Synopsis of original version
Ash and Pikachu are sitting on a field at dusk, sleeping. First, Ash wakes up, next Pikachu, who rocks itself a little bit. Ash pets the Pokémon softly, before it jumps onto his knees. Then, Ash takes a floating seed of a dandelion, looks at it and releases it into the wind again, while Pikachu watches everything, quite touched. Afterwards, the two hug each other.
Synopsis of alternate version
Ash and Pikachu are walking beside a body of water. The left of the screen shows Ash and his Pokémon. Pikachu jumps onto Ash and Ash places his hat on Pikachu. Pikachu smiles.
May joins Ash and Pikachu walking along a river. The left of the screen shows May looking crestfallen. Her Pokémon come around her. May wipes a tear and laughs.
Brock and Max join Ash, Pikachu and May walking along a river. The left of the screen shows Max, Brock and Brock's Pokémon cooking soup. Brock uses a ladle to take a sip of the soup.
The left scene changes to show Team Rocket and their Pokémon on top of a rock.