Lucadan is a relatively new user to Bulbapedia, who is currently editing articles for fun. He is newly involved in Project COD and in Project CharacterDex, and is willing to help with any old stuff that needs doing.

Oh, and for future reference, Lucadan is a portmanteau of Lucas and Brendan, and a rather shabby one at that. :P

Favourite Pokémon

Snorlax - I cannot begin to tell you of the total legend that is SNORLAX. A big teddy bear that just eats, sleeps, and pwns. And looks so darn KEWT doing it!!!

Politoed - Nothing compares to this awesome little cheerleader. The most awesome Pokémon in the anime award goes to Misty's Politoed every time in my book.

Sudowoodo - Another favourite of mine. I kicked myself when I bought Diamond, then finding out this awesome pseudo-wood was Pearl-exclusive. :P

Charizard - for obvious nostalgic reasons.