Pokémon Journeys: The Series (manga)

Pokémon Journeys: The Series (Japanese: ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters) is a manga series by Machito Gomi. It is an adaptation of Pokémon Journeys: The Series and was serialized in the CoroCoro Comics magazine.

On September 17, 2021, the series' mangaka announced the manga would end in issue 24, ending in four volumes.[1]

List of volumes

Cover Shogakukan VIZ Media Shogakukan Asia
  Volume 1 ISBN 9784091431998 August 28, 2020 ISBN 9781974725748 November 9, 2021 ISBN 9789814999816 October 2022
  Volume 2 ISBN 9784091432704 February 26, 2021 ISBN 9781974726523 March 8, 2022 ISBN 9789815075120 October 2022
  Volume 3 ISBN 9784091433183 July 28, 2021 ISBN 9781974730094 July 12, 2022 ISBN 9789815075137 March 2023
  Volume 4 ISBN 9784091433534 November 26, 2021 ISBN 9781974734269 November 8, 2022 ISBN 9789815075755 August 2023


  • Not counting movie adaptations, this is the first manga adaptation of a Pokémon anime series since Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl, which ended ten years prior.
  • This manga shares its Japanese name with Pokémon Pocket Monsters. It also replaced the Sun and Moon arc of Pokémon Pocket Monsters, ending its run in the CoroCoro Comics magazine after 23 years.
    • Since then, the Anakubo mangas are running on CoroCoro Online. They were also serialised in CoroCoro Aniki, until the publication ended in early 2021.

Related articles


  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.