Plain Catalogue

Players gain access to the Plain Catalogue (Japanese: ふつうのカタログ Plain Catalogue) upon first accessing the Dream World, which they can use to buy Décor. The Treasure Chest, Friend Board, Cozy Cottage, Watering Can, and Share Shelf are already unlocked upon arrival.

Plain Catalogue

The Design Table, Design Stool, Flower Vase, Cuddle Rug, and Wall Poster cannot be bought despite having Berry prices listed once unlocked; instead, they are unlocked by talking to Loblolly in Nacrene City. Players may choose one of the five items each day. They do not appear in the catalogue until they are unlocked.

Prior to the June 20, 2012 update, the Porygon2 Doll and Victini Doll were part of this catalogue.


English Name Plain Table
Japanese Name ふつうのつくえ Plain Desk
Additional Information None
 Price   × 10 

English Name Huge Table
Japanese Name とくだいづくえ Huge Desk
Additional Information None
 Price   × 15   × 15 

English Name Design Table
Japanese Name ポケモンつくえ Pokémon Desk
Additional Information Unlocked in Nacrene City
 Price Free

English Name Tiny Table
Japanese Name おこさまづくえ Child's Desk
Additional Information None
 Price   × 8 

English Name Plain Chair
Japanese Name ふつうのいす Plain Chair
Additional Information None
 Price   × 5 

English Name Huge Chair
Japanese Name とくだいのいす Huge Chair
Additional Information None
 Price   × 10   × 10 

English Name Design Stool
Japanese Name ポケモンいす Pokémon Chair
Additional Information Unlocked in Nacrene City
 Price Free

English Name Plain Sofa
Japanese Name ふつうのソファー Plain Sofa
Additional Information None
 Price   × 45   × 45 

English Name Plain Bed
Japanese Name ふつうのベッド Plain Bed
Additional Information None
 Price   × 20   × 40   × 40

English Name Plain Shelf
Japanese Name ふつうのほんだな Plain Bookshelf
Additional Information None
 Price   × 10   × 15 

English Name Flower Vase
Japanese Name カラフルなうえき Colorful Pot Plant
Additional Information Unlocked in Nacrene City
 Price Free

English Name Spiky Plant
Japanese Name とがったはっぱ Spiky Plant
Additional Information None
 Price   × 100   × 100 

English Name Leafy Plant
Japanese Name しげったはっぱ Thick Plant
Additional Information None
 Price   × 65   × 65 

English Name Bolt Rug
Japanese Name かみなりマット Thunder Mat
Additional Information None
 Price   × 35   × 35   × 35

English Name Cuddle Rug
Japanese Name メロメロマット Attract Mat
Additional Information Unlocked in Nacrene City
 Price Free

English Name Wall Poster
Japanese Name ボールポスター Ball Poster
Additional Information Unlocked in Nacrene City
 Price Free

English Name Soft Pillow
Japanese Name ボールクッション Ball Cushion
Additional Information None
 Price   × 15 

English Name Round Window
Japanese Name ふつうのまど Plain Window
Additional Information None
 Price   × 10   × 15 

English Name Arch Window
Japanese Name ウッディーなまど Wooden Window
Additional Information None
 Price   × 40   × 40 

English Name Light Window
Japanese Name モダンなまど Modern Window
Additional Information None
 Price   × 50   × 50 

English Name Treasure Chest
Japanese Name たからばこ Treasure Chest
Additional Information None
 Price Free

English Name Friend Board
Japanese Name なかよしボード Friend Board
Additional Information None
 Price Free

English Name Cozy Cottage
Japanese Name 赤い屋根の家 Red-roofed House
Additional Information None
 Price Free

English Name Log Cabin
Japanese Name ウッディーないえ Wooden House
Additional Information None
 Price   × 150   × 150   × 150

English Name Modern House
Japanese Name モダンないえ Modern House
Additional Information None
 Price   × 220   × 220   × 220

English Name Watering Can
Japanese Name ふつうのじょうろ Plain Watering Can
Additional Information None
 Price Free

English Name Share Shelf
Japanese Name おすそわけだな Share Shelf
Additional Information None
 Price Free


The Plain Catalogue has been expanded quite a few times to add many kinds of Décor. Normally, they are added within a few hours after the announced date and time they would be available, unlike other Dream World additions.

The Elegant Bed, Low Bookcase, Chic Cushion, Elegant Lamp, Chic Bolster, Elegant Sofa, and Manor House were released on September 28, 2011 alongside the Spooky Manor to all languages of the Pokémon Global Link. The Rocket House, Space Window, Starry Mat, and Telescope were released on November 16, 2011 alongside the Rugged Mountain to all languages of the Pokémon Global Link. The Phonograph, Soap and Shampoo, Flower Bath Mat, House Plant, Poké Ball Rug, Basket, Bathtub, Shower Stand, Tree House, and Tropical Hut were released on June 20, 2012 to all languages of the Pokémon Global Link. The DJ Booth, Juice Bar, Mirror Ball, Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 were released on August 7, 2012 to all languages of the Pokémon Global Link. The Gothic Table, Gothic Window, Gothic Floor Lamp, Gothic Dresser, Great Ball Rug and Gingerbread house were released on October 10, 2012 to all languages of the Pokémon Global Link.

