Talk:Ho-Oh (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 10:29, 1 April 2005 by Ferret (talk | contribs)

So the name IS Ho-oh?

Anybody got a screenshot to lay it down one way or another? Evkl 19:48, 24 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Evkl, the name is Ho-Oh. Check it out here:

It also says that name in the Nintendo Power Pokémon Colosseum strategy guide, the Pokémon Official Pokédex book, Prima's strategy guide, The name *IS* Ho-Oh.


All online refrences I've seen put a lowercase O. The games are utterly inconclusive, being in all caps... Evkl 20:27, 24 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Ditto to that. surskitty

Don't forget the NP FireRed/LeafGreen guide and a poster from a fairly recent issue of Nintendo Power, which both use an uppercase "O". However, older official material, such as the NP Pokémon Crystal guide, say "Ho-oh", so I guess NOA changed its mind as some point. Right now I'm *considering* moving the article and updating all related pages to reflect this. Woopert 20:41, 24 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Uhh run that past Evkl first. I also got a screenshot confirmation that it is Ho-Oh. It was from the anime. The episode title screen and it says "For Ho-Oh, the Bell Tolls". It's also Ho-Oh in the Prima guide with the (TM) at the top. IIt's officially confirmed as Ho-Oh.


Chris has shown me a screencap which includes a capital O, which is the closest to a canon source I've been able to find up until now. So I'm leaning towards Ho-Oh. Evkl 20:53, 24 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Note by evkl: The Prima guide is NOT Canon.

Despite what I've said on AIM about its spelling, [shows it as "Ho-oh"] whereas I thought it listed otherwise. --Meowth346 00:09, 25 Feb 2005 (UTC)

And to add the anime episode title, there's the GBA Video's page for [the episode] which uses "Ho-Oh" as said above. --Meowth346 04:22, 25 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Ho-Oh in the anime

We know that Ho-Oh was the first Pokémon seen in the animé, in the first episode. This always led me to believe that Ho-Oh was infact invented by the animé creators, when making the sequals, they attempted to cash in on it by making it a proper Pokémon. (Highly similar to the release of Yellow infact) I also always thought that Marill was also created the same way, by the animé guys and then used in the games. (Although the showing of Marill and release of G/S are not half as far apart as the Ho-Oh appearance.) Anyway, I was wondering if there is any evidence at all to suggest Ho-Oh was made by the animé guys? And if maybe this is worth mentioning in the article, I always thought it was fishy at least. - Ferret 10:29, 1 Apr 2005 (UTC)

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