startles everyone. Pikachu and Piplup attack it with Thunderbolt and Bubblebeam, respectively, but it does almost nothing. Shaymin comes in, and attacks it with Pikachu and Piplup. The triple attack proves too much for Magnezone, who flies out the window like the Magnemite. Ash compliments Shaymin, who then says everyone should thank it. The man says he’s glad that he was able to see Shaymin’s other forme. Suddenly, a childhood memory comes back to him. It is about a flower garden in a town, where a Sky Forme Shaymin was doing the Flower Bearing. This causes an angry outburst from Ash that rockets the train off the tracks.
The group is now on a boat traveling down a river bordering the fjords. The man on the train explained that the town is by the glaciers, and the fastest way to get there is by boat. A couple of Combee, Wingull, and Swablu fly overhead. Shaymin joins them, followed by Pikachu (on Staravia’s back), and Piplup, who swims below them.  Ash says that when the Flower Bearing is over, it’s good-bye to Shaymin. Brock and Dawn ask Ash if he’s sad, resulting in a quick denial.
Further along the river, Brock says that the river is beautiful, because the surface of the water is like a mirror.  The water turns violent, and Ash remembers Newton’s words. Sure enough, a whirlpool has formed, and Giratina’s at the center. Shaymin sees Giratina in the whirlpool, and dives into the center, saying it will defeat Giratina this time. The whirlpool drags the boat closer and closer, resulting in the group falling overboard and back into the Reverse World. Meanwhile, Megarig appears overhead. Zero is inside saying, his plan will commence on the signal. With his airbike and army of Magnemite, he descends in after the group.
The group land in the Reverse World, and Shaymin is already battling Giratina. Brock says that Shaymin’s attacks are doing nothing, because of Giratina’s sheer size. Piplup, Pikachu, and Croagunk all come out to help Shaymin. The four attacks do injure Giratina, but it flees from the battle. Shaymin attempts to give chase, but night falls, and Shaymin goes back to its Land Forme. Brock finds a cave that is to small for Giratina to fit into. Shaymin explains how the Gracidea pollen doesn’t work well at night, which is why it changed to Land Forme. Bock sees a light up ahead, and the group runs into Newton again. After a quick intro to Brock, Team Rocket shows up with a tea tray. Both Team Rocket and Ash freak out when they see each other, and Newton explains that they are a useful bunch. Ash explains to Newton that they have been pursued by Giratina and a mystery guy. Meowth attempts to capture Shaymin, but he notices two shadowy figures behind a rock. They turn out to be Magnemite, who grab Shaymin and bring him to Zero, who is on his air bike. Ash wants to know how Zero got into the Reverse World, but Newton answers for him, saying he came on the same dimensional warp. Ash asks if Newton knew Zero, and Newton says that Zero was once his assistant. Zero proclaims that he wants to be ruler of the Reverse World, and a flashback of six years before comes up.
Zero and Newton have just entered the Reverse World for the first time, and they both notice Giratina. Zero wants to obtain the power of Giratina for themselves, but Newton refuses, saying neither Giratina nor the Reverse World should be ruled by humans. Back to present time, Dawn yells at Zero, telling him to let Shaymin go. Zero says that Shaymin is the bait that can bring him to power. He sends the Magnemite forward to smoke-bomb Shaymin, in an attempt to make it use Seed Flare. Shaymin sucks up the smoke, and some of the polluted air as well. Giratina sees Shaymin and comes barraling towards it. Giratina knocks aside the Magnemite in an attempt to help Shaymin. Dawn explains that Giratina wants Shaymin to use Seed Flare so it can go to the real world. Shaymin lets loose with Seed Flare, and it creates a huge dimensional warp. Giratina goes for the light,  and materializes in the real world. As soon as that happens, Megarig moves into position and succeeds in capturing Giratina.