The opening starts with a brief view of a battlefield which quickly changes into a Poké Ball. The ball opens and the Pokémon logo comes out, appearing over water. Ash then appears running and Pikachu enters with a jump. Staryu making its appearance, followed by Snorlax and then Charizard making a roar. The next scene features Marill, Venonat, and Scyther. The background changes as Jigglypuff appears singing. Bulbasaur then comes up, then Slowbro only to be attacked by Squirtle. Magneton scares Squirtle away with an Electric attack. Pikachu makes its entrance and uses Thunderbolt. The earth is shown next as Thunderbolt comes out. Ash and Pikachu appears in battle against Sparky and Ritchie. The screen split into four and shows various Pokémon doing attacks. This changes to a dark stadium where Ash is seen standing with his head low. Misty and Tracey, as well as Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum are watching him from the sidelines. The two girls seem concerned. Ash's fist trembles, then opens. Light is cast on him as he raises his head with a confident smile. Afterward, Ash and Ritchie shake hands.
The scene changes to the sea where Pikachu and Togepi are seen riding on Lapras's head. Ash, Misty and Tracey are riding on Lapras's back, while Goldeen and Staryu are swimming. Psyduck, on the other hand, seems to be drowning. Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny pass by riding on a motorboat. Jessie, James, and Meowth appear standing on their Magikarp submarine. A Gyarados then swats them away with its tail.
The next scene features Lapras and the gang again, shot from behind. Psyduck is hanging onto Lapras, while Goldeen and Staryu are in the water. Pikachu and Togepi are still on Lapras's head, while the Trainers are on its back, all are laughing. The next scene shows Lapras and the gang again, looking up at the sky, with the sun setting over the horizon.
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket)
- Togepi (Misty's)
- Bulbasaur (Ash's)
- Charizard (Ash's)
- Squirtle (Ash's)
- Lapras (Ash's, new, debut)
- Snorlax (Ash's, new, debut)
- Goldeen (Misty's)
- Staryu (Misty's)
- Psyduck (Misty's)
- Venonat (Tracey's, debut)
- Marill (Tracey's, debut)
- Scyther (Tracey's, new, debut)
- Growlithe (Gary's)
- Pikachu (Sparky, Ritchie's)
- Charmander (Zippo, Ritchie's)
- Butterfree (Happy, Ritchie's)
- Jigglypuff (anime)
- Magneton
- Slowbro
- Gyarados