Pokémon Chrome Trading Cards Series 1
Pokémon Chrome Trading Card Series 1 was a set of Pokémon cards produced by Topps in 2000. It consisted of 78 cards covering the first 78 Pokémon. The artworks on the cards of 1 to 76 were also released in Pokémon Trading Cards series 1 and cards 77 and 78 in Pokémon Trading Cards series 2.
The Chrome cards can be easily distinguished from the regular cards by the Topps Chrome logo on the front and back of the cards. The cards are also heavily embossed and very thick, so although the artworks match, there is a huge difference between the cards.
Each of these cards came in a standard base Chrome as well as having three variants included as random inserts: Spectra-Chrome, Sparkle-Chrome, and Tekno-Chrome. Cards were sold in randomly distributed packs of five. The variant inserts could be found at odds of 1:2 per pack for Spectra-Chrome, 1:10 for Sparkle-Chrome, and 1:15 for Tekno-Chrome.
Collecting summary
Cards in Chrome Series 1
Set # | Chrome base | Spectra | Sparkle | Tekno | Pokémon | Back |
1 | Bulbasaur | |||||
2 | Ivysaur | |||||
3 | Venusaur | |||||
4 | Charmander | |||||
5 | Charmeleon | |||||
6 | Charizard | |||||
7 | Squirtle | |||||
8 | Wartortle | |||||
9 | Blastoise | |||||
10 | Caterpie | |||||
11 | Metapod | |||||
12 | Butterfree | |||||
13 | Weedle | |||||
14 | Kakuna | |||||
15 | Beedrill | |||||
16 | Pidgey | |||||
17 | Pidgeotto | |||||
18 | Pidgeot | |||||
19 | Rattata | |||||
20 | Raticate | |||||
21 | Spearow | |||||
22 | Fearow | |||||
23 | Ekans | |||||
24 | Arbok | |||||
25 | Pikachu | |||||
26 | Raichu | |||||
27 | Sandshrew | |||||
28 | Sandslash | |||||
29 | Nidoran♀ | |||||
30 | Nidorina | |||||
31 | Nidoqueen | |||||
32 | Nidoran♂ | |||||
33 | Nidorino | |||||
34 | Nidoking | |||||
35 | Clefairy | |||||
36 | Clefable | |||||
37 | Vulpix | |||||
38 | Ninetails[sic] | |||||
39 | Jigglypuff | |||||
40 | Wigglytuff | |||||
41 | Zubat | |||||
42 | Golbat | |||||
43 | Oddish | |||||
44 | Gloom | |||||
45 | Vileplume | |||||
46 | Paras | |||||
47 | Parasect | |||||
48 | Venonat | |||||
49 | Venomoth | |||||
50 | Diglett | |||||
51 | Dugtrio | |||||
52 | Meowth | |||||
53 | Persian | |||||
54 | Psyduck | |||||
55 | Golduck | |||||
56 | Mankey | |||||
57 | Primeape | |||||
58 | Growlithe | |||||
59 | Arcanine | |||||
60 | Poliwag | |||||
61 | Poliwhirl | |||||
62 | Poliwrath | |||||
63 | Abra | |||||
64 | Kadabra | |||||
65 | Alakazam | |||||
66 | Machop | |||||
67 | Machoke | |||||
68 | Machamp | |||||
69 | Bellsprout | |||||
70 | Weepinbell | |||||
71 | Victreebel[sic] | |||||
72 | Tentacool | |||||
73 | Tentacruel | |||||
74 | Geodude | |||||
75 | Graveler | |||||
76 | Golem | |||||
77 | Ponyta | |||||
78 | Rapidash |
Preview sheets
A set of six preview sheets were also manufactured for Chrome series 1. These preview sheets were made to show the high quality of the card stock for retail/collectible stores. The sheets were named after the pokemon in the middle of the sheet. There were also preview sheets made of the Spectra, Sparkle and Tekno versions, but use extreme caution with collecting these. The Sparkle Charizard preview sheet has known knock-offs!
Preview sheets
Set # | Front | Pokémon |
Preview sheet 1/6 | Ivysaur | |
Preview sheet 2/6 | Charizard | |
Preview sheet 3/6 | Wigglytuff | |
Preview sheet 4/6 | Rattata | |
Preview sheet 5/6 | Sandslash | |
Preview sheet 6/6 | Psyduck | |
Backside | Backside |
This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise. |