English Name Elegant Sofa
Japanese Name ようふうソファー Western Sofa
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 45   × 45 

English Name Elegant Bed
Japanese Name ようふうベッド Western Bed
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 20   × 40   × 40

English Name Low Bookcase
Japanese Name ようふうなたな Western Bookshelf
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 15   × 20 

English Name Chic Cushion
Japanese Name ようふうクッション Western Cushion
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 20 

English Name Chic Bolster
Japanese Name たてながクッション Oblong Cushion
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 20 

English Name Elegant Lamp
Japanese Name シェード Shade
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 10 

English Name Manor House
Japanese Name ようふうな家 Western House
Additional Information Available by default from September 28, 2011 onward
 Price   × 250   × 250   × 250

English Name Rocket House
Japanese Name ロケットの家 Rocket House
Additional Information Available by default from November 16, 2011 onward
 Price   × 270   × 270   × 270

English Name Space Window
Japanese Name うちゅうのまど Space Window
Additional Information Available by default from November 16, 2011 onward
 Price   × 70   × 70 

English Name Starry Mat
Japanese Name ほしぞらマット Starry Sky Mat
Additional Information Available by default from November 16, 2011 onward
 Price   × 35   × 35   × 35

English Name Telescope
Japanese Name テレスコープ Telescope
Additional Information Available by default from November 16, 2011 onward
 Price   × 10 

English Name Rocking Chair
Japanese Name ロッキングチェア Rocking Chair
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 40   × 40 

English Name Phonograph
Japanese Name ちくおんき Gramophone
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 40   × 20 

English Name Soap and Shampoo
Japanese Name シャンプーとリンス Soap and Rinse
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 20 

English Name Flower Bath Mat
Japanese Name はなのバスマット Flower Bath Mat
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 20   × 20 

English Name House Plant
Japanese Name かんようしょくぶつ Decorative Plant
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 100   × 60 

English Name Poké Ball Rug
Japanese Name モンスターボールマット Monster Ball Rug
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 35   × 35   × 35

English Name Basket
Japanese Name バスケット Basket
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 20 

English Name Bathtub
Japanese Name バスタブ Bathtub
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 80   × 60 

English Name Shower Stand
Japanese Name シャワーデッキ Shower Deck
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 40   × 20 

English Name Tree House
Japanese Name 森のかくれ家 Forest Refuge
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 300   × 300   × 300

English Name Tropical Hut
Japanese Name リゾートな家 Resort House
Additional Information Available by default from June 20, 2012 onward
 Price   × 300   × 300   × 300

English Name DJ Booth
Japanese Name DJブース DJ Booth
Additional Information Available by default from August 7, 2012
 Price   × 40   × 10   × 10

English Name Juice Bar
Japanese Name カウンター Counter
Additional Information Available by default from August 7, 2012
 Price   × 40   × 10 

English Name Mirror Ball
Japanese Name ミラーボール Mirror Ball
Additional Information Available by default from August 7, 2012
 Price   × 20   × 10 

English Name Speaker 1
Japanese Name スピーカー1 Speaker 1
Additional Information Available by default from August 7, 2012
 Price   × 15   × 10 

English Name Speaker 2
Japanese Name スピーカー2 Speaker 2
Additional Information Available by default from August 7, 2012
 Price   × 15   × 10 

English Name Gothic Window
Japanese Name ゴシックなまど Gothic Window
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 70   × 70 

English Name Gothic Table
Japanese Name ゴシックなテーブル Gothic Table
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 40   × 30 

English Name Gothic Dresser
Japanese Name ゴシックなドレッサー Gothic Dresser
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 40   × 40 

English Name Gothic Floor Lamp
Japanese Name ゴシックスタンドライト Gothic Stand Light
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 30 

English Name Great Ball Rug
Japanese Name スーパーボールマット Super Ball Mat
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 35   × 35   × 35

English Name Gingerbread House
Japanese Name スイーツな家 Sweet House
Additional Information Available by default from October 10, 2012
 Price   × 300   × 300   × 300

English Name Ultra Ball Rug
Japanese Name ハイパーボールマット Hyper Ball Mat
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 35   × 35   × 35

English Name Heated Table
Japanese Name こたつ Heated Table
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 40   × 40 

English Name Stepped Bookcase
Japanese Name かいだんたんす Stepped Wardrobe
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 15   × 20 

English Name Bonsai Plant
Japanese Name ぼんさい Bonsai
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 80   × 80 

English Name Wall Scroll
Japanese Name かけじく Hanging Scroll
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 10 

English Name Grass Fan
Japanese Name おうぎ(くさ) Fan (Grass)
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 20 

English Name Fire Fan
Japanese Name おうぎ(ほのお) Fan (Flame)
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 20 

English Name Water Fan
Japanese Name おうぎ(みず) Fan (Water)
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 20 

English Name Castle Keep
Japanese Name てんしゅかく Castle Tower
Additional Information Available by default from December 4, 2012
 Price   × 350   × 350   × 350

English Name Substitute Doll
Japanese Name みがわりにんぎょう Scapegoat Doll
Additional Information Available by default from February 5, 2013
 Price   × 200 

Promotion only

  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: English names

Promotion-exclusive Décor were added in this catalogue. From September 28 to October 31, 2011—beginning the same day the Spooky Manor and several other items of Décor were released in all languages—the Museum Mat and Party Painting were available to Japanese players, requiring the password 「ハロウィン」 Halloween.

Prior to the June 20, 2012 update, the Porygon2 Doll and Victini Doll were part of this catalogue.

English Name ???
Japanese Name パーティーのえ Party Painting
Additional Information Available via a promotion from September 28 to October 31, 2011
 Price Free

English Name ???
Japanese Name ミュージアムマット Museum Mat
Additional Information Available via a promotion from September 28 to October 31, 2011
 Price Free

See also

  This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.