User talk:DCM/Archive 2

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Some of you may have noticed that my activity here has been somewhat subdued recently.Well, I have done some thinking, nad I have decided that the basic human rights of Liberty and Property have been violated on this site.i have teh privilge of having a user page while others do not.Although I understand that the server can not handle the stress we are putting on it, I disagree with the choice to delete anything non-bulbapedian on the talk pages, even when u block the User pages.Ur are taking away our freedom of expression, a liberty. Our user pages are Pseudo-property, just like a myspace or a facebook would be. By blocking this, u r blocking our "property". In addition to that, there is no social contract on this appears to be wat an admin says is law, and regular users have no way to get there point across. Although my particapation on this site will not be completely terminated, it will be subdued.If you wish to speak to the real DCM, go to the gym site: . Its a much more open atmoshere. As a closing statement, i say good luck to all the users to thick to know when to bail ship.Emperor's Cookies 02:56, 5 July 2008 (UTC)

Here Here!!! Guardian of Earth 08:44, 5 July 2008 (UTC)

User page

I've gotten permission to edit my own user page but it never comes up...--Kakashi hatake34 10:06, 5 July 2008 (UTC)

what!?!?!??!?! Lord of Origami 10:12, 5 July 2008 (UTC)
No, you get a permission error

Can't help but say it...

But that was hilarious. TTEchidna 21:13, 6 July 2008 (UTC)

Oh well.I dont care.Its true, and I felt like making a speech

See a user makes a valid point against them and admins just go and mock it hoping it will go away, and TTE is usually cool.Guardian of Earth 16:14, 8 July 2008 (UTC)

TTE is cool. Some users have a tendency to act like babies and cry when they don't get their way. But, that is a fact of life that won't change anytime soon. ~$aturn¥oshi THE VOICES 16:25, 8 July 2008 (UTC)

I agree that TTE is cool (I rather enjoy his anime teams thing..) but DCM wasn't acting like a baby, he was just speaking his opinion. It's called Freedom of Speech. Garrison12795

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