Page history
24 September 2024
5 September 2024
28 July 2024
8 July 2024
Lv.X ===> LV.X
m→Intro: New paragraph because Level Down is one of the all time names. Evolution paragraph has new clause for BPs favorite factoid of "these aren't evolution cards, they're a third thing" Change to the "level up" field to indicate color and better describe what the instruction is. Bringing up Level MAX as a card which has an effect of leveling up, adding it to the process of play paragraph.
no edit summary
6 July 2024
→Intro: 40 card decks are only used in Limited formats, all of which don't care about such nuances like card names! So removing that clause.
This technically isn't a minor reference edit because there's also a see also section.
→Intro: Citations, mechanics, wording changes, new sentence for flavor, new section for naming and for the keeping attacks property, new visuals section. The devolution rules need a citation because the rulebook says different.