
Welcome to Bulbapedia, DialgaPrimeX!

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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Mr. Charlie(TalkToMe) 01:10, 13 September 2009 (UTC)  


Please sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~) so that everyone knows who put the comment there. Thanks! ----Dark ICE (User:Cold)(page, talk) 16:30, 13 September 2009 (UTC)


I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. You may not be aware of this, but Bulbapedia has a Userspace policy that asks users to try and minimize the number of userspace edits they make in a short period of time. Instead of making multiple edits, why not use the Preview button (Alt + Shift + P) located right next to the edit button to look at your page and see how it is coming? That way, your page can look great while staying within the required amount of edits. Instead of editing the userspace, as a wiki, we encourage users to edit the mainspace. So, if you edit the mainspace more often, you will be allowed to edit the userspace more. Thanks! --ZestyCactus 01:04, 15 September 2009 (UTC)

Hmmmm in the last line "Help out" maybe i should just leave my userpage alone and edit pokemon location or trainer pokemon.... DialgaPrimeX 01:15, 15 September 2009 (UTC)DialgaPrimeX

You're welcome to edit the userspace once in a while, just maybe no more than three times a day. (we're also more forgiving the more you help out) These articles could all use some help if you're stuck on where to get started. :) ZestyCactus 01:59, 15 September 2009 (UTC)

The Azure flute hmmm i might have hacked the game to get that item but i am not wuite sure how do i put in the desription on the data.... DialgaPrimeX 02:01, 15 September 2009 (UTC)DialgaPrimeX