Mind Blown
Box art
Release date
November 22, 2019
Mind Blown is the name of the deck used by Shintaro Ito, the runner-up in the Masters Division at the 2019 World Championships. It is one of the 2019 World Championships Decks released November 22, 2019, and is based on the Blacephalon/Naganadel archetype. Each deck comes with a Worlds 2019 deckbox, a Worlds 2019 pin, a booklet about the championships, and a TCGO code card. The cards included in the deck aren't the prints actually used in the deck, but are the most recent printing of the lowest rarity of the cards.
An attack that can do enough damage to take down just about any Pokémon-GX in the format? Mind. Blown. Former World Champion Shintaro Ito of Japan piloted this deck, starring the Ultra Beasts Blacephalon and Naganadel, to the final round of the Masters Division! With Beast Ring, Welder, and Naganadel's Charging Up Ability getting tons of Energy into play, Blacephalon-GX's Mind Blown attack can do enormous damage—and in a pinch, newcomer Heatran-GX is happy to soak up all that Fire Energy and unleash a blazing-hot GX attack.