Never-Ending Nightmare むげんあんやへのいざない
96 pt.
All opposing Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin White Attacks get an MP −1 marker.
Devastating Drake アルティメットドラゴンバーン
96 pt.
A Pokémon on the field spins. If it spins a Miss or a White Attack of 120 damage or more, it is knocked out.
Draco Meteor りゅうせいぐん
20 pt.
One other Pokémon on the field spins - if they spin a miss or a white Attack of 70 damage or more, they are knocked out.
Shadow Beam* シャドービーム※
44 pt.
*In the battle opponent's next battle, that Pokémon's Purple Attacks become Misses.
Shadow Sneak かげうち
20 pt.