
Welcome to Bulbapedia! Here is a guide that will tell you what Bulbapedia is and its goals. For basic editing tips, see Help:Editing. PLEASE also read the grand Bulbapedia:Manual of Style! Also, if you want to link to something, go: [[whatever you want to link to]]. You can also go [[whatever you want to link to|text you want the link to say]]. If you want to have templates appear on a page, go {{Template Name}}. PLEASE use Shortlinks; you can find a complete list of shortcut links at Bulbapedia:Shortlinks. Oh, and Pokémon is spelled with a capital P and with an é, NOT a regular e. And in case you see vandalism, immediately notify one of the admins and also undo the vandal's edits.

If you need anything, just say so on my talk page! This is an automatic message written by: --Theryguy512
Oh, and STOP adding that thing into the trivia section in Dialga (Pokémon)! --Theryguy512 02:24, 4 January 2008 (UTC)

Okay put it here.PokeManiac102 02:25, 4 January 2008 (UTC)