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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Deathgabriel 11:00, 21 March 2009 (UTC)  


Pokémon is spelt with an accented e. This is found on the character palette below the editbox. This also applies to anything with "Poké" in it, eg. Poké Ball, Pokédex, Pokérus, and Pokéflute.--freezingCOLD (page, talk) 20:26, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Link Templates

Please use link templates when linking to stuff such as Pokémon names, attacks, and the like. For example, {{m|Ice Punch}} instead of just [[Ice Punch]]. This is so you don't unintentionally link to a disambiguation page.

For a full crash course on link templates, look at the list of link templates.

However, lazy usage of link templates is highly discouraged. {{g}} is to be used only for linking to video games and nothing else. {{g|Colosseum}} good. {{g|cloning}} bad. Please don't use link templates for anything other than its intended purpose. --Shiningpikablu252 17:09, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

European Winter 2011 Celebi

Hey, I noticed your edit today for the English Gen 4 event list. Where are you getting the information that 01211 European Winter 2011 Celebi has the OT of GAMESTP? You may be getting confused with the unreleased Celebi with TID 02271. The ID 01211 English Winter 2011 Celebis that I have show the OT WIN2011. Can you show me why the OT for 01211 is GAMESTP? - unsigned comment from ICanSnake (talkcontribs)


When posting on a talk page, please remember to sign your comments, if you've forgotten to sign, please don't go back and re-sign as it results in an incorrect timestamp--BigDocFan, Junior Admin Bulbapedia (talk) 12:59, 25 January 2024 (UTC)