Welcome to Prongs' userpage

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000 Way to go dudes

Message from the Editor

Hello all of you there I am Prongs. As you may have noticed that many new things are on on this glorious website but as I say this someone may be thinking of ways to terrorize is this site. We as honourable members of Bulbapedia should be ready for this and so I hereby launch Bulbapedia Security Force (BSF) With myself as the sole member. We will hang around Recent Changes and fight against evil. Here we come!


Did you know...

  • That Puru never got less than 90% in his exams.
  • That Puru has never edited his userpage without getting a note from an admin.
  • That Puru has never made any useful edit in the Main Space


Prongs was born in 1996 ,the year in which Pokémon was released. He joined Bulbapedia on 22nd Feb of 2009.