Mew (anime)

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Two Mews, (or possibly the same one), have had very vital appearances in two different movies, as well as an anniversary sepcial. The first major movie appearance was in the first ever feature-length movie, Mewtwo vs. Mew.

In this movie, Mew made a couple cameo appearances at the start of the before any major ones. A Mewtwo was cloned from Mew's DNA, a tiny bone looking slightly like a feather. Later, Mew started appearing around New Island while Mewtwo was testing his starter Pokemon clones. Mew followed Team Rocket into the main part of the island so it could stop Mewtwo from technically destroying the world. When Mewtwo's other new clones appeared, Mew came with them, however, it did not actually reappear until just a bit later. When it did appear, it got into a battle with Mewtwo. It was actually, however, trying to stop it's cloned form the whole time and was apparently only fighting to keep Mewtwo from destroying it. After Ash was killed and revived, and Mewtwo flew away with all it's clones, Mew went with them. In about the last minute of the movie, Mew appeared to Ash, but Brock and Misty never saw it.

In the eighth movie, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, Mew first appeared unknowingly to the viewers, as a Tailow, landing on the castle and transforming into a Treecko. While Ash, May, Brock and Max were getting dressed for the festival, Mew, still as a Treecko appeared to Ash's Pikachu, transforming yet again into a Pichu. Later, while the Pokemon tournament was going on, Mew joined Queen Eileen's Mime Jr. as another Mime Jr. Queen Eileen's maid was surprised to see Mew change from a Mime Jr. to an Aipom. While the ball was going on, Mew, still as an Aipom was shown to be playing with Ash's Pikachu, seeing this, Ash released all his other Pokemon to join the fun, this was followed by May. A bit later Mew showed all the Pokemon an unused attic with many toys. After that, Mew transformed into a Pikachu and started dancing Ash's. When Meowth fell through the window, Mew transformed into it's real form for the first time. When Kid's two Weaviles tried to get Mew, it turned into a Meowth for a short time. When Max peered through the window, Mew transformed to it's real form, seeing the the Meowth scheme had not worked. When teleported it, Meowth and Ash's Pikachu to the top of a tower, it chahged into a Pidgeot and flew them to the Tree of Beginning. Mew then appeared in ocassional cutscenes trying to cheer up Ash's Pikachu with toys, then followed it to look for Ash. Mew nearly sacrificed itself to save Ash, Kid, May, Max, Brock, Jessie and James. Lucario saved it, and the tree, but ended up dying.