Move name
grab attack
Y + B
Overcome blocks
decreases your opponent’s defense
Grab Attack
counter attack
X + A
cancelable with ✚ + R
Counter Attack
counter attack: charge
X + A (hold)
pierces counter attacks
Counter Attack
Pendulum Motion
midair R
For surprise attacks
change direction with ✚ / can transition to any air attack
charge strong attack
charge X, then release
changes negative status duration (decreases yours, increases your opponent’s) / cancelable with R or B
Synergy Burst
with Synergy Gauge MAX: L + R
Field Phase only
Ranged Attack
Y, Y, Y, Y
can move with ✚ / cancelable with a Pokémon move
Normal Attack
Ranged Attack: charge
Y (hold)
can move with ✚
Normal Attack
chain Ranged Attack
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
Normal Attack
side Ranged Attack
✚ sideways + Y, Y, Y
can move with ✚
Normal Attack
side Ranged Attack: charge
✚ sideways + Y (hold) or Y, Y (hold) or Y, Y, Y (hold)
can move with ✚ / pierces counter attacks
Normal Attack
chain side Ranged Attack
✚ sideways + Y, Y, Y, Y
Normal Attack
forward Ranged Attack
✚ forward + Y
Use to shift phases
can move with ✚ / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
forward Ranged Attack: charge
✚ forward + Y (hold)
pierces counter attacks / can move with ✚ / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
backward Ranged Attack
✚ back + Y
can move with ✚ / can transition to Pendulum Motion with R
Normal Attack
backward Ranged Attack: charge
✚ back + Y (hold)
can move with ✚
Normal Attack
jumping Ranged Attack
midair Y
Use to stop your opponent
change direction with ✚ / is powered up from long range / can transition to Pendulum Motion with R
Normal Attack
jumping Ranged Attack: charge
midair Y (hold)
pierces counter attacks / change direction with ✚ / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
Homing Attack
X, X
cancelable with R or B
Normal Attack
Homing Attack: charge
X, X (hold)
pierces counter attacks / Guard Break
Normal Attack
jumping attack
midair X
Normal Attack
Duel Phase only
Poké Combo 1
Y, Y, Y
Major damage dealer
Normal Attack
weak attack
Y, Y
cancelable with a Pokémon move
Normal Attack
forward weak attack
✚ forward + Y
is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
forward weak attack: charge
✚ forward + Y (hold)
pierces counter attacks / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
Poké Combo 2
✚ back + Y, Y, Y
Normal Attack
back weak attack
✚ back + Y, Y
cancelable with a Pokémon move
Normal Attack
Poké Combo 3
✚ up + Y, Y
Normal Attack
high stance weak attack
✚ up + Y
Effective against airborne opponents
cancelable with a Pokémon move
Normal Attack
low stance weak attack
✚ down + Y
Use to stop your opponent
is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
Poké Combo 4
midair Y, Y
Normal Attack
midair weak attack
midair Y
cancelable with a Pokémon move / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
midair up weak attack
midair ✚ up + Y
is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
midair up weak attack: charge
midair ✚ up + Y (hold)
pierces counter attacks / is powered up from long range
Normal Attack
strong attack
Thrusts away opponent
Normal Attack
strong attack: charge
X (hold)
pierces counter attacks
Normal Attack
forward strong attack
✚ forward + X, X
delaying the second hit powers it up
Normal Attack
back strong attack
✚ back + X
Normal Attack
back strong attack: charge
✚ back + X (hold)
Normal Attack
high stance strong attack
✚ up + X
Effective against grab attacks
change direction with diagonal up input on ✚ / can transition to Pendulum Motion with R
Normal Attack
low stance strong attack
✚ down + X
Normal Attack
midair strong attack
midair X
Major damage dealer
Normal Attack
midair up strong attack
midair ✚ up + X
change direction with diagonal up input on ✚
Normal Attack
midair up strong attack: charge
midair ✚ up + X (hold)
Normal Attack