Card types

Revision as of 22:51, 7 May 2005 by Coppro (talk | contribs) (just saw it)

In the Pokémon TCG, there are three types of cards players can use to build their decks with; "Pokémon", "Trainers" and "Energy".

  • Pokémon cards are the creatues you use to do battle with. Each Pokémon card has some combination of attacks and "Pokémon Power", these are used to either disrupt your opponent or give you the winning edge.
  • Trainer cards generally have a one time effect and are then discarded.
  • Energy cards is the "fuel" necessary for your Pokémon to attack. If your Pokémon has no Energy cards attached to it, it cannot attack!

Each of these cards themselves have their own subtypes as well.

  • Pokémon cards include both "Basic" and "Evolution" Pokémon.
  • Trainer cards include regular trainer cards, "Stadium" cards, "Poké Tool" cards, "Technical Machine" cards, and others
  • Energy cards include Basic and Special Energy cards.