Achievement (Sleep)

In Pokémon Sleep, there are many achievements that players can earn for accomplishing various things. Each achievement has a level, from Lv. 0 to Lv. 10, indicating the player's current progress on that achievement.

Players can receive various rewards each time they level up an achievement, including a medal. Medals come in four different colors. The rank of medal rewarded for an achievement varies based on the level of the achievement:

  • Lv. 1 and Lv. 2 achievements award bronze-colored medals.
  • Lv. 3 and Lv. 4 achievements award silver-colored medals.
  • Lv. 5 and Lv. 6 achievements award gold-colored medals.
  • Lv. 7, 8, 9, and 10 achievements award pink-colored medals.

There are two main categories of achievements: Pokémon type achievements and general achievements. Pokémon type achievements are awarded for studying a certain number of Pokémon of each Pokémon type, while general achievements are rewarded for a variety of accomplishments, such as raising Pokémon to a certain level or going to bed around the same time each night.

List of achievements

Pokémon Type Achievements

Achievement name Description Level Number Reward
[type] / [type] Types Number of [type]-type Pokémon you've studied Lv. 1 5  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 2 15  Energy Pillow ×1
Lv. 3 30  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 4 50  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 70  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 6 100  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 7 140  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 8 180  Energy Pillow ×1
Lv. 9 240  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 10 300  Handy Candy M ×1

