User:Solemn Mac/MastersMove

Move name
Move gauge slot icon.png
MP X / X
Type ??? NormalIC Masters.png
Category Unknown StatusIC Masters.png
Move level
1 2 3 4 5
Accuracy  100%
Target  An opponent
Effect tag  —
Activation Condition
Deactivation Condition
Additional effects
No additional effect.
Hidden details
Playable users Notes
VSScottie Masters.pngVSBettie Masters.pngMastersIcon255.png
Scottie/Bettie & Torchic


|damagecategory=<If this is a move clone, keep this empty; default: 'Unknown'>
|mgcost=<default: '1'; the number of move-gauge slots that the move uses, or its move-gauge cost.>
|MP=<default: '0'>
|buddymove=<default: '0'; set to '1' for buddy moves.>
|basepower=<if status move, keep this empty; default: '—'>
|moveclone=<default: '0'; set to '1' for for second instances of moves onward (e.g., the multiple versions of Rock Slide); buddy moves are never move clones for the purposes of this template.>
|modified=<default: '0'; set to '1' for instances of any move that has its type or move-gauge cost changed.>
|modifiedpower=<default: '0'; set to '1' for instances of any move that has its displayed power changed due to passive skills like Hit the Gas.>
|skillname=<only fill for instances of any move that has its type or move-gauge cost changed.>
|skilldesc=<only fill to describe each skill that changes any move's type and/or move-gauge cost.>
|clonedcost=<default: '0'; set to '1' for second instances of moves onward with move-gauge costs that match the first instance's (e.g., the multiple versions of Giga Impact); buddy moves should never have cloned costs.>
|clonedtype=<default: '0'; set to '1' for second instances of moves onward with types that match the first instance's (e.g., move clones influenced by passive skills like Fuel Economy); buddy moves should never have cloned types.>
|tag=<default: '—'>
|tag2=<only fill if applicable>
|accuracy=<default: '100'; adds "%" symbol to the end on its own; automatically defaults to '—' if tag or tag2 is 'Sure Hit.'>
|target=<name of target type (i.e. An opponent, Self); default: 'An opponent'>
|activation=<only fill if applicable>
|deactivation=<only fill if applicable>
|addeffect=<default: 'No additional effect.'>
|inaccessible=<default: '0'; set to '1' for moves that only exist on opponents, are only accessible through moves like Metronome, or are just in the game's code (e.g., Swagger, Normal-type Hyper Beam, Fissure, and Steel Wing).>
|hiddendetails=<fill this if the move's damage calculation (e.g., that of Fury Cutter, Eruption, or Stored Power) and/or other additional effect(s) (e.g., All moves that can hit users of Fly while they are flying) need(s) further explanation.>
|notes=<default: '0'; set to '1' if any notes will be in the table of the move's playable users; exclude notes about additional effect's/effects' wording; please use a bulleted list to separate multiple notes of single sync pairs.>