Template:Main Page/Message from the Editor

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Revision as of 06:25, 21 March 2016 by Kogoro (talk | contribs) (A retirement, and a promotion!)
March 21 043

It is with heavy hearts that we're announcing the retirement of Kenji-girl as Bulbapedia's Head of Anime. Kenji-girl served as our Head of Anime since December 2011, and worked countless hours to shape our anime section to what it is today. While we will miss Kenji-girl's presence on the Editorial Board, we are very glad that she will be remaining on staff as a Bureaucrat, and she will still be working closely with the Editorial Board to continue improving Bulbapedia.

As the anime section is one of Bulbapedia most active sections, we're happy to announce that a successor to the position has already been chosen. Taking over as our Head of Anime is someone who has been on staff for almost four years now, and has been working on anime-related concerns not only on Bulbapedia, but also the Bulbagarden Forums. Bulbapedia's new Head of Anime is none other than Pokemaster97, congratulations!

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