General Achievements

Achievement name Description Level Number Reward
Pokémon Befriended / No. of Pokémon Befriended Total number of Pokémon you've befriended so far Lv. 1 10  Dream Shards ×100
Lv. 2 50  Dream Shards ×400
Lv. 3 110  Dream Shards ×900
Lv. 4 210  Dream Shards ×2,200
Lv. 5 340  Dream Shards ×3,900
Lv. 6 490  Dream Shards ×6,900
Lv. 7 680  Dream Shards ×12,000
Lv. 8 900  Dream Shards ×21,000
Lv. 9 1,200  Dream Shards ×37,000
Lv. 10 1,500  Dream Shards ×63,000
Berries Given / No. of Favorite Berries Fed How many favorite Berries you've given Snorlax Lv. 1 160  Dream Shards ×100
Lv. 2 800  Dream Shards ×400
Lv. 3 1,400  Dream Shards ×900
Lv. 4 2,300  Dream Shards ×2,200
Lv. 5 3,300  Dream Shards ×3,900
Lv. 6 4,500  Dream Shards ×6,900
Lv. 7 5,800  Dream Shards ×12,000
Lv. 8 7,200  Dream Shards ×21,000
Lv. 9 8,700  Dream Shards ×37,000
Lv. 10 10,300  Dream Shards ×63,000
Times Cooked / Times You've Cooked How many times you've made something for Snorlax Lv. 1 20  Dream Shards ×100
Lv. 2 100  Dream Shards ×400
Lv. 3 220  Dream Shards ×900
Lv. 4 410  Dream Shards ×2,200
Lv. 5 630  Dream Shards ×3,900
Lv. 6 900  Dream Shards ×6,900
Lv. 7 1,200  Dream Shards ×12,000
Lv. 8 1,600  Dream Shards ×21,000
Lv. 9 2,100  Dream Shards ×37,000
Lv. 10 2,600  Dream Shards ×63,000
Main Skills Used How many times helper Pokémon have used main skills Lv. 1 30  Recovery Incense ×1
Lv. 2 290  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 3 660  Recovery Incense ×1
Lv. 4 1,280  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 5 2,030  Recovery Incense ×1
Lv. 6 2,960  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 7 4,100  Recovery Incense ×1
Lv. 8 5,500  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 9 7,000  Recovery Incense ×1
Lv. 10 9,000  Diamonds ×20
Candies Used / Number of Candies Used How many candies you've used to level up Pokémon Lv. 1 160  Ingredient Ticket S ×1
Lv. 2 1,030  Ingredient Ticket S ×1
Lv. 3 2,310  Ingredient Ticket S ×1
Lv. 4 4,600  Ingredient Ticket S ×1
Lv. 5 7,500  Ingredient Ticket S ×2
Lv. 6 11,000  Ingredient Ticket S ×2
Lv. 7 15,000  Ingredient Ticket S ×2
Lv. 8 21,000  Ingredient Ticket M ×1
Lv. 9 27,000  Ingredient Ticket M ×1
Lv. 10 34,000  Ingredient Ticket M ×1
No. Evolved / No. of Pokémon Evolved How many times you've evolved befriended Pokémon Lv. 1 3  Dream Shards ×100
Lv. 2 21  Dream Shards ×400
Lv. 3 46  Dream Shards ×900
Lv. 4 90  Dream Shards ×2,200
Lv. 5 150  Dream Shards ×3,900
Lv. 6 220  Dream Shards ×6,900
Lv. 7 300  Dream Shards ×12,000
Lv. 8 420  Dream Shards ×21,000
Lv. 9 540  Dream Shards ×37,000
Lv. 10 680  Dream Shards ×63,000
Incenses Used / Number of Incenses Used How many incenses you've used in your sleep research Lv. 1 6  Energy Pillow ×1
Lv. 2 30  Helper Whistle ×1
Lv. 3 70  Energy Pillow ×1
Lv. 4 140  Linking Cord ×1
Lv. 5 210  Helper Whistle ×1
Lv. 6 300  Dream Cluster M ×1
Lv. 7 410  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Lv. 8 540  Dream Cluster M ×1
Lv. 9 690  Handy Candy M ×1
Lv. 10 850  Main Skill Seed ×1
Bedtimes Met / Times You Stuck to Bedtime Times you've gone to bed on time and gotten a stamp Lv. 1 5  Dream Shards ×100
Lv. 2 29  Dream Shards ×400
Lv. 3 60  Dream Shards ×900
Lv. 4 120  Dream Shards ×2,200
Lv. 5 180  Dream Shards ×3,900
Lv. 6 260  Dream Shards ×6,900
Lv. 7 350  Dream Shards ×12,000
Lv. 8 460  Dream Shards ×21,000
Lv. 9 580  Dream Shards ×37,000
Lv. 10 720  Dream Shards ×63,000
Time Slept / Total Time You've Slept Total amount of sleep time you've logged Lv. 1 55 hours  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 2 250 hours  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 3 527 hours  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 4 1,027 hours  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 5 1,583 hours  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 6 2,250 hours  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 7 3,083 hours  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 8 4,055 hours  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 5,138 hours  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 10 6,388 hours  Diamonds ×25
Sleep Score 80 / Sleep Scores of 80 or Above Times you've gotten a sleep score of 80 or higher Lv. 1 6  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 2 30  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 3 60  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 4 120  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 5 180  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 6 260  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 7 350  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 8 460  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 580  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 10 720  Diamonds ×25
Steady Bedtime / Consistent Bedtimes Went to bed within 30 min. of the previous day's bedtime Lv. 1 6 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 2 30 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 3 50 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 4 100 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 5 160 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 6 230 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 7 310 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 8 400 times  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 510 times  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 10 640 times  Diamonds ×25
Steady Wake-Up / Consistent Wake-Up Times Got up within 30 min. of when you woke up the previous day Lv. 1 6 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 2 30 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 3 50 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 4 100 times  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 5 160 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 6 230 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 7 310 times  Diamonds ×15
Lv. 8 400 times  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 510 times  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 10 640 times  Diamonds ×25
Level Ups / Pokémon Leveled Up Raised 10 Pokémon to a specified level Lv. 1 5  Ice Stone ×1
Lv. 2 10  Main Skill Seed ×1
Lv. 3 15  Linking Cord ×1
Lv. 4 20  Handy Candy M ×1
Lv. 5 25  Fire Stone ×1
Lv. 6 30  Main Skill Seed ×1
Lv. 7 35  Water Stone ×1
Lv. 8 40  Handy Candy M ×1
Lv. 9 45  Thunder Stone ×1
Lv. 10 50  Main Skill Seed ×1
Team RP Did sleep research with your team's RP at a certain level Lv. 1 1,900 or greater  Leaf Stone ×1
Lv. 2 3,200 or greater  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Lv. 3 4,700 or greater  Moon Stone ×1
Lv. 4 7,500 or greater  Handy Candy M ×1
Lv. 5 11,400 or greater  Shiny Stone ×1
Lv. 6 17,000 or greater  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Lv. 7 25,000 or greater  Linking Cord ×1
Lv. 8 34,000 or greater  Handy Candy M ×1
Lv. 9 46,000 or greater  King's Rock ×1
Lv. 10 63,000 or greater  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Greengrass Isle Snorlax rating you've reached on Greengrass Isle Lv. 1 Basic 3  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 2 Great 1  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 3 Great 4  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 4 Ultra 1  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 Ultra 4  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 6 Master 1  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 7 Master 5  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 8 Master 10  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 Master 15  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 10 Master 20  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Cyan Beach Snorlax rating you've reached at Cyan Beach Lv. 1 Basic 3  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 2 Great 1  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 3 Great 4  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 4 Ultra 1  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 Ultra 4  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 6 Master 1  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 7 Master 5  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 8 Master 10  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 Master 15  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 10 Master 20  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Taupe Hollow Snorlax rating you've reached at Taupe Hollow Lv. 1 Basic 3  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 2 Great 1  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 3 Great 4  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 4 Ultra 1  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 Ultra 4  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 6 Master 1  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 7 Master 5  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 8 Master 10  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 Master 15  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 10 Master 20  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Snowdrop Tundra Snorlax rating you've reached in Snowdrop Tundra Lv. 1 Basic 3  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 2 Great 1  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 3 Great 4  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 4 Ultra 1  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 Ultra 4  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 6 Master 1  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 7 Master 5  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 8 Master 10  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 Master 15  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 10 Master 20  Sub Skill Seed ×1
Lapis Lakeside Snorlax rating you've reached at Lapis Lakeside Lv. 1 Basic 3  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 2 Great 1  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 3 Great 4  Dream Cluster S ×1
Lv. 4 Ultra 1  Handy Candy S ×1
Lv. 5 Ultra 4  Poké Biscuit ×1
Lv. 6 Master 1  Diamonds ×10
Lv. 7 Master 5  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 8 Master 10  Diamonds ×20
Lv. 9 Master 15  Handy Candy S ×2
Lv. 10 Master 20  Main Skill Seed ×1
  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.