Subzero Slammer レイジングジオフリーズ
96 pt.
An opposing Pokémon within 2 steps becomes frozen.
Continental Crush ワールズエンドフォール
96 pt.
The battle opponent and opposing Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent gain Wait 9.
Freeze-Dry* フリーズドライ※
28 pt.
*Deals +50 damage if the battle opponent is a Water-type Pokémon. The battle opponent and all opposing Pokémon adjacent to it spin, and if they spin a Blue Attack, they become frozen.
Aurora Beam オーロラビーム
32 pt.
An opposing Pokémon within 2 steps becomes frozen.
Ancient Power* げんしのちから※
40 pt.
*While they are on the field, your Restored Pokémon deal +10 damage to the battle opponent and gain +1 ★.