Talk:Generation III

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Revision as of 19:10, 7 December 2008 by Gastlys mama (talk | contribs)

New environments can be explored: Underwater, Desert, Mountain and Jungle. - Jungle? Where is there jungle? Are you talking the really tall grass? I wouldn't call that jungle at all. And mountain is hardly anything new either. - Ferret 02:40, 21 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Well, that is what Route 119 area seems to be. I mean what else can it be? It rains all the time there too. It could also be a rain forest. And I meant climbing the mountain.


Indeed. I remember mountains in Gen I and Gen II - but you always had to go through them or under them. Gen III has quite a few that you can go over. Mt. Ember, Mt. Chimney, Pyre, etc. etc.

Mt. Moon and Mt. Silver - you had to tunnel under things.

Hmmm. Okay, I'll give you the mountains, but I still think it could do with a slight word-change. Although I still don't agree with the jungle part. It's just really tall grass, it's not a crazy thought you know. And I know Pokémon is often random with climate placement, but to just stick a rainforest there seems way too random for me. - Ferret 03:05, 21 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Also, are Channel and Box not Generation III games? I know they don't really feature proper gameplay, but they are released during generation 3. And they have the right Pokémon.... - Ferret 03:07, 21 Feb 2005 (UTC)


We decided only games that involved at least the basics of pokémon (ie, battling, trainers, etc) would be considered for generations. Games like Snap, Hey You Pikachu, Channel, etc are not considered in the Generations.

-Damian Silverblade

New Pokemon

This article claims that 134 new pokemon were introduced, bringing the new total to 386. Now I'm sure there were 251 pokemon in Generation II, so surely this means there were 135 new pokemon?

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